Ch. 108 Creepy Spitting Mosquitos!!

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"Oh wow, there's more of that white crocs family," sarcastically comments Leo as he walks inside with the hair on his arms partly raised up.

"Mmm yes, I see, there are some with white hair and pale skin similar to myself, but unlike them I don't feed on blood," earnestly replies Tikvah with an innocent smile to his new family.  "Oh and look, some of them also have blonde curly hair and tannish like skin color," he says as he points away while Leo groans into his hand.

Radu, wanting to dispel the awkward fear from his own emotions adds, "true, though most of them have black hair and.. Hey, why are some of their eyes turning red?"

Suki, not completely turning around mutters in a ghostly whispering tone used in telling nightly scary stories during some of their bonfires, "maybe they're hungry and are waiting for our guards to go down in order to drink till our corpses become completely dry." As expected, Radu gulped and Leo's hair stood even higher, meanwhile inside she's having a laughing fit at their palling faces.

Not being able to stand it anymore, she was about to snort at their aghast expression when an elder from the Bat Clan who was standing aside smiles gently and in a comforting voice mentions out loud to her, "female I am happy that you have shown interest about about our clan, however please do not worry. These youngsters are still in the stages of learning how to control their urges."

Near the elder, a black hair male with dark bronze skin and golden colored eyes adds with a fangy smile, "if they ever act up, we are more than capable to stop them before they get out of hand," and ends with giving Suki a playful wink.

Withholding a shiver, Suki unconsciously lets out a nervous laughter. Who would've thought that her made up story was actually true in this world!

Now leaning closer to Adan, Suki held onto a tunnel vision that zoomed in on Vick calmly walking beside this tribe's only leader. Unknown to her, the male who said that they would keep things in order, gave each of the other younger males a threatening glare each time one of their morphed claw hands reached out to the visiting group.

While they kept on walking inside the amusedly huge and rather long cave tunnel, Suki's nerves decreased into wonder while her males began to coldly sweat since they were aware about those ugly claws belonging to those hungry mosquitos!!

Arriving at a round place filled with a few glowing globes, the Bat Leader turns around and addresses his tribe who now outnumbered the red eye glowing ones.

"Welcome, Clear Lake Tribe to our humble home. As you have requested, I will allow you to speak to our Baturri Tribe about the war you are proposing."

Vick then steps forward and glances at the beastmens who filled this surprisingly rather large place. "We are going to war against the Ape King who set his mind in overwhelming underhanded perverse ways of obtaining tribes."

Someone of the Bat Clan shouted, "but isn't that normal in tribal wars?"

Vick nodded his head, "yes, but not when it comes to harming the tribe females in a way that'll make them scarred physically and emotionally, so much so that the trampled tribes become the Ape Kings forever slaves!" Vick growls threateningly at the end with glowing eyes as he remembers what the maned wolves told them about some of their females unfortunate fate.

Answering in anger and shock, many shouted with curses and hisses, for endangering a female has always been morally prohibited in tribe wars.

On the other side, Suki ducks her head under Radu's bushy tail while around her the other males are uncontrollably hissing out some of their spits. As for Radu, well his nervousness at the situation is now officially over. Instead his eyebrow is twitching at having to be a body shield from the flying spits.

"For that reason, join us oh mighty Baturri Tribe, lend us your fangs to conquer and destroy them!" (Author's note: Yeah, I'm cringing.)

This time roars from the warriors and cries from the females follow in agreement to join the war. And well, it also gave them access to try a different cuisine, for they were not picky on feeding on either animals or beasts.

Standing back towards the Bat Leader, the leader then adds, "to make this agreement complete, the Clear Lake Tribe has brought a strong female with them. She will have one of our strongest warriors as part of her family."

This time, murmurs of curiosity and skepticism could be heard.

Placing a hand up, the tribe quieted down. "Some of you are probably too young to remember, but females from this particular Tribe would never devour their males during winter."

Overwhelming shouts of happiness came from the males, so much so that the young males whose eyes were glowing red are now back to their usual color.

"Then, as tradition, our strongest male would win the position to become her male, protector, warrior, and bringer of food."

—------------- Time Skip from the Bloody Gore —-------------

"So uh, this is what they meant by their strongest warrior huh?" comments Suki as she tries to keep her face and mind from going into nauseous puking sentiments.

"Yes, it's exciting isn't it," joyfully responds Tikvah as he looks with pleased eyes at the soon to be winner of the fight.

"It's definitely very barbaric," mutters Radu as he is still pruning his tail from the Bat Clan's saliva. Shivering, he tries not to think of all the beasts they'd probably drank from, hopefully none had an illness.

Beside him sits an astonishing quiet Leo whose gray glowing eyes are sneakily glancing at his surroundings. He gave himself the personal job of making sure that none of those red eye blood suckers would come near them!

As the male closest to Suki, Adan, he's currently imitating Vick's stone face as he internally screams that the winning male from this tribe, though three marks, appears to be close to obtaining four marks!!!  He knew that his position was temporary, but he in now way wants their Alpha head male to be a hungried blood sucker! What if he overfeeds on them during the winter, or worse, on Suki!!

"Congratulations Badrick! You have proved that you are the strongest single male of our Baturri Tribe!" shouts the Bat Leader as he looks proudly at the sweating and bloodied black hair, dark bronze skin male with glowing golden eyes who is now smirking flirtingly at a stiff smiling Suki.

Chapter originally written and published on December 28, 2021 in Wat tpa d. Time: 20:12

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