Ch. 50 Growing

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Three days after the attack, Leader Axel of the Bear Clan and Leader James of the Wolf Clan decided that some of our males would head out to attack the Sandstorm Tribe. As the Clear Lake Tribe, their decision was based on that we couldn't let other tribes think they could get away after attacking us. Thus the other tribe, though slightly far, was set to be our target of revenge. Vick and another wolf beastmen were chosen to lead some of our young and battle experienced males into battle. Those who were recovering from the recent attack and those who had their own female had the choice to stay. Papa Dash, as a strong beastmen, was asked if he wanted to go, but he decided to stay behind to protect our tribe, to protect us.

 As for Clarise, she was the only one left alive out of the ones who attacked us. Her males were included of those hunted and killed, which left the female barely able to look up. We also came to learn that the two males from our tribe who mated with her, were killed by her males when they did not want to help with the attack. When known to the tribe, this came to serve as a warning to our single males to observe well the female they would one day desire to claim. 

Now, since females are rare in this world, she had to choose to either lose her eyes or lose her tongue. Like I've been taught, our eyes are precious to our survival, so it was no surprise that she chose the latter. What did surprise me was on the day that our males left the tribe,  she was placed inside a cage that was wrapped on top of a beast. I came to learn that on their way to the battle, she was to be traded with another tribe for goods. 

It was discouraging to know that we females could be traded so easily and so forcefully. When asked, mama attempted to help me understand by mentioning that her punishment was light since Clarise could have been left to the ferals for her crime of hurting another female and her female cub. 

Feeling a slight chill at this revelation, I began to worry about the ferals. Would they take this chance to attack our tribe since some of our males were away?

"Suki, let's go," papa Dash nudges me as he morphs into his beast and waits patiently for me to get up. Getting out of my morbid thoughts I nod my head and turn around to give mama a light hug. Soon I'm trotting to our river. 

Papa Dash could've trotted besided me in his other form, but I let him know the other day that I felt safer seeing him in his beast form. Lately, my scars had stopped burning so I've taken this chance to resume my exercise knowing that being able to run could indeed save us. I don't ever want to be mama's baggage ever again. 

The eight-year-old bear cub female began to trot toward the rivers of bears. Every few steps she took, her body began to grow from an eight-year-old slightly clumsy jog to a more confident 10-year-old's jog. In this stage she has taken the chance to take turns jogging and training in her small black bear beast form. Her training was mostly given by her papa Dash with every now and then Lucy and one of her papa's rotating with her. Her mother taught her how to use her feminine charms and how she could defend herself from a nasty female. Her other papas taught her how other beasts may try to attack her, which helped her to learn how to defend herself. Though, she knew that if worse came to worse her defense would only work as a surprise and at a certain point she'll have to use her legs to flee. 

As for her bear beast, she appeared extremely small when near her father's golden bear beast form. However, this small fuzzy ball began to grow in time to a bigger and bigger solid form. By this time Radu has already achieved his first mark and if they were compared side to side, her beast would barely touch Radu's shoulder. Of course, in this world females were meant to be smaller than the males, but at least her strength was stronger than other female beasts. 

With sweat falling down her forehead, Suki's olive colored hand brushes against her forehead as she pulls her long wavy black hair away from her face. Rushing into the deeper side of the river, she happily sighs. I'll never get tired of feeling this fresh water after a good run. Suddenly she remembers the goal discussed between her and Radu last night. Hurriedly washing the sweat off her body and hair, she begins to search for a familiar black bear beast.

 Dash who was walking nearby smiles at his grown cub. However, he turns to the other side of the river to hunt when he thinks about how his not so little cub will have her own family. Sighing, he thinks back on how Lucy and her cubs were doing. Thankfully the three diablitos have long left them to start their own family... well all except for Casper who's still looking for ways to achieve more marks. And now, their family's hands are full with Lucy's four bird cubs. They are exactly like their father Jack. Always looking for trouble and unable to leave anything shiny behind, be it theirs or anothers. Shaking his head, Dash thinks that at least he's able to relax here.

Dash's ears then twitch when he hears a familiar giggle. Holding in a sigh he knew that she saw him... best to try to ignore and keep looking for some fat juicy fish.

Suki again giggles as she swims over to Vick. The now three marked male still appears the same as he did when she first blurted out to him "Vick, I want you!" Was that nine winters ago? Since then she had made it a routine to visit him whenever she came to this river. She also made it clear that she was still interested in him, be it here or at the Tribe's Campfire. 

The difference this time is that she now has a more feminine body such as having wide hips, long strong legs, fuller lips, and boobs. Though not as big as her mother's, they are still boobs. Suki slightly lowers her head at him to which he nods back. Suki, then happily beams, "will you be present at the Fire Mating Ceremony?" 

Vick lets out a puff of air through his nose. Suki laughs it off by fiddling with the purple shell swinging on her necklace and with a reddened face she whispers to him, "I believe my estrus is coming soon" pauses and shyly looks down. "Radu and I will finally have our own den and we still." Gulping, Suki leans closer to the inexpressive bear beast, "I still want you as I did so many winters ago." Looking clearly into his deep black eyes and not noticing any emotions, Suki holds onto her smile and nods her head goodbye. 


Author's Note:

We made it to chapter 50!!

And surprise! Suki is now officially 17! Woop woop! 

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