Ch. 38 Leader Axel Gives out a Just Punishment

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Watching as the golden orange sky darken while laughing merrily with the family, made this night lovely until...

Eleven beastmens are surrounding a campfire. The adult female, who was now sitting in between a contented bear beastmen and a purring tiger beastmen, happily told her family the story of this Most Beautiful Competition. While the black hair female spoke, the adult males around her smiled proudly. As for her cubs, one was happily rubbing the huge bump on his stomach, while the other was gasping and laughing at her mother's dramatic recounts. "And she thought she could bully me! Ha, as a fox female, how can I let a puny cat beast out do me!" laughs Lucy while placing a gentle hand over her mouth. 

Before mother could continue her story, a slight cough was heard outside our campfire. All eyes stared at the messy light blonde built male standing with a piece of meat. The male nods at mother, nods at papa bear, and surprisingly he then walks over to me and kneels down. I don't remember seeing this male in our village before. Taking a sniff of his scent, I realize that he doesn't belong to our tribe. 

Lucy stares at the male, recognizing him as one of the many who followed them from the competition. Feeling her tense head male, Lucy quietly places a comforting hand on his large fist and glances at him with serious eyes. Her meaning was to let their cub be. She then lifts a side of her lip while showing an enlongated sharp tooth, meaning anything can be done if that male is seen to be unsuitable. Dash glowing light brown eyes move to glance at his female, grins evilly, and stares menacingly at the kneeling male. On the other side is Radu who while keeping his eyes on the unknown male was also able to see the heads gesture. Trying not to shudder, he goes back to paying attention to how his little female will react. 

Should I take his food? I mean, I'm full and not sure if I can take anymore... but then mama and the papas haven't growl in annoyance. Suki takes a step toward him, morphs her right hand into paws and with her claws she tries to grab a piece of meat like she saw Natasha do. 

My claws are stuck! Thanking it was night and the tribesmen were all in their own campfires, Suki slightly blushes as she tries to retract her claws. It's not coming off! 

The male, feeling the pull on his offering, looks up and smiles excitedly at the female. He then pushes the meat toward her hand, "my name is Mario, I'm a leopard beast from the Iyaki Tribe." He then gets up and looks at the skunk beast with a glint. Radu internally wants to roll his eyes at this male but instead silently moves over to give this male a place beside his female. 

Suki, focusing on retracting her claws did not see the exchange. Finally figuring out that by taking a bite of this meat, her claws were free, yet looking up she suddenly notices that the male name Mario is now sitting beside her. 

"I heard your howl, saw your flowers, and you ate my offering, little female. As the son of the leopard clan leader, will you take me to be part of your family," he says cockily. Before Suki could reply, he continued, "and become your head male." He then finishes as he places his hand to his face, gesturing at his two marks. 

Radu's tail twitches at hearing the males words. 

Suki's once bewildered eyes, slint down to a stare. "Are you ordering me?" With this Radu couldn't stop his growl. The other males wanted to growl as well but waited for the head female's response. Lucy, upong hearing this, slinted her glowing blue eyes at the male but did not move. Meanwhile, Casper who already sat straight up, prepared himself in case the male tried anything to his little sister. 

Mario about to respond, heard the skunk beasts growl. Looking haughtily at the black hair teen male, he asks, "who are you to her?" Radu's nails elogated, but he kept calm, "I am her pet beast." With his answer, Mario laughs loudly and adds, "then you are no competition to me, a mere pet beast in front of a grown two mark beast, ha!" Radu slints his glowing purple eyes but says nothing.

Slap. Mario stops his laughter and with glowing blue eyes quickly searches for the beast that dares to hit him. His eyes stop at a glowing pair of light brown eyes. With extended sharp teeth Suki speaks gruffly, "do not ridicule Radu, he is My family!" Mario lifts his lips in a snarl, "you, a half female hit me for an unmarked male, and a weak one at that." Suki again goes in for another slap, but before she could touch him, Mario grabs a hold of her wrist and squeezes tightly. "You dare to try to slap the son of the leopard clan leader!" he yells. 

With his yell and when Suki lets out a gasp in pain, the males in the campfire growl menacingly as they get up. Radu, the only one who can get a clear attack at this boisterous males back, quickly sinks his teeth onto Mario's shoulder and leaves deep scratches on him. Because of the sudden unexpected attack Mario ends up letting go of the female's wrist. Ignoring the other males growls, Mario turns around to slash at the puny male beast. However, before he could make the male bleed, he himself is slammed heavily onto the floor by an unknown male. 

Suki is now strongly held in her brother's chest, who is standing behind some of her papas. Her mother is softly touching her hair while her other hand is tenderly massaging the cub's hurt wrist. Papa bear has already quickly morph into his own huge bear beast and is grizzly growling with falling spit at the now fallen male. 

The male wanting to morph into his beast is stopped once again with another heavy foot to his back. The foot belongs to a sneering Vick. Hearing his father's footsteps, Vick then brings the male easily to his feet while keeping a hard squeeze on the males neck. Mario looks confusingly at the hulking male, yet attempts to scratch him off. His efforts stop when a powerful growl is heard near the other male's side. 

A male in similar appearance to the one holding him is looking threateningly at the blond hair male. Nodding at the scowling male, Mario is then let go. 

"I've heard and seen all," growls Leader Axel. Then adds, "as the Leader of the Bear Clan who has witnessed the abuse of our tribe female, you have five seconds to leave the Clear Lake Tribe." The tribe males howl in acknowledgment. 

Mario's hair stands up, glances meaningfully at the skunk beast and runs toward the forest in his leopard beast. With glowing murderous eyes, Suki's papas wait impatiently for the five seconds to finish. Once down to zero, Dash, along with Jack and Brent rush mightedly toward their prey. The other tribesmen had already stood to the side to help the males to easily gain foot on the outcast. Meanwhile, Chris stays back with the other males to make sure that their head female, and their female cub, are okay. 

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