Ch. 57 Screaming Banshee

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"Hey, check this out."

"Check, what out?" I ask as I look over the girls screen.

"It's called" mumble mumble, "and it's about someone like us going into a different world."

I hear myself sighing, "ugh, not another transmitting book."

The girl gasps, "this is not just any book." She huffs, "it's about an everyday girl who enters into a world filled with sexy men."

"Aha, well, that sounds like an otome game..."

She gives me a flat stare, "no, definitely not an otome. In this book the girl was able to get some hunky males into her family."

Wrinkling my nose I said, "so she's cheating or.."

The girl whisper shouts, "she's not cheating, it's called polyandry okay!"

Placing my hands up in the air and crossing my fingers in the universal peace sign, I couldn't help but laugh at her exasperated expression, "okay, okay, chill, I'll read it tonight."

The girl grins, "yess! and while you're at it, take a look at this comic, you won't be disappointed.."


A soft purr rumbles behind my back and in front of me Radu's distinct citrus scent fills my nose. My mind bounces from last night's bonding with Leo and my dream. Blushing, my mind wanders to the image of me admiring Leo wholly from underneath him. Screaming internally, I remember his toned chest, sweaty hair, and glowing pleasure looking gray eyes. Well, ahem, let's first think about the dream. Though, it's not exactly a dream. If I'm not mistaken, it was a scene of my last life that was conjured up by meeting that girl yesterday.

Leo's hands begin to slightly tighten on my waist as he spoons me further into him. Radu, feeling the warmth of my body leaving him, searches with his hand to my waist. Feeling Leo's callused hands, he unconsciously swipes it off as he claims my waist with his own. Smiling contemptly, he closes our distance and begins to lightly snore.

Seeing their interaction, I begin to think how this relationship isn't normal in my past life. Having natural furry ears and tails, and having the ability to morph was not considered normal. However, that was my past life... Thinking of my males' love, I would not reject them for the values of my past self. Besides that, families were made this way to survive. This is my life now.

Yet, my mind couldn't help but think about the main character from the book I read. She sounded similar to the girl last night. Except that this one is blonde, she was carried in by a bear beastmen, not a leopard nor a wolf beast, and last... her beauty was openly seen. Remembering grandpa Liam's class, he mentioned many times the rules of the Unique One. Could it be?

Feeling a need in my lower area, I yawned and began to stretch my limbs. Hearing the cracking of my bones, Leo and Radu slowly opened their eyes and began to stretch as well. From this position, I was able to see Radu's cute sharp teeth and of course took in his stinky breath. Radu sleepily blinked his eyes to me but when he became aware of my wrinkled nose, he immediately got up and ran outside.

Grinning, I guess that he's still delicate about smelling bad. Trying to get up, a pair of strong hands behind me grab onto my waist and slowly lifts me up. Now on my feet, I nuzzle into his chest and thank Leo. His hands gently touches the leopard tattoo placed on my upper left arm. Purring, he asks, "what would you like to eat Suki?" Remembering the girl's innocent eyes looking at Vick in complete trust, I muttered, "rabbit."

Turning around, his gray eyes warmly look at me as I kiss him. Finally separating, we cloth ourselves and begin to walk out of our den. Breathing in the morning's fresh air, my first immediate stop would be to relieve myself. Glancing downhill, I grinned at the awake light brown wolf beast who would probably need some more herbs. Waving to him, I then trotted happily over to the forest to find a spot to pee.

Sighing happily, I was about to finish when a loud ghastly scream was heard. $%&* I peed on myself!! Getting up, my ears angrily search for the source of the scream. Another scream is heard and my head whiplashes to my den. Who would dare scream so close to my den! Heavily stomping back to my den, my eyes zero in on the culprit. Mouth gaping open, I couldn't help but to think what is she doing here?

A pale blond hair woman is seen trembling on the ground as she stares frighteningly at a perplexed Adan. Besides his beast head size being bigger than the girl's whole body, I can't really see how Adan could be scaring her with his goo-covered face. Heck, even his tail is now going in between his feet.

As I placed my hand over my face, I then really wanted to hit my forehead when Radu appeared from the forest and show's up in his beast form with a green spit going down his mouth. I knew it! He went to munch on some mint. Walking closer to the clearing, I then spot Leo showing up on the other side of the forest with blood dripping down his mouth. Knowing what's coming, I hurriedly cover my ears with my hands as I quickly run toward the now screaming banshee. Ahhhh you're gonna make me into cannon fodder!

As I thought, Vick's vicious growls can be heard coming toward our place. The ground trembles notifying that his arrival would soon be here. Not wanting to see my males clashing with him, I speed my running. As a massive black bear beast appears growling heavily behind the crying woman, my eyes glow as I see him taking a step toward a now defensive Adan.

Before Vick could place his heavy claw on Adan, my body immediately morphs into my beast as I stand on my back two feet placed in front of Adan. My beast then roars angrily back at an astounded Vick. "Oh my godd!!" screams the woman as she saw first hand how my body changed into a furious black bear beast. Not being able to bear anymore, she faints. Ahhh, typical!!!

Still mad, I was about to swipe my claws at Vick's nose when my body was pulled behind Adan. Later, Radu who with his body and arms took a strong hold of me as Leo stood on the other side of Adan. None of my males have bare their teeth, but their ears and body stood stiffly in case Vick attacked them in anger.

Feeling his rage go down, Vick morphs back, slightly wrinkles hide nose, and comments as his black eyes land on me, "sorry for scaring you Suki."

I growl back, not understanding him. He should be saying sorry to Adan!

"Morph back Suki," pleads Radu as he still has his strong hold on my beast. Blinking my eyes, I notice that Radu's body now shows my claw marks. Whining, my body morphs back as I lick his wounds, "I'm so sorry Radu."

Hearing a low growl from Vick, I quickly turned my body haughtily at him and screamed, "you dare!!" Looking down, Vick closes his eyes as he repeats in a strained voice, "I'm sorry I scared you."

Baffled, I laugh, "me?! Scared?!" Laughing like a maniac I point at the still fainted girl, "she's the one who was screaming as if ferals were here!"

Vick nods his head and adds in a low mutter, " smell like urine."

Sputtering now in embarrassment, I growled lowly as I began to spit out profanities.

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