Ch. 100 Attack on the Clear Lake Tribe Part 2

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Freezing winds whip around the stilled bodies laid on what was once a silent snowy dark forest. Now, by the light of the moon, the place is colored with splashes of red along with patches of fur and questionable pieces of meat. As if playing along with the horrific scenery, the wind carries a symphony filled with gruesome growls, painful whines, hurtful cries, and the tremendous awakened raged growls of the once hibernating bear beastmens.

"Listen Suki," whispers Radu as he places his cold hands firmly on her cheeks, thus turning her face away from the battle going not too far off from the front of their den. "We need you to ride on Wyatt's back and flee toward the village."

With trembling lips and shaking eyes Suki attempts to focus on Radu's dark glowing purple eyes as he orders her to escape. Yet her mind rewinds to seeing her male fighting off a group of cougars and what surprisingly appears to be a mixture between a fox and a long legged coyote, a maned wolf... what are they doing here?  "But, wha what about Leo, he's fighting alone over there and..."

Before she could continue, Radu stops her with a kiss and quickly speaks into her ear, "first, he's not alone and second, we need you to leave now... we'll be right behind you."

She was then gently yet firmly grabbed around her waist by a two legged morphed Adan who immediately placed her on top of an already four legged morphed aggressive looking Wyatt. Not a second later, Radu jumps up behind her which lets Wyatt know that he can now start running.

As the four travelled to the village,the ground shook with the weight of more of their own tribe members speedily passing by them to help out with defeating the enemy. As the place was filled with the scent of their own, Suki was then able to feel like she could breathe a little better. However, though she was firmly held by Radu, she couldn't help but to think back on who she left behind and if her group would arrive together safely at the destined place.

As if answering to her worries, almost half-way through, four of the enemy predators ran out behind the trees, aiming at the cherished cargo carried on the brown beast bear's back.  

Holding onto a gasp, Suki crouched lower onto her male's back as he and Adan ferociously growled a warning. Radu, on the other hand, kept his steady eyes on the enemy while analyzing if the enemy showed any weakness.

Obviously ignoring their growls and not wanting to wait for backup, the four beasts soon started trying to run behind and were now recently able to run beside them. Reason for this was due to Wyatt not being able to run fast for so long in his huge heavy body. At first his motivation to keep running faster for so far was his female shakily whispering to him that they will be okay, that they will make it to the village, that they will survive. But now, he knew that his family would either have to stop and defeat these trespassers or pass Suki to one of the other male's backs for a quicker and swifter ride.

Noticing that the bear beast's speed was slowing down, a young brave and partly foolishly eager cougar beast jumps toward the brown beast's side with the aim to grab a hold of the young reproducing abled female. Yet, before he could sink his claws in, the one-eyed wolf that was presumably the weakest, harshly sinks his teeth into the cougar's neck and roughly shakes his prey about while taking the opportunity to deathly claw into the other's male's stomach. The cougar beast whose eyes were once glowing brightly toward the hunt slowly dimmed as he realized that the move he did was completely amateurish, and for that he severely paid for it.

As the cougar beast died on the snowy ground, an older cougar beast growls angrily as he charges toward the snarling wolf beast for the death of his brethren. The other two maned wolves couldn't care less about the young beastmen, however they did notice that his attack left the bear beast open to a side attack. Taking this opportunity they both cautiously jump at the bear beast's left side, while the older cougar fought with the bloodied wolf beastmen.

Shrieking in horror, Suki didn't know where to look because for one Adan was fighting off an enraged enemy and another, the other two enemies were attempting to bite at Wyatt's side. Thankfully, though Wyatt was facing two, his structure was wider and taller than them, thus allowing him to move his large mouth around as well as his paws to heavily hurt them. 

Tired of this dance, the quickest of the two was then able to bring his sharp mouth closer to the bear's side, almost too close to Suki's leg. Was their aim to destroy his side or to maul my leg off?! Before Suki could angrily bring her leg up to kick at the stinky wide opened mouth of her enemy, Radu swiftly clawed at the maned wolf's eyes, leaving him temporarily blind to howl in pain at the attack of the forgotten male. Wyatt, noticing the weakness, stomped away at the other male and made a supremely heavy blow to the surprised enemy who's whines were immediately shut off.

Radu, knowing that Wyatt can now freely take care of the other, quickly leaps off his back and morphs into his skunk beast to bite at the unprepared cougar beast leg. This attack resulted in giving Adan the chance to finally maul at the enemy's neck. Slightly panting, he turns around to see if Wyatt needed help with finishing off the leftover trespasser.

The lone maned wolf leaps back a few feet and despite knowing his fate, quickly makes the decision to howl for back-up. Wyatt, finally acknowledging the other's plan, attempts a louder growl while bringing up a claw to whack the other heads off. Yet, he was too late, for other howls responded back in a matter of minutes.

"Oh noo," cries Suki worriedly as her freezing yet sweaty hands grab onto Wyatt's hair.

Deeply panting, Wyatt looks back at Adan and Radu. Aware that the smallest of them was unhurt, nods with faint sadness at him.  Adan, knowing their plan, painfully morphs back into his naked self and jumps onto Wyatt's back to get a hold of Suki's waist.

Feeling a rough tug, Suki at first didn't know why Adan would want to take her off Wyatt, but after being placed on Radu's awaiting back, she finally knew what this meant.

"Noooo, Wyatt noo!! We'll all arrive there safely, please, please don't do this!" As she gasps in pain of her heart screaming for her male, Wyatt walks over to her and with his bloody snout allows her to hug him for what could be the last goodbye.

Sniff, "you'll make it right, please promise me you'll make, pleassee!" croaks Suki as she tightly holds onto him. Knowing that time was important, Wyatt forcefully pushed her away. With what appears like slightly smiling yet sadden jade green eyes, he then fiercely turns around and growls heavily at the forest.

"Noooooooo!!!!" shrieks Suki as Radu and Adan both start running toward the village, leaving a lonely Wyatt behind looking at small pairs of glowing eyes running from a distance to them. 

Chapter originally written and published on November 18 2021 in Wa tt pa d. Time: 19:48

--- Authors Note --

Ya'll, it was hard, dificil, writing up an attack/defense/battle moment. And honestly, this last part, as the author, it literally made me feel like crying


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