Chapter 435

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"Tre!...could you just do the catch on this necklace for me please?...I've been trying for like 10 minutes straight and I swear I'm about to lose my mind" Cheryl had wandered out to the daybed outside to find Tre lounging on top of it with a cold drink he'd made from their mini bar, whilst he was also still looking through all of his amazing photos from the Whale Shark experience that he literally couldn't put down.

"Oh wow!...haha...Grecian princess eat your heart out hey? look stunning Cheryl!" he immediately put his glass down and jumped up off the bed, the smile on his face beaming at the sight of his beautiful girlfriend in a gorgeous, creamy gold Grecian style dress that stopped just above her knees, the colours looking amazing against her fresh, glowing tan that was really starting to build up on her now, and she'd curled her hair to tumble down over her shoulders too with a gold hairband to sparkle out from her dark brown locks, making her look a true vision of beauty.

"Haha...thank you...I love being able to get dressed up every night when you're on holiday! Especially when you don't have to rush either" she cheerfully replied, having had quite a nice relaxing time sat at the little dressing table inside just leisurely doing her makeup and hair, feeling so fresh after her spa day too which had put her in such a calm and peaceful mood.

"Well you look amazing babe, suit the whole Grecian look cos of your hair and dark eyes all goes perfect together...haha...right, let's figure out this rebellious necklace then hey?" Tre sweetly complimented her whilst he lightly brushed the back of his fingers down her arm which felt so soft after her massage and all the oils and creams that had been used on her, it seeming like he was going to have yet another night of feeling totally captivated by her, as already he couldn't take his eyes of how beautiful she looked.

"It's just a normal clasp on it, but it's like really tiny and I'm trying to be careful of me nails cos they're all nice and shiny still" Cheryl explained as he took the gold necklace from her that had a stunning amber coloured diamond dangling from it, before she turned around in front him so that he could delicately drape it around her neck and fasten up the clasp for her, making her smile and giggle softly once he'd done so and leaned his head over her shoulder to tenderly kiss her neck, making her heart race slightly.

"Now you really do look perfect..." Tre adorably spoke against her skin as he kept nuzzling his nose against it, wrapping his arms around her middle whilst Cheryl leaned back against him and sighed out in a rather love-struck manner, finding him so romantic and especially handsome tonight as he was wearing some linen beige trousers and a loose linen white shirt that he'd left open quite far down his muscular chest, having rolled the sleeves up too on the shirt to give it that fashionable edge; the look really suiting him as he could literally pull off anything.

"Thank you...we'd have been here all night if I'd had to do that by smell so good by the way! Is it that moisturiser you bought from the spa?" Cheryl asked as she slowly turned around in his arms and gazed up at him with those twinkling Bambi eyes he was besotted with, prompting Tre to almost instantly kiss her forehead as she rested her hands lightly on his shoulders.

"Yeah, it's nice isn't it?...I smell like paradise...hahaha" he smirked and then began laughing at himself as she giggled too, Tre having had to buy some moisturiser earlier as he'd forgotten to pack any in his case, and the combination of the intense heat from the sun and the saltiness from the sea water always made his skin dry out, so he'd really needed some after his day of scuba diving.

" big do though to be fair! It smells wanna watch I don't start pinching it if mine starts running out...haha" she chuckled as he playfully poked his finger into one of her dimples, as they seemed so deep these days from her smile being the happiest he'd ever seen it.

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