Ch. 19 Wash Day Part 1

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It's been three weeks since the last time we've all gone to the village. Since then I've either been sleeping in mama's room or in one of the papas, but never in my brothers' room. Speaking about my brothers, Cruz has been sleeping downhill with papa Chris ever since he was sprayed by Radu's attack. Lately, I've also been seeing alot of adult beasts pacing around the woods with younger looking beasts. I think the papas of the other young victims made a temporary agreement of sleeping outside together. As for Radu, we play together every now and then. He's been a lot of fun, though he can sometimes be hard to bargain with when it comes to choosing what to play. When we're not playing, he's either training with Bruce and Casper (though prohibited from using his fatal attack) or hunting with my papas. 

As for me, I've been ravenous. Besides the huge two meals a day, I've been snacking on anything that's edible... bone, wood, flowers. I feel like a puppy whose new teeth are coming through.

"Oh dear," Lucy says as she is looking at her female cub smacking on the white flowers. A pale hand softly touches Lucy's cheeks. Similar light blue eyes gaze into her own while a white fluffy tail curls around her waist, "would you like to bring her over to the river?". Lucy thinks about it, brightens, and softly gives the white hair male a kiss on his nose. "Good idea Brent. Since the others are training the cubs, let us go." "But wait", she pauses, "we can't forget our cloths." Brent nods and quickly heads inside to grab a basket, the females' cloths, and some dry herbs. 

With his hand carrying the large basket, Brent gives his female a quick kiss on her lips, steps back, leaves the basket on the ground, and morphs into his white coated fox beast form. Though his beast is not as huge as Dash's or as tall as Chris's, he is at a perfect comfortable size for his female. Besides that, he smirks, his fur is more pleasant to the touch than the other males. 

Suki, now noticing her favorite plush-ahem papa, brightly smiles and waddles over to her mother who is standing by Brent's beast form. Lucy raises the little female to her chest, snuggles, and lightly gets on Brent's back. Suki, already knowing what she has to do, turns around and grabs a hold of papa Brent's silky fur. "We're ready." Similar to papa Dash, Brent lets out a howl to notify the family that they're heading to the river. Before trotting, he swiftly carries the basket in his mouth. Hmmm papa Brent's ride is definitely smoother than papa Dash. It's like comparing a Lexus to a Hummer... huh, what are those?

Soon they arrive near a river that is somewhat closer to a brilliantly blue lake. This must be where we got our name from, thinks Suki. Brent stops, lets go of the basket, slowly lowers himself to the ground which allows Lucy to get off with Suki. Brent then morphs back into his man form. "Thank you Brent for bringing us here" she nuzzles her face to his cheek. Brent quietly purrs, "my pleasure," pauses and sniffs the air, "I'll be waiting nearby." Lucy laughs and softly flicks his head, "don't peek." "Never," responds Brent with a mischievous grin. Peek at what? Oooh I think I see fish!

Suki grabs her mother's leg and points at the river. The little female's nose is twitching and her tongue keeps licking her little lips, as if she couldn't wait to taste something. Lucy snorts, "we're going." Picking up the huge basket with both hands, Lucy walks over to the river with her little female slightly running before her. 

Both females slow down when arriving at the rocky river bank. A little bit further up from them are the females from the bonfire. Some are seen washing their cloths, while others are seen bathing in the river. 

Lucy places the basket nearby and looks at her ever hungry cub, "first, let's get us some fish." The little female shouts with glee and her tiny tail is seen waggling underneath her cloth. "Suki, watch first okay," orders Lucy as the cub nods. Lucy tentatively walks to where there weren't any ripples from the other females and morphs parts of her body. Her black furry ears and tail come out, and her fingersnails have changed into sharp claws. With slitted animalistic eyes Lucy gazes at her daughter, "now try to morph your hands like mine." Suki looks at her small olive hands, imagining papa Dash's paws but way smaller, her hands morph in a few seconds to brown furry paws. Lucy proudly smiles, "that's close and that's exactly what you'll need." The mother female then goes into a lecture, "we females may be smaller than the males, but in our beasts we are able to help hunt the easier prey." Lucy then demonstrates her hunting skills. The fox beast female walks slowly into the river, balancing with her tail she stands still, and with her eyes and ears she focuses on the small bubbles. In a few minutes, the female swiftly strikes her claws into the water. In an arc movement, her arm quickly comes out of the water with a good size fish punctured by her claws. The little females eyes widen in glee. Laughing cheerfully Lucy says, "one down, a few more to go." Then after making sure the fish was dead, she adds, "catch Suki." Tossing the fish lightly in the air, Suki makes a playful growl and grabs the fish with her paws. Her tiny claws are embedded on her prey's side.  

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