Chapter 250

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Cheryl had felt as though she'd only just gone to sleep after joking and messing around with Tre for hours more, the only reason for them having stopped was because both of them were in absolute agony from laughing so much, but the sound of Aaron crying brought her back out of the sleep she'd just finally slipped into. Cheryl groaned as she opened her Bambi eyes and found herself resting half on Tre's back as he remained sound asleep on his front, making her chuckle slightly before pushing herself up whilst trying not to disturb him as she searched around for her pyjama bottoms, eventually finding them on the floor. As soon as she was dressed again, Cheryl pulled her slipper boots on and crept out of the door, tiptoeing her way across the landing into the room that Aaron was sleeping in, hearing him crying his eyes out.

"Hi sweetheart, it's okay, I'm here!" Cheryl spoke soothingly to him whilst she went to pick him up straight away as he was crying so much, with little tears covering his cheeks. "Shhhh...Come on Aaron, you don't need to cry like this babe" she told him as she held him close to her body whilst he nuzzled his tear stained face into her shoulder, Cheryl hating the sound of him sobbing so loudly. She began soothingly bobbing him up and down and stroked his little back which felt so soft as he was wearing the cute fluffy teddy bear onesie she'd bought for him, starting to hear him calm down as she quietly sang 'A Whole New World' from the film last night into his ear, it being the first song that had popped into her head. "There we go poppet...see, there's nothing to be upset for is there?...should we go and get you some milk yeah?" Cheryl smiled as his little hands held onto her top whilst she softly kissed his cheek, before wandering back out of the room and downstairs.

A short while later, after following her little technique she'd used the night before of changing him whilst they waited for his milk to warm up and then feeding him in the lounge where it was nice and warm and cosy, Aaron was perfectly content again as he gazed up at her whilst she gave him a cuddle, huddled in the corner of the sofa against the cushions. "Oooo...who's this coming to see you Aaron?" Cheryl smiled as little Coco strolled in and jumped up on the sofa, wanting to know why yet again Cheryl was up in the middle of the night. "Look at the teeny doggy...say, hello Coco" she playfully told her baby nephew who was watching the tiny black and white Chihuahua making her way over to them calmly, seeming quite nervous of him as the baby was already bigger than she was. Cheryl just giggled as she watched her dog timidly sniff Aaron's foot before twitching her nose as he moved his little toes against her. "Haha...are ya tickling Coco's nose ya little tinker?" she grinned as she began kissing his cheek, her heart lifting as Aaron began giggling and making funny noises, seeming quite fascinated by the tiny animal in front of him, as so far Coco had more or less stayed out of the way. "De ya like the doggy Aaron?...give her a little stroke like this" Cheryl beamed with her dimples glowing on her cheeks as she gently took the baby's hand and moved it to the top of Coco's head, loving how the tiny dog was just letting her and seemed quite calm about it all without everyone else around and all the noise which is what she usually hated. "There ya go princess...we'll make a nana out of you yet...haha" Cheryl smirked as Coco climbed up onto her stomach next to the baby and settled herself down, whilst Aaron's eyes stared mesmerizingly at her as he kept smiling adorably.

Cheryl was so looking forward to a whole day with her baby nephew tomorrow, hoping that the weather would be nice so that she could take him for a walk in his pram as it had been such a long time since she'd been able to do that, and she was also just looking forward to being able to look after him the whole time, giving him all of his bottles and playing with him, even doing things like just changing his nappy as she felt like these were the sorts of things she'd be doing if she lived in Newcastle still and could help out more. Coco had fallen asleep on her by this point and was snoring quietly as she always did, however Aaron looked wide awake and had Cheryl in hysterics as he kept blowing raspberries up at her which she kept returning and then would pout her lips as she brought her face close to him which he'd learnt to copy off so that she could give him a kiss. His little arms and legs were moving around all over the place as he seemed so energetic, and it was almost as if he was playing a little game with himself as he kept making loud noises and then laughing at himself which Cheryl filmed on her phone as she was finding him so funny. "'re a complete nutter Aaron!" Cheryl giggled as he began stuffing his fist into his own mouth, making drool cover his chin before he squealed loudly, totally out of the blue, making Coco nearly have a heart attack as her head immediately shot up and she began looking around everywhere. "Haha...ignore him Coco...he's lost the plot!" Cheryl comforted her little dog whilst stroking her head before she jumped down from the sofa and retreated to her bed in the kitchen. "Look what ya did? scared her away ya little terror!" Cheryl began tickling under Aaron's chin as he began doing a funny little laugh and kicked his legs out. "What was in that milk?'re absolutely're meant to be going back to sleep!" Cheryl grinned as she lifted him up in front of her and nuzzled her nose against his as he grabbed hold of her face. "Mwah mwah mwah!!!" she gave him 3 big kisses on his lips as he squealed excitedly again. "Right, we need to get you settled down or I'll be getting into trouble from your mammy!"

Cheryl had stood up with Aaron cradled in her arms and soothingly began humming whilst she wandered around her lounge, gently rocking him as she did so until gradually his funny gurgling noises lessened and he began simply gazing up at her with increasingly heavy eyes, melting her heart more and more. "That's better sleepy boy...let's go and pop you back in bed cos I want you to be wide awake tomorrow so I can play with you all day...haha...does that sound good to you?" she smiled once she thought he was on the brink of falling asleep, giving him a little kiss on the forehead before making her way upstairs with him, continuing to hum a little tune as she did so.

Despite the baby seeming calm and sleepy, as soon as Cheryl gently lay him down in his crib and wrapped his little white blanket around him to make him all cosy, Aaron instantly began whining and tried to wriggle around, not seeming to be agreeing with Cheryl's plan of putting him back to bed for the rest of the night. Even so, she gave him a soft kiss on his cheek and stroked her hand across the top of his head, loving the feel of his soft, wispy brown hair that made him look even more adorable than he already was. "Night night baby...see you in the morning" she sweetly spoke before turning around to wander back out of the room, pouting to herself once she heard her little nephew instantly start to cry, stopping her in her tracks as she couldn't bear the sound of him being upset. "Nooo Aaron...babe, you need to sleep...don't do this to me...haha" she whined along with him, knowing that Gillian in this situation would just leave him as there wasn't actually anything wrong with him and eventually he'd just go to sleep, but Cheryl literally couldn't bring herself to do that, leading to her gazing down at him for a minute or two holding his little hand before eventually she picked him back up and began cuddling him into her, making him quieten back down straight away. "When we get told off in the morning ya little monkey, I'm totally blaming you...come on then, sleepover time...and don't wake up Tre or he'll turn into a grumpy big bear...and neither of us want that, trust me!" Cheryl finally gave in to him and began strolling back to her own bedroom with the baby, quietly shuffling into her bed next to Tre who was still fast asleep and lay Aaron down in the middle of them, shaking her head in despair at how happy with himself he looked for getting his own way. "Ya smug little bed bug...haha...Mwah...good job I love you to bits ya monster...go to sleep babe, night night" Cheryl gave his tummy a little tickle and then kissed his soft lips, before lying down next to him and rested her hand over his stomach as he held onto her fingers, before finally the two of them began drifting off into a peaceful slumber; Tre being none the wiser that they had a little bed guest for the night.

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