Chapter 507

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"Why today of all days does my face decide to produce the biggest spot known to man?...for fucks sake!" Cheryl grumbled away as she sat in her dressing room she'd been given at Wembley stadium the next day, having woken up with a rather large red spot on the side of her forehead that she was focussing on way too much, as it was nowhere near as bad as Cheryl was making out.

"Oh give soon as I've put your makeup on, nobody is going to be any the wiser...get used to it anyway mummy to'll be having breakouts all of the time now probably...haha...unless you're one of those lucky women who just breezes through pregnancy glowing like a light bulb with a perfect, blemish free complexion...haha" Lisa chuckled away whilst she was currently straightening Cheryl's hair so that it was sleek and glossy, Lily having already blabbed about the baby to Cheryl's stylist before the popstar had even arrived as she was just far too excited about it all.

"Uhh...don't say that!...I won't be able to leave the bloody house for 6 months!...haha...I'll tell ya what I am enjoying though!...Kimberley keeps buying me loads of baby oil to put on after I have a shower or whatever cos it stops you getting stretchmarks apparently when my bump starts growing more...I'm like obsessed with the smell of it...haha...poor Tre's gonna get covered in greasy oil all of the time if I carry on at this rate...I just keep smothering myself in it...haha" Cheryl revealed with a cheeky smile on her face, her new addiction to baby oil having started to drive Gary mad as the house constantly stank of it and he really didn't like the smell, just prompting Cheryl to want to use it even more however.

"Haha...that is actually really good for you though, you're right...most baby stuff is actually...I swear by Sudacrem for literally anything skin related...haha...put some on that spot tonight and it'll be practically gone by the morning I bet you" Lisa grinned back, still feeling in a bit of daze about the fact that Cheryl was actually pregnant, not having believed Lily when she'd suddenly came out with it earlier, however there was no getting away from the truth when Cheryl had arrived and showed her the little bump she was developing and the scan photos that she practically took everywhere with her.

"I think I'll just cover my whole face in Sudacrem like a face mask then...haha...that way no more volcanoes can pop up before tomorrow night's performance...haha...don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to tonight and tomorrow, but I can't lie, I'm so excited to just do nothing pretty much for the foreseeable future...haha...after tomorrow night, my diary is the clearest it's ever been for 10 whole years!'s going to be pure bliss...haha" Cheryl beamed as she just relaxed in her seat enjoying having her hair done, the thought of going back to Newcastle soon for Christmas and spending some time with her family, having no big commitments in her diary to fret about, and just basically getting to chill out for a bit and get her head around all of the huge changes that were taking place in her life right now, were making her very excited to just wake up on Monday morning with a completely clear head for once.

"I can't believe you and Tre are having a's crazy! seems like it was just two seconds ago that you'd just started dating him and you'd get all embarrassed and blush like a beetroot whenever me and Lily used to ask you about him and take the mick whilst I was getting you ready for something...haha...and now you're half way up the aisle with him practically and you're carrying his child!'s been one hell of a year, that's for sure!...haha" Lisa chuckled and shook her head in disbelief as she put the straighteners down so that she could start styling Cheryl's now very shiny and sleek straight hair into a high ponytail.

"It's mental isn't it?...haha...but it feels right at the same time! I know it might seem too quick to be doing things like getting married and having babies already, but I feel like I've known Tre for my whole life in some strange sort of way! it doesn't feel too soon to us whatsoever just feels natural...I think we're both ready for it now to be honest...we're not getting any younger and neither of us have ever wanted just a small family...I thought I'd have loads of kids by the time I was 30, especially with me mam already having had all of her 5 children well before that always gets in the way of plans though doesn't it? That's why from now on I'm just happy to go with the flow...haha...if this baby wants to come into the world now, even though me and Tre didn't even really know each other this time last year, then so be it...haha" Cheryl replied as she watched what Lisa was doing in the mirror, sweetly having one hand resting on her tummy which she was soothingly stroking with her thumb the whole time that they were talking, this having become such a part of her normal behaviour now that she didn't even realise she was doing it most of the time.

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