Ch. 87 Adan Wishes He could be Invisible

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Walking toward Elder Liam's class placed comfortably in the village, my eyes land at the Healers stall. Unconsciously, my lips tilt up at seeing Goldie tightly holding onto a herb while flustering Liam's apprentice. Nearing closer to them, my males and I ears tilt up at now being able to hear their conversation. 

"But this is for healing," argues Charles.

"Well yeah, but it can be chopped into pieces and placed in your food," patiently explains Sheila.

"Healing herbs placed on food? Wait... have you tried it before?" Curiously asks the apprentice.

"Yes, yes, now come on, can you give me some or..." Mmm, I see now, Sheila is starting to sound exasperated. I mean, not so long ago she has been introducing new ingredientes and ideas to meals though it's also true that some of these new creations did have some negative reactions.

"Mmm no, not until I can watch someone taste it on their meat," responsibly responds Charles as he crosses his arms.

"Well... that can be done.." thinks Sheila out loud as her eyes wander over the sky.

Beside the small blonde girl, whose cheeks are now pouting at Charles's stubbornness, are two males standing guard. One of  these guards whose feet is silently tip-toeing away, got unfortunately stomped upon by the other male's heavy foot.  With an erect tail, the once fleeing male hands went up to cover his own mouth while seething in anger at his comrade.

I let out a snicker at how some things never change.

Hearing my laughter, Sheila's grumpy faces changes to complete happiness. Turning around, she beams at me and calls outloud, "Suki!!!!"

With open arms she bounces towards my direction. If this was an anime, I swear there would've been flowers sprouting around her. But since I'm me, and my males are them, well...

"Offff, get yer sweaty hand off.." mutters Sheila as a pale hand is placed firmly on her forehead. Yeap, that's their usual bickering.

Scoffing, Radu replies, "what's sweaty? And I wouldn't even have to do this but since it's you, you'll probably pretend to trip and place your grimy stinky hands on my Suki."

Sheila's mouth gapes open in protest, "youuuuu...".

With his other hand, Radu looks away and pretends to clean away a tear and in a sad tone adds, "my poor Suki is still healing, she can easily be bullied."

"Ahhh youuuuuu you jealous skunk!!"

"Well, yes, I'm indeed a skunk," smirks Radu while ignoring the other word. Tsk tsk, "pug, I know you tend to forget things but pity that you're so young."

"Shhaaa stinky stunk'o who stinks worst than sweaty feet! Who's forgetting what!" hollers Sheila in anger as she tries to kick him but her actions are all in vain.

After a few seconds of enjoying her inability to attack him, Radu let's out a scared gasp. "Suki!!!" then he immediately embraces my amused self and with a trembling finger signals to a huffing Goldie. "Did you hear? She said I smell like Wyatt's feet! Oh the disgrace, this is bullying!"

Wyatt? Well, now that I think about it.. Mmm I wonder if my feet stink too, I mean, in our beast form we have pudgy big feet after all.

Letting out a long sigh along with Adan who was standing besides me in discomfort at receiving the villagers curious attention, I was about to reply when a wrinkly hand shot out and took a firm hold of Radu's proud fluffy black and white tail.

With surprise eyes, Radu shreiks at the sky and immediately let's go of me. He is then brutally dragged into a tent by grandpa Liam. "Bratt," mutters the elder while Radu looks at me pleadingly.

Seeing the pitiful situation in which her nemesis fell into, Sheila with a spectacular red forehead lets out a hearty evil laugh while her two guards shudder at the once delicate looking female they were personally introduced to half a moon ago.

Passing by, my hand goes up to the still gleefully laughing Sheila. Patting her head I give her a welcoming smile, "looks like you're fully recuperated now. I'm happy."

Sheila smiles back and gives me a soft hug, "I am. Having my own place, uh den, is interesting. It's like living in a dorm with two new roommates, cough, guardians. I can decorate it however I want, but anyway I miss being able to talk to you like usual."

Awww she's growing up, but now more than ever she needs to be prepared. "I miss you too Sheila, I especially miss have another female to exercise with. And since I'm all healed up, why don't we start again tomorrow?"

Looking at my happy awaiting beautiful captivating light brown eyes, I could tell that Sheila was fighting to keep her smile up. "I, uhh, Suki, that sounds sooo greeattt, really greeatt ha ha ha."

Beaming back, I laugh gleefully, "wonderful! See you and your guardians tomorrow!"

----- - ---- - -----

In a more distant land, under the shade of prehistoric trees stand two beastmens looking over the remains of another.

"This is the third non-feral beastmen we've come across," mutters the three-marked male as he scratches his head in worry. "What's happening?"

Vick crouches his boulderous clawed muscular body down, and rumages his hand around the corpse to see if he could find something that could help them get a lead to where these beastmens are coming from. "I don't know, they shouldn't even be close to our territory, and my instincts tells me to be wary...".

"Mine too, but I'm not sure if it's because they're breaching our place, or if it's because of something else," says the much cleaner tall dirty blond hair male as he sniffs around. "Let's go before his smell attracts a colossal."

Getting up, the black hair male raises his eyebrow, "but wouldn't that be better?"

Dash, whose appearance is slightly older than Vick, growls lowly, "you're still a cub in my eyes, know when your body needs to rest. Now lets go find a safe place," commands the wiser of the two males.

Withholding an unappeased growl, Vick starts to walk away. As he passes the other male, he asks in a deep controlled tone, "why are you placing yourself in unneeded danger?"

Letting out a huff through his nose, a provocative response is given to the back of the other alpha male, "become worthy and I'll tell you."

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