Ch. 60 Putting My Pride Away

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Keep calm Suki, keep calm, I can't go blasting my mouth in front of this girl. Can't become her enemy in case she does end up getting some powerfully battle maniacs possessive males.

Withholding a chill, I try to change my facial expression to a pity one. "Sorry Sheila, unless the other female is a cub and family, having two females in a den is unheard of."

The girl blinks her watery eyes, "but" sniff "what should I do?" Sniff, "I heard that elder and the elderly woman talking last night and they said that I would be moving to my own home!"Sniff, sniff, "and that I'd be living with someone strong."

Cleaning her tears, her pleading eyes stare at me. "Suki, I think they're gonna make me live with him!" She wails as she points at a far away black bear beast whose ears can be seen twitching in their direction.

Oh... well that changes everything. Stiffly, I decided to keep on walking to the campfire. Food, I need to eat first.

She continues in a soft mumbling tone as she limps behind me, "he's hot, definitely has a bad boy vibe to him, but he's so cold... he'd probably strangle, no mangle me from saying the wrong thing.." sniff, "I can't live with himmm... I wanna go back to my home."

My eyebrows are starting to twitch. Radu walks to me, with mischief shown in his purple eyes he kisses my lips and passes to my hand a piece of warm meat. Knowing that this wasn't the place to talk, he sits happily next to Adan. Between a smirking Radu and a munching Leo there was space left for me to sit. Taking my place, my mouth waters as the savory meat passes through my lips. Relishing the rabbit's flavor, I calmly thought of ways to stop Vick from living with her. Knowing about her presumably protagonist halo, Vick would have no other choice but to fall into her hands. I can't let that happen.

Vick, to me, was first an essential for my and Radu's survival. Yet, something changed as the winters passed. Slowly he changed from a pokemon like target to something more flowery. I'm not saying he's gotten soft towards me, but that my feelings toward him have changed from a need to a want. A want of liking him. Compared to how I love Radu, my eyes set on Vick is of a very strong like. Throughout this time, he's always kept his calm stoic face in front of me until this early morning. His worried face appears sincere despite his mistaken thoughts. Seeing that look on his face, I knew that I can't give him up. Sigh, though I don't want to turn into cannon fodder, it's too late. I'm crushing on him. My beast side, my instincts, won't easily allow for another female to court her way to him.

Finishing my meal, my tongue leaves my mouth as I lick away the taste. Nearby Adan whines as he attentively watches my wet lips. To this Radu smirks as he leans toward my face and slowly licks my lower lip. Leo, watching us, sits straighter and shyly asks, "Suki, would you like another piece?" Kissing Radu back, I look at Leo and kiss him on the nose, "yes." My sandy curly hair male happily gets up as he goes to cook another huge piece of prey. Looks like they caught a deer.

Burp. Blinking my eyes away from Leo I look toward the blushing girl.

"If you live with me, you would end up seeing this," I say as I place a soft hand to Radu's cheek "every day." Giving Radu a nozzle on his cheek I continued, "can you handle that?"

Sheila happily nods her head, "yes, yes! Don't worry, Suki I'd be an awesome roommate or um housemate or uh denmate!"

Hearing the word mate three times in a row, my males, including Radu, gave out a low growl to the baffled girl. "Whaa, did I say something wrong?" she squeaks.

Listening to her innocent words, Radu, Leo, and Adan stop growling and start to look at her in wonder. "Sheila, the word mate implies being a lover for life." Seeing her confused stare, I sigh and continue, "what you were saying is that you'd be a mate to me, a lover."

With this Sheila anxiously waves her hands around, "oh nooo, no, definitely not that. What I meant was that I'd be a good uh... cleaner." With this her shoulders lower in defeat.

Smiling, I nod my head at that. "Fine, you'll help with the chores in my den. But stay with Healer Liam tonight. Tomorrow, at the time when the sun is out, I'll meet with you at the river where we females bathe." Before she could ask where that place was I calmly added, "the elder will bring you to that place."

With this the joyful girl gets up and with her claps hands she gives me her many thanks. Smiling gently, I took a piece of the slightly raw cooked meat.

About half an hour has passed since we all finished eating and resting. Feeling a shadow covering my laid back self, I open my eyes to a calm Vick. Staring at his dark black eyes he opens his mouth and says in a deep voice, "it's time for Sheila to return to Healer Liam's den." Smiling mischievously I lift an arm up to him. Taking the cue, Vick grabs my hand to help me up. At least this side of him is still there. Never stops to help.

Standing nearby was a waiting Sheila. Looking in my direction, she giggles "can't wait to see you again!" Giving a slight nod I was about to head back to my den when I realized that Vick had morphed into his bear beast and was waiting for the girl to get on his back.

Oh Hell No!

As I hurriedly walk toward them I calmly comment, "she'll ride me."

Adan and Leo who were close by open their mouths in bewilderment. On the other side Radu was biting down hard on his lips while his nails were out. A female riding a female is unheard of. But I didn't care. I prefer to give up on my pride than let another female touch what's mine. Or to be mine.

Now near a curious Sheila and a stiff Vick. I took my cloths off as I bent down to morph into my own beast.

A smaller black bear beast is seen pushing aside the much bigger relative. After a minute of continuous pushing the larger of the bear beast shakes himself and slowly moves to the side as the smaller one takes his place. With calm light brown eyes the awaiting black bear beast stares at the excited girl. Laying down, Suki closes her eyes as she feels the girl tumbling while trying to get on her back. Stay calm, mutters Suki to herself. 

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