Ch. 81 Take Me Back To Before...

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Trigger warning...

It felt as if everyone, every expression, everything was moving in a frustratingly slow motion. Hovering my sight away from the belly of black bear beast, I watch how slowly his mouth opens to a roar and from there how his spits flew toward my males direction.

My males. My poor males. Adan's face appears stiff yet through his steel blue eyes I sense his fright and worry. Fright towards Vick's beast display of teeth and worry of seeing my body being placed underneath the roaring beast. As his wolf beast takes a running limp toward Vick, my eyes wander to the speck of black and white hair beastmen next to him. Radu. 

His bright purple eyes that were filled with rage blinks slowly when he notices that my tearful eyes were now on him. When he opens his eyes again, emotions of anger slightly decreases to sparks of love, of a welcoming love. Seeing his warmth calms me enought to try to control my rapid breathing. Nodding his head in approval, his lips try to smile at me, as his purple eyes encourage me to move. 

Blinking my tears away, my head gives him a slight nod. As I try to move my limbs to curl towards me, I slam my mouth together to not let out a groan of pain. Unfortunately, my teeth has pierced through my lips, to which Vick, who stood the closest to me, was able to pick up on my blood. Distracted by my scent, his beast stops to growl at the incoming males and steps to the side to get a closer look. As his head gets closer to my face, I couldn't help but gasp outloud at seeing how his eyes frequently change between from his normal black color to red. Noo, it can't be.

Now noticing that the scent came from my lips, the beast curls his lips in disgust. However, before his eyes could stay onto his true color, his body is suddenly hit to the side by a dark toffee colored wolf beast. Taking this opportunity, Radu quickly runs at my side and picks me up without stopping, and instead of heading toward the trees for cover, he instead heads to the rest of the bear beastmens. As he runs toward them, I try to look over Radu's shoulders to Vick's and Adan's fight. 

Vick, who has noticed that I have been taken away, stands on his back two legs and growls furiously at the wolf beast whose ears are laying low yet his snout is ready to take a bite out of the much bigger male. 

I let out a whimper at this display for this is suicide. Adan could die! He could die! All because of me! I should've listened to him and Leo. Gasp, where's Leo... my Leo. 

Radu, who's still running further away, following along with a few other bear beastmen that surrounds us, tries to comfort me through his whispers. Yet my eyes are still on the sight of the two blurry males. My tears won't let me see, but I'm sure that the other male beastmens are now trying to take Vick down. But my wolf, I can't see him..

Running past us to their direction my nose was the first to notify me that the Bear Clan Leader and Wolf Clan Leader along with a few other strong males have arrived. Vick's father, Axel immediately morphs into his own large dark brown bear beast and roars a warning to Vick. However, through that roar my sensitive ears was able to pick out a sudden distraught whimper from Adan. Adan!

"Adan!" "ADANNN!!!!!!" I scream and try to get out of Radu's arms. Yet instead of letting me down, Radu holds me tighter.

"Suki, you're hurting yourself, stop..." he whimpers as I still try to get out of his arms. My mind hears him, yet my body is on instinct mode of wanting to save Adan.

"Let go! Let go! Pleasseee, let go!" My face scrunches up as a pitiful loud cry is let out while my ears and eyes try to pinpoint where Adan might be, but we're getting further away.

"Nooo, Radu! Go back, pleaseee! Just go back!" I cry and plead to Radu, then scream in agony and rage when he ignores my command.

Not noticing the other male, a cloth filled with an unknown scent is placed in front of my nose.

"What's this? Ge get ish fff."

------- - ------ - --------

Mmm I feel so stiff, my nose twitches to the odd scent of herbs that smells familiar, though I'm sure it's not from my den. Groaning, I try to move my hand towards my head but just by moving it, it hurts. 

"She's awake, go get.." 

Who's that? Letting out a pained breath, my eyes flutter to open. Squinting, I again try to raise my hand to my eyes and begin to rub them. As my sight clears, I get a close up of grandpa Liam's tired cloudy gray eyes. 

"Wha.." cough, cough... why is my throat so dry? It hurts. 

Grandpa Liam kindly hands a bowl of water to my lips to which my dry lips part to take a sip. Widening my eyes, I notice that my throat greedily rejoices of having moisture flowing down. Quickly gulping the water, my mind wanders over to what happened. 

After I finish, grandpa Liam passes the bowl over to Chris who then walks out of the makeshift animal hide tent. 

"Suki, how are you?"

"I'm" cough, "I'm fine?" Lifting a hand to my throat, I try to clear my throat. "No,  my throat hurts and my body.." Letting out a long trembling sigh, "hurts, it aches."

With the kindest voice I've heard coming from gramps, he responds, "yes Suki, feeling a tetra marks aura, or as some call pressure, is harsh for the body, much more a female's body."

I look at him in puzzlement, tetra?

Afterwards quick images of running through the forest, of slamming onto my knees, of being underneath a beast, of their eyes, of his cries. 


Tears fell down my cheeks as my eyes wandered like a scared animal, "where's Adan?" 

"Shhhh, little Suki" says grandpa Liam as he places his elderly hand on my cheek and with his rough thumb cleans the traces of my tears.  

"He's alive."

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Questions from my readers:

Q: Zeik is what kind of animal? 

A: Nice that a reader caught onto that. When I started writing this story, I didn't want to delve too much into characters that I knew could possibly have a rather sad ending. So the straight forward answer is that Zeik has no animal. He has no beast. 

However, if  he were to have a beast, it would most likely be a bear beast. Remember that bear beastmen are like tanks (think WOW - Worl of Warcraft). And at the time that they were attacked by ferals, he was the closest to Lucy before she was rescued and taken away. 

So here's a clue, ferals are like really strong.. why? Maybe in a future chapter you'll get the answer.      ;)

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