Chapter 392

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The next morning, Tre was gradually woken up from his nice, peaceful sleep by a strange blowing sensation on his face, making his brow furrow slightly at first in confusion, before the soft, familiar sound of giggling brought out a happy smile as it dawned on him what it was. "Well let me guess who could be blowing on my cheek right now...who would do such a childish thing I wonder?" he sarcastically mumbled in his cute, sleepy voice without even opening his eyes yet, hearing the giggling sound even more, until a pair of soft, warm lips suddenly landed on his and sweetly kissed him.

"Haha...morning handsome...haha...I need you to wake up cos I'm bored and everyone else is still snoring their heads off" Cheryl adorably explained her actions as soon as she pulled away from him again and rested her head on the pillow right by his, the two of them still all cuddled up ever since she'd stumbled in late last night after coming home from the bar with the other girls.

" you're lucky you look so gorgeous in the morning Chez...I'd go crazy at anybody else waking me up early just cos they're bored...but how could I ever be mad at these pretty little dimples hey?" Tre smirked as he opened his eyes and caught sight of her cheeky face grinning back at him, seeming to be quite lively and awake considering she'd been out until late and had drank a fair bit, it seeming like she'd definitely escaped the dreaded hangover that would usually capture her the next morning.

"You can't...whoop whoop!" she animatedly replied, knowing that Tre could never resist her dimples, making them her weapon of choice whenever she didn't know how he was going to react to something. "Nooo...keep your eyes open!...haha...I love your eyes...they make me feel all happy...I once had a Dachshund when I was little and he had eyes just like yours, that's what they remind me of" she began whining as Tre had groaned contently and closed his eyes again after being woken up before he'd finished his sleep, instantly laughing however at her weird comment that he didn't quite know whether to take as a compliment or not.

"'re such a nerd babe!...haha...are you still a bit drunk Cheryl? I think you are!" he chuckled away as he felt her leg move up to drape over his waist, whilst she affectionately began stroking the side of his face with the back of her finger too, gazing constantly into his eyes as she smiled brightly back.

"Hahaha...I don't know...maybe...or maybe I'm just stupidly happy to be waking up to the best looking man in the world...mwah mwah mwah" Cheryl giggled before showering his face with kisses as he screwed it up and grinned, thinking if he was going to be woken up early, than this was definitely the best way that it could happen. "Isn't it strange that I can't actually remember what it was like before I did start being able to wake up to you? I seriously can't! And it was only this time last year that I was having to do that...I wonder what I used to do...probably just wake up, stare at the ceiling for a while in a trance, and then complain about life before dragging myself out of bed...haha...whatever I did, I'm sure I'd have done it in a very grumpy fashion...haha" Cheryl began thinking out loud whilst continuing to stroke his cheek absentmindedly, something that Tre found incredibly soothing as he lay listening to her quietly with a soft smile on his face, finding her so endearing just chatting away about random things as he gradually woke up more.

"I just used to sleep with a mirror next to me so that I still could wake up with a stunner...I was fine" he joked with a straight face, making Cheryl burst out laughing as she buried her face into his chest whilst he wrapped his arms tightly around her and gave her a big hug, chuckling at the sound of her giggling away at him. " think I'm joking and I'm actually not" he smirked, triggering her to lift her head back up and playfully flicked him on the nose for being so silly, both of them trying to keep the noise down as the others were all still sleeping.

"You're so funny Tre...I love you so bloody much" she sweetly told him with her nose scrunched up due to still trying to stop herself from giggling, before he lightly pecked her lips and smiled back at her, stroking his hand around her back and cheekily down to her bum.

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