Ch. 69 Wrong Sparkly Eyes

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"Rooms mine," grunts Vick as he steps toward the largest of the new rooms. 

Radu and Adan slowly nod their head in agreement then stare at Wyatt. 

Lifting his lip in a smile he comments, "I'll construct my room to the other side of The Uni.. I mean, Sheila."

As he begins to move, Radu stops him with a brotherly smile, "wait, we'll help you with the construction." Then with a worried expression his ears flop down as he looks down at his fingers. "Suki would've loved to add a certain fur to her den but," sigh, "since we're all mostly so young, we don't have enough to contribute to trade."

Wyatt's round brown ears twitch as he stares at the embarrassed skunk beast. 

"Oh well." Radu  looks up and nods at Leo, "lets get some lumbar and stone."

Leo, naively believing in Radu's words, mentions as he walks toward the door, "yeah, she really likes the white fur and those who have patterns to them." Scratching his chin, he then mutters thoughtfully, "though she does have an unusual taste for structures she calls furniture."

Radu, who's now smiling tiredly, comments, "too bad Suki will have to wait a few winters more for us to purchase what she really wants. Anyway, let's go grab the materials needed for our den."

Before they could step out of the door, Wyatt shouts after them, "I can help! Whatever Suki, uh head female, needs, please let me help!" 

Radu who was facing the door smirks and as he turns around his lips change to a glorious smile. With sparkly eyes at the new contributor Radu quickly leads him to the village. Leo, who was able to see Radu's face before he turned around, was left bewildered at his friend's quick change of emotion. 

Further behind Leo was Vick. This bulky male who was inspecting his new place couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "idiot."

~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~

A tall olive skin female with long black wavy hair is seen comfortably walking through the village. Near her side walks a much shorter light blond hair female who is brazingly looking in amazement at the vendors stalls. Behind these two females is a handsome wolf beastmen with steel blue eyes who is carrying the many furs and trinkets chosen by his female and guest. 

"So those," says Sheila as she points her thumb behind them, "are going to be my bedding?"

Suki nods her head and grins happily as she whispers in her ear, "and the best part yet is that they're totally free to us", cough, "you, free for you."

"But if those are the beddings, then what will I wear?" asks the confused girl. Glancing behind her she watches Adan carrying a lot of furs, but are they really necessary for a bed? Scratching the back of her ear she starts to compare these beddings to her bed sheets... she only had like a maximum three pairs of bed sheets okay. 

Suki, who can fairly guess what the delicate girl was thinking, lowly comments, "you're not used to the seasons, and you don't have a mate to keep you warm. Trust me, these furs would keep you from freezing at night."

Suki then straightens up and thinks out loud, "but if it's really cold you could sleep near my side, I'm just not sure If my males would be happy or if I might accidentally roll on you."

To this Adan wanted to growl his protest but intelligently chose not to in order to see how the other female would respond. 

Feeling a cold pair of eyes on her, Sheila tries to smile at her friend as she responds, "much appreciated, like really, thank you, but uh I'll..." She then gasps, "oh look Suki, is that a comb?!"

With excited eyes she trots over to one of the stalls. In this stall there are instruments that look like combs and other hair accessories such as wooden or bone hair clips. Behind the stall is a middle aged almond colored skin male with braided black hair. This vendor smiles happily at the excited female. 

"You have a good eye, little female, this is our Clans specialty."

Sheila looks up at his hazel eyes, "oh, which Clan?"

By his scent Suki already knew which one, but understood why the girl wouldn't know. 

The male gladly steps to the side of the tent and morphs into his half form. The male who was once slightly taller than Suki is now towering over them. His upper body appears like he did behind the stall yet his lower body is now of a proud black horse. "My name is Stan, and my trade is famous in the Horse Clan," he says as his hand elegantly signals to his craft. 

Sheila's eyes bugged out, unconsciously her hands reach out to pet the gorgeous stallion, but Suki quickly grabs her hand and swiftly changes its direction to a comb. "This one looks really nicely made," mentions Suki as she chose whatever comb was the closest to them. Internally she was admonishing Sheila's action. They do not need trouble! Especially since that male clearly has a scent of already being bonded!

In a sweet business tone the horse beastmen comments, "very fine eyes indeed. This comb was made by my son. This sturdy and beautiful item would do wonders for a female's hair." He then points at a bone hair clip, "and this one was made by one of our colts, a fine male he is. He has the gift of intricating delicate lines and curves to our crafts."

I get it, his business is in selling his wares, but I can definitely tell from his sparkly eyes that he's measured me to be a good size female for his Clan males. 

"Ohh Suki, did he say colts?" Gushes Sheila, "I want to see them! They must look soo cute!"

Stan blinks perplexed at the shorter female. Scratching his nose he shyly comments, "little female, we do have colts, but I don't think your body will be able to handle them."

This time it was Sheila's turn to blink her eyes. Still not getting it, she was about to ask why when Suki interrupted them. "We'd like to trade for these two combs."

Stand immediately morphs back into his male form and giddily packs our purchase as Adan trades with the vendor with what Stan desires (fur, herbs, meat, or other depending on the vendor's type of beast).

Walking further away from them, Sheila then whisper, "what did he mean that I wouldn't be able to handle them? I mean, they're colts right? At my friend's farm they were always so nice and playful."

Clearing her throat, Suki begins to lecture, "Sheila, think about it. A cub, colt, fish, whatever that belongs to a beastmen and has been touched by a female, they are to be of the female's family."

Sheila gasps, "Nooo, literally?!"

Nodding my head I ask, "now do you know why he mentioned that you wouldn't be able to handle them?"

Biting her nails, Sheila's eyes squint then slowly widen in bafflement, "you don't mean the females here will birth an actual colt?"

I stay silent and stare at her worried face.

"Oh my gawd!!" Sheila bites down at her lips and looks at my waist then at her much smaller waist, "just hoooww" she mumbles shout. 

Behind them the wolf beastmen snorted in disdain at the blonde females dramatics. Yet he then ponders about the size of a newly born colt. Holding on a shiver he promises to himself that his Suki would need to stay far away from all single horse beastmen. 


Author's Note:

Thank you everyone for commenting on the last chapter.

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