Ch. 80 Regret

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Don't fall, don't fall, don't fall, don't fall, don't fall, don't falllllllll!  A heavy pressure is felt extremely close by, yet I try to run faster because if I stay still, my knees would definitely buckle. In other words, that would be game over.

Behind me, Adan's and Leo's growls and yowls can be heard, along with Wyatt's grunts as Vick's loud deep angry devil-like growls over powers their voice. Nope, definitely not gonna take the chance of looking back. 

Seeing another risen tree root, I propel myself to jump over it. As I do, my body quivers in shock as I felt his pressure hitting me closer. Fudge!!! Slightly tripping on the end of the root with my back legs, I quickly try to steady myself for he was near. He was too near! Sir Volde.. cough, sir Vick was coming!!!

In my first world I remember having watched documentaries where bears communicated with each other through grunts, growls, and body language. But here and now, in my bear beast form, I'm definitely screaming out a bear wail!

Making sure there was no other obstacles and keeping my body heading straight, I couldn't help but peek behind me. His hugemongeous black bear beast's open jaw that is currently showing off his sharp canines is following way too close for comfort. Behind him, the trees and roots that I had to either run around or jump are now lying on the ground or are in smithereens. 

 Snapping my head back to the front, I kept on running as my puny mouth cries out for mercy, "sparreeeeee meeeeeee pleasseeeee!!"  

Which with his angry roar, my pleas seems to have been rejected. 

"Wahhh!!!" I wanna be a cub again! Mama!! Papasss!!! "Wahhhhhhhhhh!!"

Though, thankfully the river of bears and a few fellow bear beastmens can be seen looking over at the trees. Some of them got on their hind legs and sniffs the air to make sure that what they're hearing is actually us. And I guess, what they're imagining is actually happening. 

"I'm sorrryyyy!!" I cry again as I finally leave the forest and run towards the once relaxed males. My beggings eyes saught the nearest one who was about to walk towards me but freezes when behind me shows up the furious male in all his beastly glory. Noticing Vick, the young male eyes widen in surprise and fear. He then runs away along with two other bear beastmens!

Come on!!!

Breathing hard, my head swings back and forth to find a male that can compete with Vick or strategy 2, find an exit. 

Ye'p plan two is not happening and as for plan 1, none besides the Clan Leader could probably take him on. 

Before I could take a quivering step forward, my legs indefinitely buckled. Feeling this ultimate pressure I groan miserably and watch with dread as he slowly walks towards my quivering body. Knowing that I didn't have the strength or the energy to fight back, I try to slowly stretch my neck to the side and kept on whining like a cub.  

Since my head was lying on the ground, my ears picked up on how the ground rattled with each step the furious black bear beast took towards me. My ears also twitched while listening to how some of my fellow bear beastmens growled at him in warning. Yet seeing that he wouldn't stop, they started charging towards him. But Vick, not letting any distractions, placed further pressure on his aura. Gasping in shock and in pain, this pressure was in no way near the first one I've felt that made me fall. This one made me feel as if my bones were going to be squashed into the ground. 

Listening to my calls of pain, those who were still standing growled back in frustration and began to walk backwards while taking those who've fallen with them. After they gave Vick enough space, Vick stared back at my now still form. Trying to control my breathing despite this unfair amount of pain, my eyes are firmly shut. My nose slightly twitches at the breeze of hot steamy breath felt from Vick's mouth being near my head. Is this the end???

Images of watching my mama's face as she holds me to her chest, of papa bear's smile at my happiness in eating the prey he caught, of papa Jacks encouragements to our mischeviousness, of all of my papas love held towards me have come flying though my mind. However, these images suddenly stop as Vick's deep loud growls rings through my ears. Yet if there's one thing I can control are my eyes. I rather not see him this way. Better yet, I will not give him the priviledge of letting my eyes be on him. Though, my whines are another matter. 

As I cry, my mind wanders toward my males. If I die, Radu, Leo, Adan, and Wyatt will never feel the happiness of being fathers. We haven't even had our first fall and winter together. We haven't even travelled to other places. There are many things that we haven't done. For if I die, they'll eventually follow. Unfortunately, that is how the families in our world works. Once a female who has made a bond with a male, dies, the male would then desire to follow her as well.

I wish I could see Radu's face one more time and hear his voice of comfort...A couple tears fall from my closed eyes. My stupid skunk, we should have never gone for Vick. 

Hmmm, my body no longer hurts, could it be that my senses are preparing for my death? Is this how death feels like? I've heard of this. Feeling dashes of pain and then numbness. But wait..... I'm not hurting.. I mean, my head is definitely stick intact or if not I'd be a clever zombie. And nor did Vick take chunks of my body off. I would definitely feel that! Soo, what's happening?

Finally my dark brown eyes open to see that the slightly calmer bear beast is standing over me but his head is facing the trees to which a familiar skunk beast and wolf beast can be seen running toward us. Compared to Radu, Adan's form can be seen favoring his front right foot as he runs. Seeing his limp, my eyes searches for the injury to which my eyes landed on his bleeding left shoulder. As for Radu, though healthy, his dark purple eyes looks frightened, disappointed, and angry at the beast who's hackles are raised once more.

And as they run at what appears in slow motion, my ears twitch to sets of heavy rushing feet coming from the other side of the river.  

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