Chapter 353

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*And then the witchdoctor, he told me what to do, he told me, oh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang walla walla bingbang, ooh eeh ooh ahah, tingtang walla walla bingbang...*

"Urhh turn it off!!!...quick!" the disgruntled sound of Lily England instantly groaned as soon as the annoying cheesy song that Fefe had as his alarm clock began blasting through her bedroom on a previously peaceful Monday morning. She'd quickly buried her head underneath her pale blue pillow to try and drown out the irritating sound, feeling the warm, comforting body of Fefe who had been spooned around her all night suddenly leave her to stretch behind him to knock the alarm off, making her shiver slightly as she'd got a blast of cold air up her spine as soon as his warmth had been taken away.

" can you wake up grumpy with that amazing song playing!?" Fefe chuckled as he propped himself up against the pillows behind him and dragged his hands up and down his face a few times to wake up properly, being a much better morning person it seemed than Lily who still hadn't reappeared yet and could be heard just moaning away to herself, not really wanting to get up just yet as she knew the first day working with the new stage and with all of the management team hanging around was never going to be stress free.

"Cos it's 6:30am...I can already hear that it's chucking it down outside...I've been dreaming all night that we were all still at the cinema and so I still feel like I've got the headache you both gave me when we were really in the cinema...and my feet are cold" she mumbled back whilst finally lifting her head back on top of the pillow and turned to face him as she remained lying on her front, sticking her bottom lip out as he just smirked down at her, finding it quite funny.

"Haha...Oh does little Lily not like the rain?...haha...come here, I'll keep your petals warm flower" Fefe joked with her as he shuffled back down a bit and draped his leg over her body as she nestled herself into his chest, snuggling into him whilst he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head against the top of hers. "Mmm...This is nice...I could get used to this...haha...I had fun last night, Rosie's a good laugh isn't she?" Fefe smiled as they held each other tightly, having gone to the cinema last night so that Lily could introduce him properly to her sister in the hope that they'd be a bit quiet and well behaved being in the cinema, as she knew they were both slightly wacky and loud, however her little plan hadn't really worked as they'd still spoke throughout the whole film and the whole way home when they'd had a pizza back at the apartment.

"You two are gonna be a nightmare together...haha...I do like that you got on though...I think I just need to invest in some good earplugs maybe" Lily jokingly replied, grazing her fingers up and down Fefe's back as she'd buried her hands underneath the hoody he was wearing, listening to him snigger at her.

"Hahaha...we weren't that bad were we?...I just like getting to know new people, that's kinda gotta talk in order to do that...I'm not that good at the whole telepathic communication thing chica" he grinned whilst starting to nuzzle his nose into her honey blonde hair, it smelling just as sweet as its colour.

"Well I'd like for you to learn please...haha...Ohhh we need to get up in a minute hun, it's a busy busy day..." Lily whined as she gave him an extra squeeze, feeling like she could easily just spend the morning in bed with him, especially as they were in her apartment for the first time and she'd actually enjoyed having him to stay over, even though Fefe and Rosie together had been like having two noisy children with her and had left her head banging when they'd all finally turned in for the night.

"Haha...I love when you call me hun...I don't think anybody's ever called me that before...haha...guess what?" Fefe crinkled his nose up as he always seemed to get a funny tingling sensation whenever she called him that, thinking it was more the way it sounded in her British accent that he loved more than the actual word.

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