Chapter 382

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Considering today was pretty much the biggest show of the entire tour due to it being at the most prestigious venue, the fact that it was being filmed for the DVD, and also it would have the most journalists and critics coming to see it which meant they would then write up reviews about it for tomorrow morning's papers, there was actually a very chilled out, relaxed atmosphere within the group. It was great to have the tour bus now which meant they were already at the venue and were able to just relax until 4pm which was when they had to go into the arena to do a sound check and a run through; a few of them having gone out into London for a bit, Tre having managed to drag himself away from Cheryl to go for his physio so that he'd be ready for tonight, whilst she herself remained with the others in the bus as they all made themselves comfy in front of the giant TV to watch some movies, pigging out on all of the treats from the vending machine too. However, there were two people who weren't quite so relaxed as they scuffled around in the sleeping area upstairs getting dressed properly rather than slobbing around like the others were.

Lily's parents were currently on their way over to go out for lunch with the new couple so that they could meet Fefe for the first time, Lily having thought this would be the perfect opportunity for her to introduce him to them as they were coming to watch the show as well. She knew that her parents wouldn't have any real problem with Fefe and were too nice and polite to make anything awkward if in fact they didn't like him, knowing they'd just go along with it and then have a little gossip with each other afterwards if they had anything to say. Lily was well aware that Fefe was very different to the typical type of men she'd dated in the past, and that he was quite a vibrant character, much different to her own relatively quiet family who probably never would have imagined their daughter going out with an American/ Puerto Rican dancer with a name like Felix who was known as the crazy one in the gang with probably every trait possible the total opposite of Lily herself; but even so, she couldn't think of any reason why they wouldn't love him once they'd actually met him and got to know him a bit, she having learnt very quickly that Fefe was perfectly capable of showing his more tender, calm side when it was appropriate.

"White shirt with black bow tie, or khaki shirt with red bow tie?" Fefe asked Lily as he stood by his bed wearing some black skinny jeans whilst holding two shirts up for her to see.

"White shirt, will look good with those jeans...right, they've just texted me saying they're like 10 minutes away or something" Lily decided straight away, finding it quite sweet that he was clearly making an effort and had actually gone quite quiet for once.

"I should have bought your mom some flowers shouldn't I?...damn it" he blew out through his mouth as he pulled the white shirt on and began buttoning it up, wondering if he had time to quickly run to a shop to buy some, desperately wanting to make a good impression as it was still at the back of his mind how others had responded when he and Lily had first decided to give it a go; everyone basically thinking he wouldn't treat her right or take the relationship seriously.

"Haha...calm down don't need to get her anything, we're just going out for lunch, let's try and keep it casual...they're gonna love you anyway, I'm sure of it...I think they'll be really interested in you" Lily smiled at him and chuckled at how nervous he looked, before walking up to him and began buttoning his shirt up for him as he puffed one of his cheeks out, wishing he could feel a bit less anxious like her too.

"Interested isn't always a good thing though beba...they'll probably be interested in why the hell you're introducing me to them when I'm probably not anything like the guy they'd envisioned their daughter would be with, and probably don't think I'll be around for long either...or rather hope that I won't be around for long" Fefe rolled his eyes and mumbled as she did up his top button, wishing he wouldn't put himself down so much in these situations, as Lily thought he was great and just wanted him to see that for himself.

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