Ch. 71 'Pug, no, Goldie's better'

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"Brother, I've heard what father said... how do you feel about guarding her?"

Snort, "funny you ask about how I feel and not if I've made myself her guard," replies a deep voice.

Lucas stops himself from rolling his eyes, "I know you brother, you won't be any females guardian because then that'll imply that you're interested."

Hearing no reply from Vick, Lucas continues, "but how will you deal living with two grown females? Not to mention, one of them is clearly interested in you.."

Vick, while observing the warriors training answers indifferently, "the small one is afraid of me.. as for our tribe female, the same as always."

Lucas glances at his brother's hands, and crossing his muscular arms comments lowly, "you say that but your fist says otherwise."

To this Vick stops staring at the nervous tribesmen and moves his predatory eyes to his brother. Glaring, he lowly growls, "if a female were to have me, I'd be a danger to her family... and if she dies, I'd be a danger to the tribe."

Laying his ear back, Lucas slightly lowers his head while his eyes are set on his ever angry brother. "I'm aware but that shouldn't hinder you!" he growls back.

To his provocation, Vick stands up to his full height. His muscular shoulders begin to move up and down as he cracks his neck from side to side. Drawing out his claws he hungrily growls, "I think it's time we'd have another battle."

Lucas, sensing his brother's thirst for pain, growls in anticipation, "agreed." 


"Su!" ack, "Sukiii!!" gasp, "I can't!" 

Way behind me my poor Goldie's mouth is fully open as she tries to take in some air. Narrowing my eyes at her poor physical condition, I quickly jog back to her. 

Sensing that I was coming back to her, Sheila groans as she flops down on the ground. 

"This is too much! I think," gasps, "I'm gonna die!" she whines.

Wyatt who stayed close to her began to look worried and knelt by her side. Placing a finger near her nose and sniffing around, he looks perplexed, "but you're not injured and you're breathing fine."

Sheila frowns and swats his hand away, "you wouldn't understand Mr. Macho man, or should I say Hercules!"

Wyatt stands back up, "my name is not Mr. Macho man, nor is it Hercolis..."  "Did you get hit on the head when you fell?" he mutters as he asks himself. 

Radu, who's running beside me, answers him, "no, she's just weak."

Wyatt nodded his head solemnly.

Sheila, wanting to cry, whines, "I'm not weak, you all are just too outrageously strong."

To her comment, Radu and Wyatt communicate with their eyes that the blonde female is indeed weak.

Smiling, I place my hands on my hips as I laugh, "okay, enough dramatics Sheila."

Taking one of her hands I easily try to lift her up, "up you go!"

As if she was a doll without bones, Goldie really didn't want to get up. Instead she began to hug my waist and started pleading, "no more Suki! Please!!"

Tilting my head at her I pouted, "but you said you were bored... and this is a great way to make you stronger."

Seeing that the blonde female wouldn't take her paws off his Suki, Radu huffs and tries to gently pry her fingers off. Well more like he was trying not to break her sticky fingers. "Enough female, you're not a cub!"

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