Ch. 82 Mixture of Love & Discipline

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"He's alive."

Adan's alive! Wrinkling my mouth my tears began to fall as I started crying in happiness and guilt. 

While I was crying pitifully, grandpa Liam gave me a soft smile, passed over a clean cloth to my soaked hands, and stood to the side as if waiting for someone. A few minutes after he chose a comfortable corner, two blurry figures came rushing towards me.  

The black and white hair male who gave out citrus scent sat to my left. The other male, who sat to my right, was sporting thin pieces of cloths covering his sandy curly bed hair. Both gently squashed me into a comfortable sandwich like hug. 

"Radu?" sniff, "Leo?" sniff sniff. With a crack to my throat, I hoarsely whisper, "I'm sooo happy that you're both okay."

Leo immediately purrs and slowly starts licking my tears away while keeping his body supremely close to me as if he was afraid I'd leave. 

Radu, on the other hand, leans and gives me a look filled with sadness. "Of course we're okay, as your males we promised each other that we wouldn't make you sad."He then kisses my forehead while brushing my hair back gently. 

Wouldn't make me sad huh? Does that mean they'll allow me to do whatever I want? Like what happened today. Crying silently, I look over Leo and now notice that he had some dry blood on the cloths placed around his head, my eyes then quickly wander over some of the purple bruises on his body. Tenderly placing my shaking hand on the side of his head, my lips start to quiver. I did this. 

Blinking my tears away, my thoughts ran over what happened yesterday. If only back then I listened to Leo and Adan. If only I didn't allow my proudness as a head female to get over my head. If I had stopped myself, then this would've never happened. Then Vick, sniff, wouldn't ever have tried to attack them... attack me. 

Noticing how my eyes started to look down with shame and guilt at my trembling clenched hands, Leo stops purring and places his rough hand over mine while Radu keeps pruning my hair. Leo then gets down on his knees in front of me and with a boyish smile he gently uncurls my hand and places it on his face. 

"Suki, this is not your fault."

It is.

Purring softly he leaned his head on my hands, "this could've happened to anyone..."

No. I started this. I made him mad.

Seeing that I wasn't believing him, Leo sighs and begins to pout cutely. "Suki, you need to know that Vick has long been unstable.."

Unstable? I've never seen him unstable. I mean, sure his scars make him look terrifying, but.. wait.. his eyes?

"... why do you think Radu and I ran away from him every time we saw him?"

 Well Radu did mention once that Vick would put them into intense training... so I thought you males were more afraid of that than him. 

Radu, who was watching the various expressions on my face, tsks. He then proceeds to curl his fluffy tail around my waist, "Suki, why do you think no other males would dare try to get close to Goldie?"

Because he's huge? Remembering being under his belly I gulp down my fears. 

Leo, noticing my eyes beginning to water again, stands up and smooches his body closer to mine. He then leans to my ear and whispers pitifully, "he's a scary Suki." But then his voice turns into a serious lecturing like tone, which is unlike him, "being a strong tetra alpha male and unstable makes all the other males turn away in fear that he would one day not care about taking their life."

Gasping, I lean back into Radu and look at the now gently smiling leopard beastmen. Leo? Taking a strand of my hair he brings it to his lips, smells it while keeping his calm yet sharp gray eyes on me. "Vick is a dangerous beastmen. Before, to you... He has always been soft. The only female who I've seen so far, besides his mother, who he has shown kindness to, or mmm his own way of kindness. But Suki, I'm sure you noticed by now what doesn't need to be said." 

Leo again shortens our distance. Softly placing his lips on mine, he gently sucks on my lower lips and follows it by gently pushing his warm tongue inside my own. Taking his wet tongue out he glosses over my lips and ends our kiss with a last tender bite on my lower lip. Slowly he moves his head to my right shoulder and voices out in a pitiful whisper, "so Suki please be careful next time."

Oh my gawd! Feeling my face immediately redden, I quickly try to hide my face on his shoulder. Behind me Radu's body trembles. Snickering he says, "gramps left long ago Suki." He then nicks my left ear and kisses the back of my neck. In a quiet teasing voice he says close to my ear, "we love you Suki, so please listen to us whenever we say or try to stop you from doing something."

Nodding my head, I again couldn' help but quietly cry. "I, I, I honestly can't promise, but I will definitely listen and uh will um follow."

After some purrs and snuggles, grandpa Liam comes back inside the tent and holding in his hand is a bowl filled with very familiar stinky herb. Clearing his throat he gruffly says, "well, looks like you're doing better Suki, time for you to go, no, um remember to place this on your bruises if you want to heal quicker."

Smiling gratefully, I nod my head at the old male, "thank you grandpa Liam."

Healer Liam scratches his nose, looks away, and again clears his throat, "well, what you waiting for bra, I mean Radu, go take your female home."

Besides me Radu smiles widely, "sure gramps!" 

Before granda Liam could correct him, both Leo and he got up and every so slowly and gently they helped me to be carried over to Radu's outstretched arms. Leaving the tent, I once again nod my head at grandpa Liam while Leo takes the bowl in his hand with a scrunched up nose. 

Once outside, I felt as if there were many stares on us. Feeling ashamed, I try to hide my face in Radu's chest. Noticing how uncomfortable I felt, Radu brought his fuzzy tail near my face which did help to block my view. Behind us, Leo lowly lets out a warning growl. With my sensitive ears, they twitch to hearing a couple of feet walking away. 

As we near the end of the village and began the path to our den, another familiar scent was smelled close by. Radu, lowering his tail away from my face allows me to now see a hagard yet tough looking male that's standing in front of us. 

With serious light brown eyes tinted with a mixture of anger and frustration he greets me coldly. "Hello female. As Vick's brother, I'm obligated to tell you that you and he will be called tomorrow when the sun rises to be heard in front of the Clear Lake Tribe's Leaders and tribesmen about what happened yesterday." Not even waiting for my nod, he leaves. 

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