Chapter 460

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"Hahahaha...Kimberley!...what the hell are ya doing ya lemon?!...hahaha" Cheryl had burst out laughing later that day when she'd wandered back into the dance studio after they'd all been having a little break, finding Kimberley doing some strange step sequence by the mirror completely on her own.

"Hahaha...I'm practicing my bloody Viennese Waltz aren't I?!...haha...multi-tasking at its finest!'s killing my back though...I think I'm leaning backwards too far so it's twisting my muscles whenever I turn" Kim explained the rather strange behaviour Cheryl had just walked in on as she spun around and watched Cheryl wandering over in a fit of giggles, never having really calmed down since the morning when she'd received all of her amazing presents and cards from Tre which had put her in the best possible mood ever.

"Hahaha...aww bless ya babes...haha...I thought you'd been possessed or something!...haha...have ya got training with Pasha tonight after this too?" she chuckled as she reached Kimberley and sweetly rubbed her arm, thinking she was such a trooper for training so hard for both Strictly and the band at the same time.

"Yeah, but just for like an hour thank God...and then I'm having the longest, hottest soak in the bath ever when I get home!...haha...I'm even gonna call Justin in advance so he can have it run for me on my arrival...haha...with a nice glass of wine too actually!" Kim smiled as she bossily pulled Cheryl over to the mirror again, thinking she'd be the perfect dancing partner to practice with right now, making Cheryl giggle as it was clear she didn't have a choice in the matter.

"Haha...that's what Tre told me to do as well...apparently doing his workshops all day yesterday was a big shock to the system for him...haha...this has been alright this morning though so far hasn't it?...I'm not drenched in sweat yet anyway like I normally am by this point...haha" she replied as she found herself in hold with Kimberley, both of them not even acknowledging what they were actually doing.

"We've just been doing synchronised strutting really haven't we?...haha...none of your crazy moving your legs at a thousand miles an hour, twerking, sex crab business...haha...don't let Beth know you think it's a piece of cake though or she'll deliberately throw something else at us...haha...right babe, see if you can help me get my back in the right position please cos that's what I'm really struggling with this week" Kim asked and tried to make Cheryl concentrate as she was laughing away at the memory of her famous 'sex crab' position, wishing that her solo tour had actually been much longer as she'd have happily continued doing those amazing routines Beth and Charm had created for her forever.

"Haha...howay need to go back further than that babe!...back, back, back...hahaha...back...and stop...right, turn your head to the side and elongate her neck so that it looks nice and elegant...and stop gripping onto me arm, that's not very lady like...haha...nice, gentle hold...I don't know what your actual routine is, so let's just see if you can stay in that position whilst we do a standard waltz movement" Cheryl helped Kimberley get into the right position before they slowly began moving around the room, it taking all of Cheryl's energy just to stop herself from laughing as she kept catching the sight of them both in the mirror, thinking it looked hilarious as Kimberley was taller than her and yet she was the one taking the man's role. "Haha...well done! look really good! just need to not lose this shape you've made with your body...even though it's the most uncomfortable thing ever!'ll definitely have this by Saturday though hun, don't even stress about it, you're amazing" Cheryl supportively told her as she was actually quite impressed with how professional Kimberley looked and how serious she was taking it all, probably being the reason why she was doing so well in the competition and was one of the favourites to reach the final.

"I'm going to be a cripple by the end of this competition...haha...I'll be walking around like a little old lady with my bad back and sore knees...haha...can you come and watch on Saturday by the way?!" Kimberley joked as the two girls twirled slowly around the studio whilst they spoke, a happy smile forming on Cheryl's face as she'd been desperate for ages to go and watch Kim perform properly instead of just watching it back on her laptop.

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