Ch. 67 Leo's Playfulness vs His Seriousness

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Lowering myself to the ground, I patiently wait as Suki climbs on my back. Glancing at her disappearing long toned legs, made me want to let out a whine of wanting to feel our skin against skin once more. The patting of her small hand on my neck takes me out of my heated thoughts. To her signal, I let out a roar to let Radu and Adan know that we were leaving. From there in beast form I began jogging down from our den and headed toward the village.

It's still hard to believe that Suki actually wanted me to be part of her family. Become her male, her mate. I'm completely happy that at this summer's Fire Mating Ceremony she remembered me from Elder Liam's class, but she probably doesn't know that we've met before.

On that fresh winter morning my brothers and I were called to our mother, who was at the village. When we four brothers arrived, we were then ordered to play with a female cub. That was an unusual request. Not knowing what to do, our mother insisted on us to hide behind one of the hills and from there figure out how we could play with her. As we and other cubs walked confusingly to that place, I distinctly remember hearing a loud giggle coming from the other side of the meadow. Searching for the sound, I ended up seeing a small form being happily bounced from one snow leopard teen to another. Finally getting a better glance at said figure my eyes zeroed in at the small smiling female cub. She looked so adorable with her tiny round bear ears. And better yet, she loves to play!  

From then on, I never stopped searching for her little figure. Unfortunately, most of the time Suki spent her day near her den. That was a place that neither my brothers and I would dare to attempt to play nearby since her fathers were always on alert to any males, be it cubs or not. Speaking of my brothers, they also joined in my search, but they eventually stopped when they heard that the little female cub was interested in the ferocious black bear beast. That day, I also began to glance at her from afar but observing her relationship with Radu made me think that maybe she wouldn't mind having a weaker mate. 

Radu came to our tribe as a stranger but since the first day I met him, he would always be quiet and preferred not to play with us. He was the same during the Elder's class yet this time he showed hostility toward any male cub who tried to get close to Suki. Which was understandable but at the same time extremely frustrating. Once a group of male cubs tried to separate Radu from the little female when she wasn't nearby, and the only warning they ended up getting was his spray. That made him respected, which conveniently allowed him to keep Suki to himself throughout the rest of the incoming seasons.

However, smiling at this memory, the purple eye beastmen's paradise was gone when he grew to an age where he was pushed to live with the rest of the single males. Laughing hard, my shoulders ended up tossing Suki around. 

"What's so funny?" smiles Suki as she knocks lightly on my head. 

Softly growling I tell how about our life in the single male dens and how each male was competitive with each other. 

"Oh," says Suki as she lifts an eyebrow. "Competitive huh.. like what?"

Humming I growl out words such as race, strength, fight, kills.

Giggling, she pats my head and orders me to stop. As I lay down, Suki jumps off and walks in front of my beast.

With a smirk she tilts her head as she places a hand on her hip. "Let's race from here to those woods." Getting back up, I was about to grin of the short distance, but she then added mischievously as she licked the top of her lip, "whoever wins gets one wish from the other." Suki then brazenly begins to take off her cloths and walks to my side where I carry my own cloth in a tan skin bag. Placing her cloths inside she sways back to my front and nuzzles her face to my snout. Licking the place near my mouth made me lock my beastly gray eyes at her sensual figure. Then at my mark placed lovingly at her upper leg arm.

Growling in pleasure I was about to lick the place in between her chest when she suddenly jumps back and morphs into her black bear beast. Taking me by surprise she lets out a toothy grin as she quickly takes the first running steps toward the trees. 

Blinking out of my daze I let out a loud playful growl and quickly ran behind her. Watching her cute bear paws, I lower my head and pretend to bite at her heels. Laughing, she picks up one of her paws and brutally sends dirt to my face. Shaking my head I try to disperse the dirt from trying to get into my eyes. Growling in annoyance, I became serious. Prepare my naughty female, I will get my wish. 

Aside from a few other beasts, we leopard beasts are known for being fast. Picking up my pace, I smoothly nudge her side, breaking her steady rhythm. Growling in irritation, the female beast huffs out loud then shows her teeth as she bulldozes to my side. Expecting her impact I ground my feet and slightly jump to the side so that her cute push wouldn't be too strong. For they are.

Seeing our now widened distance, Suki smiles as she sees the trees. Smirking, I growl out a warning and jump at her bear beast form. From my excited eyes, I see her bear beast slightly freeze as she notices too late a huge shadow over herself. As she tilts her head up in surprise, my beast has already pounced on her form and gently grabs onto her as we roll brusquely into the trees. 

Laughing hard, I morph back into my other form as she detangles, huffs, and morphs as well. 

"Only you Leo would do that," says Suki as she brushes the leaves off from her hair. 

Laughing, my eyes heatedly watch my female prune herself. Growling hotly, I advise, "I wouldn't do that yet."

Twitching her ears at my rough voice, Suki bites down on her lower lips and sultry shortens our distance, "do what?"

Instead of replying, I stare into her glowing light brown eyes and take in her plump lips with my own. Growling deeply in our kiss, I mutter, "my wish."

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