Ch. 30 I read, I born, I Will Survive ♪

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Ever since grandpa Liam's last class my brain has been furiously working on comparing the things I've seen, heard, and experienced to thing's I've probably known about in my past life. Could be because I'm in an eight-year-old body, my brain now has the capacity to remember things from long ago. As was seen in the other cubs faces when I asked something that I thought was so simple. 

Though for some reason I still can't remember faces nor know if I had a family. I can, however, see scene of images of the loads of books that I've read before. The most popular ones seem to have been about mates and so my brain dove into that theme. Images of dangerous and sexy vampires, werewolves, and mermaids show up. I must've read it all. But none compare to this place.

Placing a hand on my shin, I start to deeply ponder about this particular world. Glancing around, Radu is lazily napping under the sun with his tail curled around my foot. To the side I can hear the village filled with boisterous beastmens. I can even somewhat spot grandpa Liam's regular scowl some few fields away. Wait, beastmens, tails, marks, males. And few females...  

Then there's the possessiveness and the utmost care toward females. After a few minutes I ended up slapping my own forehead. How could I not have remembered! How could I not have known!! It was so obvious! I'm in this world where this asian girl shows up and meets some over power nutty beastmens! I gasp and fall on my back. 

Radu sleepily opens his eyes, glances blurrily at his little female and cuddles next to her. While going back to sleep his tail is now on top of Suki's hands. The female cub starts to pet the skunk beast furry tail while her facial expressions show a hurdle of emotions.

I, I, need to survive! That woman's males are no joke! Besides being extremely possessive, they are like yanderes. Meaning they could kill without remorse anyone who tries to hurt her physically and or emotionally. Besides that, with her identity as being able to have many cubs, she'll definitely bring trouble everywhere she steps her delicate foot in. She's a crisis bringer!

Oh my #$%^!!! 

Wait, calm down, calm down. I hold my breath and let it out slowly. Repeating this breathing technique another three times, my head starts to become slightly light headed. Was this relaxing technique supposed to be like that? Either way, that should be enough. Grandpa Liam, mama, the other female cubs, and Leader Axel have mentioned The Unique One. Maybe, just maybe this chick already came eons ago. So, maybe I'm safe...

Radu smiles at hearing the female cub giggling with relief. 

Though that doesn't stop me from worrying about the next biggest threat. The ferals. 

The ferals were always described as being selfish, short tempered, and cannibalistic. And yes, one of that woman's male is a feral. A snake if I'm not mistaken. Either way, ferals are a threat to any tribe.

Brushing Radu's tail, I start to realize that it's not only me that I want to save but also Radu, my mama, papas, brothers. No wonder mama wants to add more males to her family. At first I couldn't think why mama would want to live like an emperor with so many concubines but now I get it. It's necessary in this world filled with beasts. Males that are stronger than females, higher mark beastmens who are stronger than lower marks, and the ferals who attack by instinct. I hope she'll be back with some strong ones. 

As for my brothers, I'm pretty sure papa Dash got them well trained but I need to save them from the influence of snotty females. Thinking back on the stories I've read, there would be some females who would sacrifice their own males for selfish gains. Which was especially seen in the cannon fodders who attempted to obtain the lovely affection of those perverse males. Yes! I won't let the diablitos fall for them!

Now, since I will one day bear Radu's mark, we would need to become a strong family. Question though, is how? I've heard the papas mention that the skunk beastmens are physically weaker than other beasts, yet their scent glands are extremely potent. If I were to place him in a sport, he would definitely be part of the defense team. 

As for his role in our family, I'm aware, and he probably is as well, that he won't become the head male. Our head male would need to be someone strong, with battle experience...someone with at least three marks. And I'm hoping it'll be someone who would not only get along with me, but also with Radu and my future males. Sigh, this is going to be difficult. 

"Hey Radu?"

The black hair with two white strips on top cub opens his purple eyes, yawns, and softly smiles at Suki.

"What do you think our family should be like?"

With this question, the cub happily snuggles his face to her, and purrs into her ear, "a family that can keep you safe, make sure that you're never hungry, thirsty, or cold, hot, and to make you happy."

I smiled bashfully at him, his flirty answer was unexpected.

Patting his head I then decide to give Radu a small peck on his bed of hair. "But to get there we should have a strong family right?"

Radu sighs and nods his head, "yes, but it's too far away to think about that," pauses, "and besides, for now you got me," he pouts. 

His cheeks are soo cute, he he he. Enjoying how his cheeks are adorably blown up, my small little hands couldn't help but start tugging at them. "Yesshhhhh" cough, "yes, you're the only one for me now, but we need to think about the future." Besides that, we're freaking eight-year olds. Maybe male hormones develop faster than females?

Radu takes a strand of my hair and tsks, "first let me brush your hair." I nod exasperatedly, "fine, but while you do that, let me tell you about my idea." He grins and sits behind me and starts parting my hair. 

"You know how mama went to bring back more males to her family? Well I was thinking that we should do something similar." "Yeow!" a strong tug was felt. "Oh sorry Suki, you had an unexpected knot there." Yeah right, I roll my eyes. "As I was saying, not now, but I was thinking that in order to have a safe family, we should either one day include many males to..." 

"Ahhhh! That hurts!" I holler with teary eyes as I grab onto my poor scalp. "Oops, that knot was huge, I'll be more careful next time." I coughed, so you say! "Anyway, either that" I say as I hold onto my hair, "or start looking for strong males." I wait to see if he'll say something. So far, I only hear him brushing my wavy black hair. "Radu, your opinion matters to me... what do you think we should do?"

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