Chapter 415

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"Hahaha...Chez, calm down babe!'ve got the bus rocking!" Tyrell began laughing due to the fact that Cheryl had instantly began jumping up and down extremely excitedly as soon as the bus pulled up outside of the Metro Radio Arena in Newcastle, this being after she'd screamed the whole time they'd been driving over the Tyne Bridge, having them all in complete hysterics.

"SHE'S COMING HOME, SHE'S COMING HOME, SHE'S COMING...CHERYL'S COMING HOME!...hahaha" Gary stood up and began singing his own version of the famous football song in a big booming voice, looking forward to this last section of the tour just as much as his sister was really, making her start to giggle as she threw her arms around him and began hugging him whilst the two siblings bounced around again, causing the bus to wobble slightly.

"Hahahaha...aww God, tonight's gonna be crazy isn't it?...hahaha" Vince burst out as he watched how buzzing Cheryl was, there being no doubt that there was definitely an extra energy in the air now that they were at their final destination and with the added anticipation Cheryl had for her family to finally see the show; it being crazy really that they were going to be the last ones to see it, even after Tre's family and Derek who lived in America!

"There's nothing like a Newcastle crowd...haha...I can vouch for that...especially when Cheryl's involved! ears used to ring for days after the Girls Aloud concerts whenever they were in Newcastle...haha" Lily chipped in with a beaming grin on her face, starting to giggle at the fact that Cheryl and Gary were now shaking each other whilst silently screaming with their mouths wide open.

"I can feel it! stomach's going insane!" Fefe burst out as he sat back on the sofa looking like a Cheshire cat, genuinely feeling so many butterflies in his belly from feeling so excited for tonight, feeding off Cheryl's happiness it seemed, just like everybody else was doing also, as she really did give off such a positive glow whenever she was truly happy.

"Arghh I can see me car!...haha...Gary, de ya want a lift to our Warren's, or are ya not going straight away?...I'm literally leaving now though, I want to see dad...haha...and me bubba...I'm determined to have Aaron in a bear hug in like an hours' time...haha" Cheryl animatedly asked as she peered out of the window and spotted her gleaming Bentley parked up in the car park, Lee having kindly driven up with it from London as she liked to have the freedom when she was at home to drive herself around rather than depending on Lee or Steve to pick her up and drop her off at places all of the time.

"Aye go on then...I can't pass up a trip in Benny" he grinned whilst Cheryl was suddenly pulled down from behind by Tre so that she fell onto his lap and had her cheek repeatedly kissed.

"I've told ya!'s not called Benny, it's called Bessie!...Bessie the Bentley...haha...she's too pretty to be a boy" Cheryl pouted her lips as she leaned back against Tre, shaking her head at all the guys who now had their noses pressed against the window to admire the luxury car that looked very out of place amongst all of the big lorries and vans that were also in the arena's car park, as the roadies had driven down over night to set up the stage inside in time for the afternoon's rehearsal session.

"Benny the Bentley sounds way better though Cheryl...haha...howay then, let's get going cos me and Warren are going to the pub for lunch...haha...hey, if you lot are gonna go out and about today, get ya selves down the Quayside...that's where all the good places to eat and drink are" Gary smirked as he grabbed his wallet from the table and then turned to speak to the others, giving them some friendly advice as to how to make the most of being in his home city that he was always very proud of.

"It's a canny nice day outside actually, you should all go for a wander and make the most of the fact that it's not pissing it down with rain like it normally does here...haha...Okay Trezzle, I'm off...don't let Matty cripple ya with one of those massages mind...I made that mistake once and then was in complete agony during a performance a few years back...haha...just a nice gentle rub down ask for...haha...mwah...I love me if you need to, but I should be back for around 4 like normal...maybe a little later if I can't put Aaron down...haha" Cheryl smiled as she turned around on Tre's lap and kissed his lips before giving him a hug, wanting to make sure he knew that it was perfectly fine to call her even though she was off to see some family after last night, despite him seeming fine today about it all.

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