Ch. 107 To the Bat Cave, Nararara, Bat Mannn (scratch that) Vampire!!

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In the modern world this would be considered a striking sight, so much so that the observer's fingers would dance to tap on the camera icon just to capture this moment on social media. So imagine that in a dark foreboding green hilly area, there is a rather huge light brown wolf beast surrounded on all sides by an equally abnormally huge skunk and leopard beast. Besides this odd combination, add to the mix a small white blur following behind them as well as a couple of other wolf and bear beasts running either in the front or behind the first mentioned wolf.  And for the cherry on top, is the heroic looking black haired female riding this specific one eye wolf while sporting three visible tattoos. Zooming in at her leg, the newest tattoo is of a white tribal looking crocodile protectively surrounding her left ankle.

The running of this unusual parade lasted until it started to drizzle.

A black bear beast, larger than all the others, let out a loud growl to which the other beasts behind him slowly went from a fast run, to a trot, to finally a walk.

Ugh, finally I can get off and stretch my legs, thinks Suki as she watches their group leader take them to what appears like a couple of dark caves seemingly stacked on top of each other with animal and possibly beast bones placed outside of each entrance.

Sigh, again with this decor..

"What is this place?" mutters Suki while the hair on her arms begins to stand up the closer they get to the eerie looking caves.

The white blur that was following behind the female, speeds towards her by jumping over the skunk beast and sliding under the leopard beast who failed at attempting to stop him.

"We are in front of the Baturri Tribe," answers Tikvah and shyly looks at his curiosed looking female.


Nodding eagerly, the white braided hair male explains, "they are a tribe that mainly consists of bat beasts." Excited that the attention is completely on him, he continues, "the bat beast's main meal is blood, though a few I've heard are known for liking meat as well, but don't worry I'll protect you."

However, instead of showing fear like most females he's observed before, instead his special female actually shows excitement.

Bats and blood? Holy cow, they're actual vampires! Vampires? Mmm a term from my past life where I watched them either burn to death or shine like fireflies in that huge window-like object. I believe I've also read about them in many but mannyy romance books.

Oh my goshhhhhh, I always wanted to know how it'd feel like having a vampire boyfriend! Internally squeals Suki as her pupils dilate and her small bear tail begins to adorably shake bath and forth.

Confused at her reaction, Tikvah slowly blinks his very light, almost clear blue eyes and looks at the other family males for answers. Unfortunately, the black and white hair skunk beast looks equally as dumb funded as he. As for the curly hair male, well he's chewing on his lowering lip while darkingly muttering 'more competition'. The only indifferent one appears to be the three marked wolf beasts whose whole attention is at the front.

At the very front is standing a large muscular black hair male talking to a tall slim brown hair male with black eyes and long elf like ears.

Black eyes? Bummer, there goes one part of my ideal vampire.

The male looks back at Suki and begins another discussion to where Vick can finally be seen nodding as well. Afterwards the male stands to the side and with an open hand smiles welcomingly at Suki and her group.

Well, well, looks I'll be used as a bargaining tool again.

Holiday Special--- - --- - Interview with the main female - --- - —

** Get it, instead of interview with a vampire it's ta daaa Suki time!

Q: So, last time you decided to go for the lone pale male, why him?

A: Well.. easy. He didn't have someone (cough cough mother) pushing him to be sold to me.

Q: So, basically because he was alone?

A: Mmm ahum (nods solemnly), and (scratching her head) I appreciated it that he didn't look at me like a perverted old man looking at the legs of a younger girl. And uh, he wasn't really alone (awkwardly smiling at a blushing Suki).

Q: Oh? How so?

A: (Getting comfortable on her chair,) after choosing him and mating (now squirming in the chair), I came to realize that his birth mother gave up on him and his sibling after finding out they were albino. Another new mother, who recently lost her eggs to a feral, was nearby and immediately adopted them before the older adult crocodile males could kill them off.

Q: Euw, they eat their own?

A: What? Noooo. They're not ferals! Euw! Ask Tikvah if you want to know why.

—------------- change to interviewing the white croc beast —-------------

Q: How did you feel when Suki chose you?

A: Honestly? (Playing with his fingers), I didn't think she would choose me.. I was just there because it was ordered by our Leaders.

Q: Yes, yes, so it was mandatory. But what's it like being chosen by her and finally being her male?

A: (Looking back up seriously at the interviewer), That's two questions, I thought this was only one question. Did you do that to Suki too? (Dilated glaring eyes narrowed down at the interviewer.)

Q: (Nervously chuckle), what? Noo. She was only given one question at a time, and she loved the questions, and and was comfortable the wholleee time.

A: Really? (cracking fingers as Tikvah ponders). If she felt comfortable and loved it, that's what matters.

Q: (Loud laughter), You're really protective of her huh?Originally written in Wattpad, read for free in Wattpad

A: (Brightly smiles while showing his predatory sharp razor crocodile teeth), Of course! Since she chose me, a nobody (whispering the last part), I will definitely protect her and our future eggs from everything and anything!

Interviewer thoughts: ...I rather not ask him about his cubhood.

Q: Ok, to wrap things up. Does your name mean something?

A: (This time he smiles fondly), yes, my adopted mother gave me that name. It means hope.

Chapter originally written and published on December 24, 2021 in Wa ttp ad. Time: 23:07

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