Ch. 78 Cry for Me

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I've only witnessed my mother giving birth to the four hatchlings and she pretty much pooped, sorry, pushed the eggs out. I remember being amazed and nervous at being allowed to witness mama giving birth. When asked why I was needed there, mama replied that it'll be good for me to witness and see first hand how some births could be. This is in case I were to one day give similar births. With that, I believe she was hoping that by witnessing, I would know what the proper procedures would be. Interestingly enough, in my brothers' birth, or better yet, half birth, their shells felt really soft and slightly squishy at first. Also, the birthing process didn't really look painful. However, I still wonder as to why some chickens would squak loudly when laying eggs. 

As for Elena's case. I thought that since Bronco was the father, his cubs would come out as tiny puppies. I mean, they'll be coming out at the size of slightly bigger than the usual dung, right? Or so I thought.. I was so naive. 

Another painful grip done by my very but verrrry good friend Elena brought me back to the present.  

"Elena, keep pushing, we can see his head," coo's Natasha. 

At her words, my eyes immediately zoom in at the cherry red furry head. With Natasha's encouragement, Elena further squeezes my hand so much that I couldn't help but let out a whimper while Bronco nearby looks as if he's trying to escape her clutch. Honestly, I think Elena is semi aware in trying not to hurt me so much. Can't say the same for her mate though. 

Taking this moment and our instincts into consideration, grandpa Liam stands by Bronco's side and calmly instructs one of Elena's males, who was kneeling in front of her legs, to quickly prepare to catch the pup. As for his pupil Charles, he was standing further away with another of Elena's males who was standing close to a huge bowl of water and a mountain of clean cloths. They were ready for cleaning the pups right after birth.  

Feeling another painful grip, my eyes widen as the pup slides into the males open hand. He freezes for a second, yet hearing Bronco's warning growl, the male shakes it off and quickly rushes toward the two standing males. Gently passing the pup to the family's male, he then goes back with loving eyes to the still panting Elena. 

Elena's golden eyes however were staring worryingly at her first born pup. Despite Bronco licking her face and purring at her, she still pants anxiously at not being able to listen to his cries. 

I was also worried but tried to keep my face calm as I used my other hand to lightly pet her hand. Now noticing our care, Elena's eyes began to glisten with tears, as she was about to open her mouth, a beautiful pup cry was heard. Elena is now tearing up happily as her male walks calmly to her and gently passes the now clean black cherry color fur pup to her chest. Purring, she, Bronco and her males look in wonder at their family's first pup. 

As for me, I couldn't help but coo at the adorablesness. I wasn't the only one since to the other side of the den, I've heard Natasha and Sheila give their words of congratulations. Yet none of us dare to touch her newly born pup. For this was Elena and her family's moment. And besides, knowing our beastly mother instinct, she may not take it too kindly for someone out of her family to brazingly touch her pup. 

This is the major reason why grandpa Liam and Charles prefer to instruct the surrounding males of the pregnant female than to risk their arms getting torn off by protective males and an angry mother. 

Elena's body then began to shudder as another contraction hit her hard. Lowering her face she kisses the top of her cub and with her eyes asks Bronco to hold onto him. Bronco nods his head and with his good hand scoops the pup near his face and calmly begins to lick the dampness of the pup's fur away. 

Grandpa Liam, noticing that the family's head male's other hand was still holding onto his female's hand, gently passes clean furs onto Bronco's lap. Making sure not to stare too long at the newly born pup, he then goes back to instructing the now awaiting male. 

Elena's screams, grunts, and pants occurred over and over again till finally all three of her pups were born. Given the time, Sheila and Natasha have long gone from standing to sitting in various poses. As for food, her males have hunted and brought back not only their prey but the prey hunted by mine and Natasha's males. 

After the meat was cooked and we females ate, Natasha stands up and gives the sleepy Elena a loving hug, congratulates her and Bronco, and walks out to meet up with her males. 

Taking this as our cue, I stand up as well. Preparing to walk to them, I'm stop by a tug from the blonde girl sitting beside me. Huffing, my hand reaches out to her and pulls her up as she groans and starts to massage her legs. If her legs were falling asleep why didn't she try walking around?

Now, walking toward a smiling, exhausted and very sleepy Elena, I squat down and nudge her face with my own. Purring, I congratulated her and Bronco, and at the end gave the three sleeping pups a heartfelt smile while wishing for them a long, healthy, and good life.  As if the sleeping black cherry pup noticed my scent, it seemed like his tiny mouth formed into a smile. Sooo cute!!

Before I could fangirl at this adorableness, my eyes quickly blinked as I sent a message to my brain to stand up and go home. Walking toward the entrance of the den, I turn around and waited for Sheila who was saying her congratulations from far away and quickly began to speed walk to my side. Hummmm, maybe she's afraid of them? Pursing my lips, I began to think this is a possibility since Sheila is relatively new to the tribe and it's rarely known that females from other places would at times try to get other's female's cubs to die or to be taken away.  Taking a glance at Sheila's fatigue expression, yeah, I might've been right. 

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