Chapter 433

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Cheryl's long, dark eyelashes fluttered ever so slightly the next morning whilst her head had remained resting on Tre's warm chest all night, before gradually she began waking up to the sound of soft rippling water from the ocean sparkling in front of her under the bright sun. Even though she was awake, she kept her eyes closed for quite a few minutes, it being so peaceful just listening to the melodious noises of the water and feeling the cool breeze sweep in to touch her bare skin that wasn't being covered by the thin white sheet, the whole experience just being so tranquil and calm that it really was so easy just to forget about all the other crazy stuff going on in her life that she'd been able to leave at home for at least a week. In contrast with the cool breeze was the heat radiating from Tre's muscular body that she'd been snuggled up to after their romantic evening together, his skin feeling so smooth and toned, that even though she had her eyes closed, she still felt so attracted to him; he really was her perfect man. That steady thud of his heartbeat under her ear was one of the most relaxing sounds in Cheryl's playlist these days, enjoying when it was so soft and calm like this whilst he slept, as well as when it was racing after they'd spent time laughing hysterically at something or after they'd just made love to each other, which was the main reason why she'd always snuggle right up to him straight afterwards so that she could listen to it for a while longer and continue feeling as one with him. The feeling of being loved had never been so strong in Cheryl as it was these days, making her gradually start to realise that maybe before Tre she'd never truly been in love at all despite obviously having thought she had been at the time, and that now she finally was for the first time ever, and it really was the best feeling in the world. Cheryl loved the way Tre always looked at her with such a warm, doting look in his eyes, whether they were chatting about something or just sitting quietly together not really doing anything, that adoring gaze was always present from him; she loved how he always listened so closely to her, almost as if he was making sure he didn't miss a single word she said so that he'd be able to remember whatever she was talking about forever, even if it was just about something totally random or unimportant; she loved the way he'd laugh at her and genuinely find her so funny, not making her feel embarrassed or stupid if she said something a bit silly or wrong, and instead would turn it into a joke that they could share together and giggle at; she loved the way he encouraged her to do things that she could easily talk herself out of if she was by herself, allowing her to make the most out of life and not care so much about what anyone else thought of her, instead just to be true to herself and live a life she wanted to lead rather than what other people thought she should lead; she loved the way he'd always make her feel so special and precious, always being so gentle with her as if she was some delicate flower whenever he lightly stroked her hair or touched her skin, giving her sweet smiles whenever she looked at him that would set off showers of butterflies in her tummy and make her feel giddy with happiness, telling her she looked nice whenever she got dressed up, and even telling her how beautiful she was when she was just lazing around having not made any effort at all; Tre just made her feel so incredibly loved at all times, and this was a feeling she didn't want to lose any time soon.

Eventually Cheryl did force herself to open her eyes slowly, having to squint slightly as it was so bright already and the sun glistening off the water kept reflecting into her eyes like sparkling crystals, blinding her in the process. It was hard not to automatically wake up feeling giddy with excitement in this beautiful place, with every sight there was to see lifting her heart and making her feel so happy and lucky that she had the privilege to experience something as amazing as this, it never having even been something she'd have dared to dream of happening when she was a little girl; it literally only being characters in fairy stories or movies, or queens and princesses that would get to enjoy a paradise island like this, not little girls from Newcastle who would sing in their bedrooms through hairbrushes or put on funny little dance shows in their dark living rooms due to it pouring with rain outside, stopping her from going out to play; her life really had been a complete roller coaster of ups and downs, and feeling like she was right at the top right now, Cheryl only prayed that the next part of her journey wouldn't be to crash straight back down again like some big dipper, she just wanted to get higher and higher until she'd literally be in the clouds, looking down on the troubled life she'd left behind whilst now feeling like she was in heaven.

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