Ch. 98 Survival Game Play

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As all of the bear beastmens fell into the winter slumber, in cozy dens huddled the leftover beastmen that became everyday more nervous and alert for any odd change.

"Roar! Run little cubs, for your juicy chicken bodies will be mine!"

Four little voices squeal in fright. "Run faster Jamie! He's going to get you!" yells Johnny as he and Josh reach out to the youngest. Sob! "Go without me brothers, for I will sacrifice myself for you!! And I'm not a chicken!" screams Jamie as his big brown eyes begin to water. However, before the predator could pounce on him, the older brother Jake flew upwards and stepped harshly on the big males head. Unfortunately, that stomp made the big male face plant embarrassingly to the floor, "oomph!"

"Oh oh, he just made papa Juan mad... whispers Josh to Johnny as they watch their older brother pull along the now snobbing Jamie.

"We're doomed!" cries Jamie as he and Jake fly away from the now red nosed tiger beastmen.

"Right you are little chickens, you're both mine to torture," grins evily Juan as he increases his speed and harshly grabs both of the hatchlings legs. Fluidly swinging them to face him, with his huge hands he then grabs onto their body and near their faces to his armpits.

"Noooooooooo!!!!!" both cry in surrender as they try to look anywhere but at the nearing hairy stinky unbathed place of horror. "Too bad brats, this is your punishment for not getting away from me," says Juan with all seriousness as he finally plants their faces there.

Meanwhile to the side, the other two brothers shiver in repulsion, "harsh, just harsh."

"That was actually a pretty good punishment," comments Brent as he nods in appreciation while pruning his silky white fox tail. The hawk beastmen lying nearby solemnly nod as well, "yes, that will definitely motivate them to learn how to escape correctly."

Near them sat a seemingly relaxed black hair female who was being given dry pieces of meat to munch on by her other male Harry. "Juan, darling, though it was entertaining watching how my hatchlings played with you, I believe it's time for you to bathe, don't you think?"

At this Juan unconsciously shivers while still holding onto the two fidgeting hatchlings, "Lucy, I would rather wait to bathe when Spring has come."

"Oh dear," sighs Lucy as she narrows her eyes at her oldest and youngest, slowly losing their energy.  "At least let them go Juan, I think they're about to faint."

To his female's reminder, Juan lifts his armpits to the air which unfortunately brought his smell to the rest of those in the room.

Lucy immediately held her nose while her other males either faked gag or snicker at the now sulking tiger beastmen.

Noticing that papa Juan has now freed the others, the two brothers who knew it was their turn soon quickly pounced toward her. After cuddling to her side, the second oldest began to cutely ask.  "Mama" Josh says as he tilts his large dark blue eyes to his mom's wrinkling nose, "why did papa Jack and papa Chris run out into the snow?" Johnny then grabs onto his mama's furry cloth, "yes mama, it's freezing outside... maybe they like the cold?"

Seeing their innocence to the kind of world they live in, Lucy borrows her nose in her hatchlings bed of hair, "they are helping with protecting our tribe from our unknown enemy." Leaning back she then stares at their surprised eyes and at the other two's now attentive look, "learn from your mistakes in the game your papas created.  And when the day comes that we're attacked, follow your papas orders for they can help you have a higher chance for survival."

--- - ---- - ---- change of scenery ---- - ---- - ---

"How long has it been now?" whines Leo as he scratches his curly hair into a frizzy mess.

Radu, with dark bags found underneath his eyes, stares tiredly at the anxious male.

"I kind of wish they attacked already," growls Leo as he begins to scratch at the wall.

Before Radu could reply, a gush of cold wind entered the room despite how quickly the beastmen tried to close the door.

"Well, your wish might be tonight," grumbles Adan as he shakes the snow off from his shoulder, back, and head.

Both Radu and Leo tense. Though the leopard beastmen felt more than ready for a good fight, he still gulped in knowing that he'll have to confront that beast, hopefully Vick will remember him in time...

--- - ----------- - ----------- - ------------ Annndddd...

Author's Note:

Thank you PastaGod_Italy for showing interest in my next, (hopefully) not as long as this one, book.

The next MC will initially be in an egg. As for the world, hmm I'm liking the whole yandere otome theme that I've been reading in wattpad, so there it is. But of course, it'll be with a twist. ;)

Chapter originally written and published on October 25 2021 in Wattpad. Time: 17:04

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