Chapter 421

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<Good luck for your final show tonight dimples!...I'm still recovering from how amazing it was! You are such a star!!!...let's hope this tour is the first of many and that next time I can spoil myself by coming to see more than just one :D I really hope that you now realise what an incredibly strong person you are and that you literally can do anything your heart're a little trooper! Have an awesome time tonight Chez, and make sure you party it up afterwards...lots of love, Derek and Romie xoxox>

<BELLA YOU DID IT!!!...lmao, you actually managed to get through a whole solo tour without falling on your bum or forgetting the words! I'm so proud! but seriously, I can't believe you've got your final show tonight, wish I could be there but I'm sorting all this GA stuff out to make sure you can't just sit on your arse when this tour is over ;p I'm so happy for you babe, I know how much this all means to you and even though you're a complete lemon and as mad as a box of frogs, you really are one of my biggest inspirations in my life and you really have helped me become a much more stronger woman...I don't think I tell you that enough cos we don't do the whole soppy thing together, but you really have helped me over the years become the woman I am today and I don't think I'd be nearly as confident had you not been my best friend all these're the older sister I never had babe and I love you much more than a straight girl ever should ;p have a fab night, enjoy every last second of it Tinkerbelle, can't wait to give you a massive hug soon, Nicola xoxox ps. Hope I managed to get a few tears from you there cos I don't spill my heart out to you often ;) >

<IT'S YOUR FINAL SHOW!!! How the hell did that come around so quick? lol I feel like it was only yesterday that I was texting you to say good luck for the first one! You've done so well hun, I hope you feel ridiculously proud of yourself and I think you should even be a bit smug lol cos you've just blown everybody away by how amazing you are! I could literally cry I'm so happy for you, you're the loveliest person ever Chez and I feel so lucky to have you as my best friend, I'd hate to even imagine my life without would be so lmao...Nobody deserves this success more than you do babe, you've worked so hard and been through so much to get here and I don't even have to ask if it's all been worth it cos I can see from the beaming smile you have on your face every day now that it clearly has been lol I'm actually an emotional wreck writing all this to you babe and Justin is taking the piss out of me constantly, but I'm just so proud and happy that everything is working out for you now and you've got the life you deserve to amazing man who is finally treating you like the princess you are and who I can tell loves you like crazy, a tour you've dreamed of since you were a little girl, millions of fans who look at you as the most amazing inspiration and who I'm sure will have been helped by you more than you actually realise, and I just love the fact that you're able to enjoy all of your success now that you've battled your way through all the obstacles that have been unfairly thrown at're the strongest, bravest, most determined person I know, and they're only a small few of the reasons why I love you so mushy as it sounds, I can't imagine my life without you and I can't wait to be your best friend forever so that we can look back on incredible times like this when we're old biddies still drinking our cups of Tetley lol n share such happy you super-duper trooper amounts Chezza...enjoy your last show and send it off with a massive bang! Lots of hugs and kisses, Kimberley xoxox>

"I thought you weren't going to cry tonight bambs...haha" Tre softly chuckled as he sat in the corner of the sofa already dressed in the white outfit he wore for the first section of the show, with Cheryl lying across the couch with her head resting on his lap whilst she read through all the lovely text messages she was continuously being sent to wish her good luck on her final show, tears now coating her glossy brown eyes which Lisa would have a fit at if she could see right now, as Cheryl was also all ready for the show to start soon.

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