Ch. 26 Being The Guinea Pig

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"Hey mama", I tap mama's shoulders. "I'm bored, can we go to the river?"

Lucy yawns, blinks lazily at her cub, mutters something incomprehensible, turns around, and lightly shoves her head male to get up. Dash's snoring stops, blinks, looks blurrily at his sleeping female then glances at his wide awake cub. Letting out a soft sigh, he gets up, stretches with a wide toothy yawn and sleepily walks toward the door. "Come on Suki, I've got an idea of what we can do today."


This is not what I planned (;一_一)

I'm currently holding onto one of my brother's back. And guess what we're doing. I'm...drum roll please...helping them to practice. Practice what? Well, for the day they'll carry their own females. You see, my brothers can always carry our mom and me but never another female outside the family, with the exception of two things: The female is either injured or it's an emergency, or this female is or soon to be theirs.

And so here we are. With me being the practice target, it'll help them to know how to properly carry their own female. Thus, preventing possible embarrassments.  

"Umm Cruz", I pat his back, "you know, you can go a little faster." Cruz snorts. Sigh, "Casper and Bruce are barely walking on both sides" I whine. "So, they'll be able to catch me," I softly hit him with my feet to his sides like I've seen humans do to horses. Giddy up! I tried to reason with him yet again, but he shakes his head in denial. 

Bruce, on our left side, rolls his eyes. "Come on Cruz, if that's how you'll be carrying our female, then she'll definitely get bored of you soon. And I won't be able to stop her if she looses interest in you."

My ears twitch, wait, did he say "ours?" I gasp. Oh do tell!

Bruce nervously scratches the back of his neck and starts laughing as if something I said was hilarious, but you can totally tell his laughter was false. Cruz's tail meanwhile is swinging back and forth in irritation. And Casper, who's on our right side, is amazingly silent. 

"Now, I know you said ours. Who is she? Do I know her...?" One question after another comes out of my mouth. Seeing no quick response, I cutely tilt my head and mutter out loud, "I'm guessing it's someone I know".  

"Well, she's, she uh, you kn.." Bruce sputters out words without actually saying anything. Cruz finally decides to step in and lets out a roar. The young leopard beastmen starts with a strong  gallop. Don't think I didn't notice that it is someone I know. But right now I can't even talk because I'm afraid of biting my own tongue.

Cruz's run is not smooth! If my strength was bigger, I'd probably leave him with two wide bald spots on his back. Hmm, that's actually funny. Like a poodle when they go for grooming. Maybe I can do something similar. Huh, that's actually a good idea, I should try that. I start to tilt my lips in a mischievous smile yet my eyes are still wide from this unruly ride. 

After I almost tilt to the side, I screech, "Cruz, if you don't stop now, I'll make sure to make you bald!" Cruz's ears stand up, his hair freezes up as well, and soon his quick run slows down to a walk. Whining, he lays down. 

Getting off him, I quickly go into my mama's scowling pose with a tad of papas gestures. This pose involves having one of my hips raised, a fist shaped hand on that raised hip, a downward tilt of my head, while having the other hand free to point. My face for this daunting pose includes what I hope is a scary expression.


Not too far away from the four cubs is Dash, Chris, and Radu staring at their practice. 

"Did Cruz let out a fart?" asks Radu.

Chris rapidly blinks his eyes and lets out a loud laugh, "no, not at all."

"Then why is her face looking like that?" says Radu with a worry in his eyes.

Chris snorts, while Dash lifts his eyebrow. "Care to explain," commands the bear beastmen while giving out a low pressure.

Before Radu could respond, Chris steps in, "be light with him, this cub doesn't know that our Suki is trying to imitate your face." Though Dash's face is still as a stone, his eyes, on the other hand, have slightly widened. Chris looks back at the small cub and adds, "do you remember Dash's facial expression on the day that you became Suki's pet beast?" 

Radu thinks back on that joyful day. He was truly happy that he got accepted by a good female so quickly. But then he also starts to remember seeing his little females father murderous scowl. With his black furry ears laying low, Radu slowly gives a nod. "Well, that's what Suki is trying to show to Cruz," merrily says the leopard beastmen. 

"She's teaching her brother how to correctly carry a female," gruffly comments Dash with a little pride in his voice.  Then after thinking how his lovely cub tries to imitate him, Dash slowly shows an evil grin, "she's definitely my cub." Radu clearly shudders, while Chris glances elsewhere. 

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