Ch. 25 Charles Second Class 'males = no pain'

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It has been about a week since the last class. My first day of class was informative but the most fun was watching Natasha's perfect aiming skills toward the wolf beast's head. On most hits, I'd give her a 5 out of 5 points. I was also able to happily watch how grandpa Liam unmercifully used his strength to grab Bronco's ear after the teen's unnecessary outburst (and after Natasha used up all her missiles). Afterwards, Charles was obligated to give all of us cubs a deep description of the how and whys of a female's estrus. Needless to say, I could tell that my older female companions wanted to dig a nice comfy spot underneath the ground. I personally didn't care much since I was very far away from said 'joyful moment'. Radu, on the other hand, looked very attentive. And between him and some of the other cubs, they kept asking Charles questions after questions. Some of these questions made Natasha and Elena cringe. Seeing my mischievous expression at their discomfort, Elena hissed that I should wait till the next female cub is born. I just stuck my tongue out at her and innocently laughed. Yeah, like I haven't been in this type of class before. 

Today is another class led by Charles. Natasha is no longer coming back since she already finished these lessons some time ago. Yet, Elena is here to give me, the tribe's youngest female cub, some company. That's sweet. While we happily chatter, the male cubs are now laughing between themselves. Didn't take them long for their shyness to go away huh. I guess last week's class helped them to bond or something. 

Soon grandpa Liam walks in, behind him is Charles, and behind them are two other males. My tail begins to wag, I know one of them! Grandpa Liam sits and nods at Charles. "Today our class will have two males present from our tribe," says Charles. "First is our Bear Clan Leader," Charles then lowers his head to the male and steps back. A huge muscular male similar to papa Dash's build and height is standing before us.  With his dark brown eyes he gives us a serious yet warm look, "you can call me Leader Axel," pauses, "I'm a triple mark bear beastmen and hope for you cubs to grow strong and healthy (first smiling at us females) and to become a force that can protect and defend our tribesmen (now staring heavily at the male cubs)." All of us instinctively bow our heads to our leader and respond with a "yes Leader Axel." Axel nods and goes to stand near the doors with his arms crossed. "Than, thank you Leader Axel," Charles once again lowers his head and then steps forward, "next is a teen beastmen that some of you may know." A light skin young teen smirks toward the male cubs, "I'm Bruce, a leopard beastmen, and am Suki's brother." I want to clap so badly at my brother's introduction, yet looking around I only see stiff cubs... must be because Axel is still here. So instead I just give my brother a huge glittery eye stare and let my tail show my happiness. Bruce then walks toward us and sits in the middle of the room, making a clear separation of the male cubs to us females. Axel nods and turns around to leave. 

After the huge male has left, Charles lets out a long sigh and grandpa Liam is covering his smile. "Last week we talked about the females, now it's going to center around the males." Charles then looks at one of the blond male cubs, "could you" then looks at Bruce "and you get up" and stand beside each other. Both nod, the little male hurriedly gets up and quickly stands next to the already tall Bruce. "Same as last time," announces Charles. The cub tilts his head at Bruce, blinks his gray eyes, and then says "oh, um, my name is Leo, I'm a leopard beast, and, um, I'm eight?" shrugs the cub. Bruce sighs, "you already know my name, I'm 15." Then they both sat down. 

Charles nods and starts explaining, "because we live in a world where we need to survive, the males beast quickly needs to grow." Then Charles goes into a deeper description that is somewhat boring. Glancing beside me, Elena is softly humming while making another head wreath. On my other side, Bruce is staring boringly at a rip in our tent. The gist of Charle's lecture is that a male cub is born in their beast form and at around three months they go through their First Phase. This is where they can morph into their human form. Their human form looks like what the Unique One would call an eight-year-old. The Second Phase is when these cubs have hopefully had enough battle experience, to which they grow into fifteen-year-olds. After about two to three years, the male teen cub can go through the Third and last phase which is what the Unique One calls the young adult version. Thus looking like 21 year olds. Interesting enough, these males age a year after every 30 winters. When they mate, the males would physically age a year after 60 winters. And we females would age the same as our family males. Comparing to the short glimpses of humans of my past memories, this is like living with the fountain of youth ~(˘▾˘~)

My gleefulness soon bunkered down when a small black headed cub shyly asked, "will our Second Phase hurt like the females?" Charles nods at Bruce. The bored teen blinks out of his stare, "uh, not really, you just sleep the entire day." Whaaaatttt?! Come one!! So we have to go through the pains, and they just take a long nap! So unfair! While I grumble about this unfairness, Elena next to me snickers. What you laughing at? Giving her a questioning look with my papa's famous lifted eyebrow, Elena gleefully whispers, "finally something that frustrates you." Oh, she's talking about my content smile from last class's fiasco. Oh well...

Charles clears his throat, "us males have a higher pain tolerance and healing (oh please, another point for them male beastmen) than females, that's why in this tribe we are to hunt for food, protect and defend our females (well I won't complain there)". He continues, "as for where our power lies, it is in the amount of marks, or as some would say stripes, that we have". Then he goes into another lecture. This time, however, Bruce is listening attentively, and amazingly so is Elena. Hmmm... "After a male cub turns 15, it takes about two or three more years for him to hopefully obtain his first mark. This mark will show as a stripe on his face and it will show to other females that he is a potential male candidate for their family." Charles coughs, "of course, after receiving their mark, the Clear Lake tribe no longer consider this male as a cub and will be kicked out of their initial family to live with other single males." 

Radu tilts his head and comments, "the tribe I came from kicked us out early." Charles nods his head, "yes, you're from the Falling Petal Tribes, right?" Radu nods his head. "Each tribe has a different rule in how their beastmen should be governed. For Radu's past tribe, they believe that the fastest way for their cubs to grow stronger is kicking them out into the world as soon as they have achieved the First Phase." My eyes widen at how scared Radu may have been. The black, double white stripe hair male cub notices my stare, he freezes and then gives me a warm smile with his lovely squint, "it wasn't so bad Suki, moving with the travelers gave me some protection from larger animals and ferrals". That's, that's still too early

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