Ch. 15 A little Surprise at the Ceremony

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"Mallory, your cubs are up first?" asks Lucy to the tall tan blond hair female sitting nearby. 

"Yes, all four of them, but Lucy, which one of your boys are they up against?"

"Oh, that's Casper," responds Lucy. "The other two are Bruce with the light brown eyes and Cruz with Chris's hazel eyes." 

Mallory plays with her long blond round tail, looks at Lucy with her brown eyes and silently asks, "do you think Casper will go easy on my boys?" 

"Of course," Lucy nods righteously, please pleaassee don't step on her cubs Casper.


Back on the open field four eight-year-old looking males are surrounding a teenage male.

"Start," hollers Bruce. 

One of the little males quickly jumps in the air, morphs into his beast, and aims at the teen's ankles. A cub behind the teen does the same, while the other two wait for the result. Casper gives a light jump and makes a twist in the air with the aim of landing elsewhere. Behind him the cubs that were aiming for his ankle end up slamming into each other. One of the cubs, thinking that Casper was distracted by the sight, aims an attack at the older cub's back. Casper, sensing the attack, steps to the side, and let's the cub sail toward the other two. An oooff sound was heard. Casper lifts a small smile to the last cub. 

This one looks behind Casper and sees that his siblings have gotten up and are getting ready to attack again. "I guess I'm going first then," sighs the teen male. The small cubs growls while rushing forward to attack. Needless to say, all four cubs ended up on the snow with a head bump. These cubs are now seen in their small leopard beasts form running away in shame to their mother. Well that was quick, thinks Suki. 

"My turn," mutters Bruce. Casper touches Bruce's hand and walks back to stand beside Suki. 


That wasn't so bad  thought Lucy while glancing at Mallory gushing over her four crying cubs.

One of Mallory's males feeling pitiful for the cubs, gave all four of them half of his food. 

A hand softly brushes a strand of Lucy's silky black hair. "What's everyone looking at?" asks Chris. Lucy turns to see Chris and her two other males. "That was a quick hunt," the female responds. Chris, Brent, and her other male give her a tender smile. "Don't change the topic Lucy," purrs Chris. Jack rolls his eyes and decides to save their female from answering, "your cubs came up with a splendid idea for entertainment." "Oh" mutters the three males.  Jack then signals with his eyes to the field in front of them. Chris, seeing the cubs, immediately blushes, sits down, and tries to hide his face in mortification with both hands. Brent and the other male freeze and following Chris's example they quietly sit near Lucy, all while keeping their eyes on the scene.


Around Bruce's legs there are three fainted gray wolf beast cubs and one dazed bear beast cub. Bruce gives the red headed Bronco a sneer, "can you move your cousins, Cruz is up next." Bruce then swiftly walks around the cubs, touches Cruz's hand, and then stands cockily in his brother's place. Cruz slowly walks to the fighting area, giving Bronco and another young male enough time to take the four cubs away. "Who's next?" smiles Cruz. 

Three cubs walk toward Cruz. Two of them are clearly bigger than the black hair cub. 

"Start," hollers Bruce. 

"Wait," says one of the bigger cubs. Cruz hums to let them know that he's listening. The same cub adds, "we would like to propose that we play just a little bit farther away from Suki." Oh the brothers think, are they up to something? Cruz questions them, "why would we want to be farther away from our sister?" The other brown headed cub responds, "It'll just be you and us." The smaller black hair cub then speaks up, "also it's so that any possible dirt or snow wouldn't get into Suki's eyes." The diablitos look at each other and agree that it does make sense. Cruz looks back at the three cubs and nods his consent.

While the three cubs and the teen walk a little bit farther away, up in the village the three diablitos family are wondering about the small black hair cub. 


Lucy looks to her males and see that none knows the identity of the male. Recognizing that no one in her family knows him, she then asks the closest female to her about the cub. 

"I think he came with the vendors," responds Mallory while softly petting one of her cub's head. 

Eavesdropping on the females conversation, an unmated travelor male stands in front of the two females and grins, "I know of the cub." 

Lucy and Mallory both give the young male their attention. The females mates also give the young male an uneasy stare. The male tries not to gulp while saying the next words, "I, I can give you the answer for an exchange." 

"And what are you looking for?" purrs Mallory with a toothy smile. Lucy meanwhile gives him a soft smile but her eyes are getting cold. 

"A, a hu," deep growls are heard from the females males. The young male gulps, coughs, "meat will do," he quickly says. "Good" purrs Mallory. One of her males looks down at his own uneaten piece of meat and tosses it over to the scared traveler. Brent, in Lucy' side, also tosses him a piece of today's prey. Holding onto his meat, the young male looks up at the females, "I don't know his name, but he comes from the Falling Petals Tribe. He's a skunk beast cub."

Jack immediately guffaws and Chris appears sick. Lucy looks at Dash for answers. "Skunk beastmen are not strong, but to make up for it, they have a lethal weapon that can even make a stray think twice before attacking."


A light brown hair teen male is battling three smaller males. Two of them immediately morph into their bear beasts forms. One of these cubs almost got a hold of Cruz's calf, hmmm I'll knock them out first, thinks Cruz. 

A couple feet away from the play fight, Suki's tries to think deeply on that small cub's hair pattern. No one in this village that I've seen so far has white stripes on their hair, but somehow I feel like I've seen it before. Her stomach growls. Bruce looks down at his sister's growling tummy, "I'll go get us some meat." Suki gives him a beaming smile and nods her head. Bruce morphs into his leopard beast so that he can travel quicker to the village. 


Getting closer to the village, Bruce widens his eyes in bewilderment. Whaa, how, when, why?

Lucy waves her hand toward her cub, Bruce walks slowly to his mother while keeping his ears low and tail in between his legs. Am I in trouble? he thinks. 

The black hair female suddenly grabs onto Bruce, squeezes his body to her, and pets him lovingly. "You cubs are growing too fast!" she dramatically cries. If Bruce was in his male form, his face would be similar to the red color face his father is trying to hide. 

Dash clears his throat, "oh it looks like the bear cubs are down." Jack, who now has long stopped laughing, happily comments, "now it's the skunk's turn." 

Bruce in his leopard form tilts his head and looks back toward the field.


Cruz slowly turned around to face the smaller cub, however the black hair cub was one step ahead of him. 

In the air, the black hair cub with dark purple eyes has morphed into a black beast. This beast has two pronounced white stripes on his back that leads all the way to his furry tail. Cruz has never seen a beastmen like that before, and he has never seen someone attack him butt first. The perplexed teen froze. Taking this opportunity, the beast cub squirts out a string of liquid that lands on Cruz's whole body. 

Cruz and some of the older young males who were standing behind him immediately cried out. 

"My eyes!!" woefully screams Cruz. "My nose!!" screams some unfortunate males. Those males and Cruz quickly ran towards the river. "Nooooo, not the river!" hollers Bronco behind them.

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