Ch. 23 'We Match'

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"Suki..." someone whispers, "Suki, take it slow." Mama's voice appears behind me. Fresh air touches my skin. In order to look at mama, I turn on my back and surprisingly I don't feel like a heavy ball anymore. Seeing my quizzical expression, mama softly laughs, "do you want to get up?". I nod my head, and go into a sitting position. My brown eyes widened, when, when, did my legs get so long and why am I not wearing anything? Looking around to make sure no one else was in the room, I was about to touch my knee but then noticed that my hands also grew. "Mama?" I whimper. "Shhh, shhh, it's okay my little cub," smiles Lucy. She lovingly pats my head and says, "you went through your first phase." First phase

Lucy then asks, "remember that you were crying?". Nodding my head, "yeah, I felt so uncomfortable," I say while holding onto my now longer olive color legs. Mama continues, "well you ended up having a fever that day, and well you were at age to go through the first phase." Pulling back a lock of my black wavy hair from my face, mama smiles tenderly "and congratulations, you're now an eight-year-old female." So quick? Rapidly blinking my eyes, my hands start to touch my furry ears, my face (mmm still slightly chubby), my hair which I now notice falls a little below my shoulders. Then I slowly look over from my shoulders to my hands, my waist, my behind (yes, my lovely tail is still there) and finally touching my ticklish feet. Waoo. "So, do you want to try to get up?" mama asks again. With a goofy smile, I quickly bob my head to a yes. Mama stands up and with her help, I'm able to stand on my now shaking legs. "Careful Suki, you'll need to get used to your legs." 

Lightly biting my lips, mama and I practice walking around the room. After I was finally able to walk normally and without her help, mama gave me a huge smile and showed me a white two piece cloth. Bouncing excitedly on her feet, mama exclaims, "here's the gift your papas and I have been working on!" Without giving me time to appreciate their gift, mama quickly pounces on me and roughly places the new furs on my body. Afterwards she turns around to find something. While mama's attention is elsewhere, I gently touch the soft fur. The top part covers my shoulders and stops above my belly. The bottom part starts on my waist and is halfway to my knees. The other difference between my toddler cloths and this one is that my bottom cloth has a hole where my small round fluffy tail can pop out comfortably. Mama soon appears in front of me with gleaming eyes. She sexily poses with a hand behind her black long silky hair. She's wearing what appears to be the same white fur. Besides the same style as mine, her top is shoulderless (well mama's got the bust to hold the cloth up), and her bottom cloth is shorter than mine. All in all, mama looks enchanting. Seeing my appreciative stare, mama roguishly gives me a wink, "so what do you think?" I immediately hug mama and rub my head on her stomach,"you look beautiful mama and thank you so much!" Lucy gleefully laughs and combs her cubs hair, "we are beautiful Suki and now we match." 

Leading me outside, papa bear sees me and lets out a loud growl to the forest. He then crouches down to my level and gives me an affectionate hug, "congratulations my little cub" he softly says into my hair. "Thank you papa for the gift," I respond with a fierce hug. When papa Dash stands back up he stands next to Lucy and places his arms around her. While they're in their own world, I decide to turn to the forest and see a large snow leopard and three young leopards rapidly running toward us. Behind them is a skunk cub desperately trying to keep up. Before they could arrive, a dark shadow blocks the sun from my eyes. Looking up, a dark figure is seen speedily getting closer and soon it lands in front of me. After the strong gust of wind pushing my hair back, I can now see that it was papa Jack who had arrived in his half-beast form. His arms quickly morph into man form and from there he gives me a rougher hug, "you look gorgeous Suki." Papa Jack, stop squeezing, ackk. I lightly give him a hug back, "thank you" I whisper. 

Jack lets out an Oof sound when papa Chris places a hard fist on his head. "Okay, my turn!" he grins.  Jack sighs, gives me a light peck on the cub's cheek, and stands aside to let the gleeful Chris hug their little female cub. Then giving my head a pat, papa Chris smiles, "wao Suki, look at you", he lightly spins me around, "you're not so little anymore." I let out a merry laugh, "yeah I can probably race my brothers now!" Speaking of which, the sweaty diablitos pop out behind papa Chris. "You wanna try," challenges Bruce with a smirk. Someone shoves him aside, "no way, Suki prefers to be carried still right?" ask Cruz with hopeful eyes. "Give it up Cruz, our little Suki prefers me," points Casper to himself. The three surprisingly, not really, end up getting in a rough-house. The papas sigh. 

While my brothers were busy trying to figure out who was the best, a gasping Radu appears in front of Suki. "You, you, um cough congratulations Suki" timidly says the black hair boy. I smile, get really close to him, and exclaim with a bright smile, "we're now the same height!" Radu blushes fiercely. Nodding his head rapidly, he responds, "you, you're too beautiful" then suddenly gasps. Radu astoundedly covers my eyes with his hands. A squeal is heard from mama, while papa bear and papa crow can be heard mumbling in displeasure. Papa's Chris then voices out, "oh look, it's Brent and Zeik with fresh meat." Still feeling Radu's warmth, I step back, twitch my nose to the air and with a toothy smile I dreamily think about the tasteful meal. 

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