Ch. 59 Her Confession

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"Can you please put on your clothes?"

"You mean cloths?"

"Huh? No, they're clothes... stop hiding that smirk and please put them on already!"

"Jeez it's not like you've never seen a female's body before," I mutter as I roll my eyes at Sheila's request.

Cough, "I have.. but one thing is watching it in movies and another is seeing it in person.." the girl shyly mutters.

Skipping over her use of words I respond, "you don't have any sisters do you?"  


"Alright already." Calmly getting up, I yawned to the sky as I happily stretched. Sigh, the sun felt good. As I walk over to the rock where my cloths were getting dry I began to think how brave or maybe stupid this girl was. Despite seeing a wide toothy grin from a beast, a person from her world would've either screamed, faint, or peed on themselves. This time however, she did none of those but instead gave me a nervous smile. 

Yes, that girl smiled at a grinning bear. Because there was no fun in her reaction, I morphed back and layed down to bathe in the sun. This however, made the girl fidget and kept her eyes elsewhere as she tried to converse with me. Cute. If I were her and my principals were the same from my last world, I'd be the same.  But now she's here and would need to adapt in some aspects in order to survive. Slightly frowning I think about how this unfortunate bunny-like girl would be desired by many males. She's going to bring trouble. 

As I was about to pull my top cloth over my chest, my ears twitch as I hear footsteps coming closer to us. I watch pleasantly as Adan's hungry eyes stares at me. Now standing in front of me his steel blue eyes slint from his usual color to a glow. As he passes my old cloths to me I begin to notice how the veins were showing in his hands. Here, I knew that he was trying to control his desire. 

"Adan, morph into your beast and lay by Leo, we need more privacy." Eyebrows twitching, he stiffly nods and as he steadily walks to the vigilant leopard beast, he morphs quickly into his wolf beast.

Beside me Sheila lets out a little piggly squeal as she hurriedly covers her eyes. 

"So you're not used to that either?"

Keeping her jade green eyes steady on my own she whisper screams with a blush to her face, "of course not!" Huffing she adds, "Seeing his thing, their bodies, them is not common!"

Nodding I add, "okay, but here's a word of advice, if you see a male that belongs to a female it's best to keep your eyes to yourself." Sputtering, Sheila was about to respond but I continued, "but if he's a single male then you can ogle all you want, however it'll show that you're interested in having him as part of your family."

With a beat red face the blonde hair girl skips over the key word family and hollers, "who said I'm interested! I mean, yes! They've have an ungodly beautiful gorgeous body that can only be seen from afar...especially where I came from. Those pretty gorgeous, handsome, and bad boy types of men were always so far... But now, that they're so close, it's just my eyes can't help but wander. And oh my gosh they're just so drool worthy. It's like they're doggy treats, I mean they're like chocolate! Oh my gosh! I'm a pervert! I'm officially a pervert!" The girl squeals as she rocks back and forth and messes her hair up. 

My eyes widen at her blabbering confession. Glancing around I see Radu, who's cooking our food, has his face tilted in puzzlement at her words. Leo, who's in his leopard beast form, slightly moves his head to us while keeping a curious eye on the odd girl. Beyond them I can't see anything else since he positioned his body like a wall so that no other male beast could see me sunbathe. Males that included Vick, who made himself leave to hunt some fishes. 

Now dressed in slightly dry cloths, I place a finger on her lips, "shhh calm down." Placing on her lap my old cloths I command, "change to this."

Her mouth hangs open. "You, you don't care that I'm a pervert?" 

At this I raise an eyebrow.

Cough, she shakes her head, "I mean, uh you want me to change here. Like here, here," she asks as she swings her arm around at this place. 

I nod solemnly, "unless, of course you prefer to stick to your wet clothes." Sighing dramatically I add, "they look uncomfortable, but I guess I'm wrong." My hands that were about to grab the cloths back were hurriedly stopped by her small hands. 

"No, cough, I mean thank you for this umm clothes. I appreciate them, just umm they'll look away right?"

Smiling toothly I couldn't help but laugh as I responded, "of course my males would look away."

With this Radu snorted and kept his attention on adding another piece of sizzling meat to the campfire. Leo can be heard purring as he stares toward the river, while Adan whines softly as he also stares off to the water. Inside he worries that his female may think that he's interested in another, especially since they haven't bonded yet.

Sheila smiles gratefully. As she unbuttons her jeans she then looks up at me, "um, can you uh look away."

Crossing my arms I lift an eyebrow as I turn my head elsewhere. Mind you, my body was still facing her but that's the best that I can do. In this world, you should never show your back to unknown beastmens. And though I know that she's probably extremely weak, there is still a chance that a male would come for her. Biting down on my lips I worry as I hope it won't be a feral. 

"Uh, thank you Suki for the clothes but why are the skirts so short?" Then mutters,"..there's a hole on the back too."

Now glancing back I try to control my facial expression at what I saw. Not fair! The top cloth looks extremely tight on her chest. Not as big as my mama, but definitely bigger than mine. Wanting to cry I then stare at her lower cloth. Anndd she's also gifted in that area. Ugh. Wrinkling my nose I answer gruffly, "I'm taller than you, so it's really not that short and that was for my tail."

Noticing my scowl she hurriedly responded, "I like it, thank you so much!"

With this I stiffly nod my head and snort. Walking to Radu's campfire, I call over for my other males to come and eat with us. 

As they morph back, Sheila quickly jogs over to my side. "Hey, don't you want to know why I came to you?"

So she didn't stumble to us. Crossing my arms I tilt my head at her, "speak."

Gripping her wet clothes to her back, Sheila mutters, "you were the first that showed me a different expression last night... it was almost as if you knew something I didn't.."

Uck! I should've watched from afar!

Not noticing my scowl, she looks down as she continues, "staying with the elder is okayy..though watching the elderly males strutting their bodies isn't really my thing, but um anyway. You're really nice to me and I uh. Yeah, so I was hoping I could live with you."

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