Ch. 51 Oh Duh

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Ughhhh this, what is this? I feel so sweaty and hot and this feels so uncomfortable. Looking back, this kind of feels like when I ate something bad. Did I?

Slightly nauseous, I finally decided that I couldn't stand this odd sensation. So I ended up getting up this very early morning and started walking over to mama's room. 

Considering that it was still dark, it meant that not only mama but the ever energetic hatchlings were probably still sleeping. I try to hold my breath as I slowly pass by the quads door that was being shared with papa Jack and some of the other papas, and finally let some air out as I arrive at her door. Here, I lightly knocked. 

At the other side of the door, I heard the creaking of someone's bones morphing and then that same someone steadily walking to the door. With a slight creaking noise the doors open to reveal a pair of similar color eyes to my own. 

"Papa..." I whisper whine as I crunched over in pain while holding onto my stomach. 

Seeing my pained expression, Papa Bear immediately widens the door and worriedly asks, "Suki, what's wrong?"

He then lightly touches the area where I'm holding and since he doesn't see nor feel a wound, he then lowers his head to sniff. Immediately, his huge hand quickly whips back to his side. Surprised at papa's action, I then see that he's stumbling back in shock. Am I that sick? Blinking my watery eyes, I start to rapidly think of what Grandpa Liam or Charles can do for me. Yet, instead of searching for them I hear papa bear mumble, "Lucy..." ahem, "let me get Lucy."


He speedily walks over to mama, not caring in the slightest of waking up papa Juan. With a caring expression he slowly reaches out to mama's shoulder but then he surprises me by speedily trying to wake up mama. Ehhh, papa you know she'll probably think there's an earthquake... 

Mama immediately opens her eyes and rapidly gets up to her feet "ooff". When finally up, her eyes begin to glow menacingly and  her nails elongate. "Where are they Dash, where's the ferals?" she whisper growls as she takes on a defensive position. Unfortunately while she was getting up one of her foot ended up kicking papa Juan in the chin. Though he's good, he's now standing alert close to mama with a redden chin. 

And since all the papa's have a good hearing, especially toward mama's voice, I quickly saw a few of them hurriedly pass by me to get out of the den. So now half of mama's males are looking around outside for intruders while the other half of mama's males stay inside looking alert. And ye'p the quads were now up and chirping energetically. 

Not hearing anything, they all began to sniff for intruders. Papa Brent was the first to gasp while sneaking a peek at Papa Bear who was groaning into his hand and mumbling something about ruckus. Unfortunately, after papa Brent's gasp, the other papa's quickly snapped their heads in my direction and literally froze. I think they even stop breathing. I'm now bewildered, yet my bafflement soon turns to total embarrassment when I feel something warm and sticky run down my leg. Am I peeing? Still frozen in my slightly hunched position, I try not to blink or move my head as I slowly glanze down and see a thin red line going down my leg ending with a blob of red near my foot. 

"Why is Suki bleeding?" chirps one of the quads. "Did someone hurt our sister?" asks the other. "Suki!" cries the loudest of the bunch while the last of my four brothers stares at me in horror. 

A feminine voice is heard clearing her throat, "Suki is fine, she's uh." Biting her lip she then orders, "everyone go back to your room or uh better yet go get us some food, um Chris can you go to Healer Liam and ask for more paddings and those spices."

 Everyone immediately heads out and morphs into their beasts (except for the younglings who ran after papa Jack). However, only a few stop by in front of me. For example, Papa Fox gave me such a tender smile while papa Jack quickly patts my head and proudly commented, "you've grown Suki." Papa Chris, who was behind them, nods his head happily at papa Jack's words and says as he leaves, "congratulations!"

Oh my &!%, I had my freak'n estrus and they saw!! OH $!!! Worst of all, I knew it was coming!! AHH!!!!

Feeling a soft touch to my elbow, mama is smiling proudly at me, "oh my little cub is not so little anymore!" Leading my quivering form to my room, I worriedly glance back at the droplets of blood I'm leaving on the floor. 

Mama shakes her head in no. "Don't worry about that. We cleaned your behind when you were small... So your papa will clean that up. Now, come here" she says as she carries a bowl of water and firmly shuts the door behind us. 

"Here, my now grown female." Mama smiles brightly as she hands me the water bowl and a piece of dark cloth, "first, use these to clean yourself up". 

I lower my blushing head in slight shame as I slowly use the cloth to clean the red spots off my legs, "uh yeahh.." Oh how embarrassing!

I hear mama giggle and then she playfully tsks, "Lucy, you should be proud!" She then screams out loud while lightly pounding on her chest, "you're a grown female! You can now have your own family!"

Oh gosshhh, just whyyy.

Seeing my widened eyes to her excitement, mama was about to add more when a knock was heard. "Oh, that was quick," she mutters as she happily walks to the door.

While cleaning myself up, mama comes back with what looks like, like, panthies? What?

Seeing my bafflement, mama smiles happily. "The Unique One invented this for us females. We put this on.." mutters mama as she slips one of my foot to one of the holes in the cloth and then lifts my other foot to the other hole. "And put what the Unique One calls a pad in the inside of the middle section of this cloth" mama describes as she puts what looks like sheep wool in the middle. "And then you just pulled this cloth up to here" she signals at my waist. 

Not wanting for mama to 'help me out'. I quickly stand up and immediately bend over to lift my panthies up. Hearing a clapping noise, I glance up. "Yes, that's it Suki!" Soon I heard sniffling, "my cub is now so grown!" she wails as she stands on her tippy toes to give me a fierce hug. 

Yeah, um fox female beasts are usually smaller in height than other beasts... doesn't help that bear beasts, being one of the top predators, are also pretty tall. 

Hugging her back and sighing at mother's dramatics, I couldn't help but blush fiercely when she sneakily whispers into my ear, "Radu will soon hear about this, and soon you and Radu can mate later today." 

Standing back I wail "Maaa!!!" But mama, still smiling angelically, adds, "hmmm now that you'll be having your own den.. let me teach you some tricks."

I sputter. 

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