Chapter 559

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The couple had spent the rest of the evening just cuddling up together and talking things through properly so that by the time Cheryl and Tre fell asleep snuggled up together on the hospital bed, both of them had much clearer minds and Tre felt like he'd definitely lessened the heavy burden he'd been carrying and didn't feel so guilty about his out of character actions now that Cheryl had reassured him that she totally understood and that she loved him just as much as she'd always done. Their dreams had been much less tormented than they had been ever since this whole nightmare had sparked off on their way back from Los Angeles, Cheryl having explained to Tre everything that the doctor had been saying during the ultrasound scan about how the baby looked relaxed and how Cheryl's uterus was looking much more healthy again and showing no signs that a further bleed was going to happen any time soon, meaning at last the two of them literally slept the whole night through without any disturbances as Tre felt like he didn't have to watch Cheryl like a hawk so much in case of anything bad happening, whilst Cheryl felt peaceful having her husband's arms wrapped around her again which always made her feel like she was in the safest place in the world.

The next morning, the storm that had been raging yesterday had finally passed and so the sun rose brightly in the sky to dry up all of the raindrops, more or less just like Cheryl and Tre's mood too as they both woke up face to face with big smiles, sparkly eyes and not a teardrop in sight. Tre could tell straight away that his wife was back on the mend finally, as when he climbed off the bed which he'd been squished on the edge of all night and pulled his hoody off over his head which caused his t-shirt underneath to rise up slightly to reveal his six pack, Cheryl loudly wolf whistled and pretended to fan herself down whilst Tre just laughed and shook his head in despair before opening up the window a little bit to let in some fresh air. Seeing Cheryl so perky and a bit more like her normal, happy self, helped Tre to remain in his more positive mood too, and so after enjoying some porridge that the nurses kindly brought up to him and after brushing his teeth and freshening up a bit, he then asked for some warm water and soap to be brought up so that he could help Cheryl get washed too.

"Haha...this is so's like the worst hairdressers ever!...haha...arghh..." Cheryl giggled away as she lay on her bed which they'd reclined all the way back so that they could make a makeshift hairdresser's basin, Tre having pushed a chair to the head of her bed and put the plastic tub full of warm water onto it which Cheryl had her head hovering above whilst Tre washed her hair for her, before he then cheekily drizzled some of the water over her face which made her playfully scream.

"Haha...whoops! hand slipped there bambs...that was totally, are you going on vacation anywhere this summer?" he sniggered before jokingly pretending that he was actually a hairdresser and began asking her silly questions, it feeling so amazing to hear her laughing properly again and to feel a sense of normality even though nothing about any of this was normal, as Cheryl lay with her head dangling off the end of the hospital bed.

"Haha...nah, I think I'm going to be a bit busy this summer to be and my new baby need to childmind my silly husband" she playfully replied before giggling incessantly when Tre placed his wet hand right over her face for being so cheeky.

"I think your silly husband is the one who's going to need a vacation this summer after all this!...haha...babe, your hair is so heavy when it's wet! This is like an actual work out! My arms are aching...haha" he smirked as he removed his hand from her now very damp face and poured a jug of water over her hair to rinse the conditioner off, before picking it all up to squeeze out.

"Haha...I haven't even got any extensions in at the minute either!'s even heavier when I've got those in...haha...stop complaining anyway about your sore arms when I'm like a human pin prick cushion at the least the nurse said that they're going to take this drip out of me arm today now that I'm eating and drinking again" Cheryl smiled as she closed her eyes and told him off whilst he was grinning away at her, finding such comfort in just being with her and seeing how hard she was trying to keep everything just normal now, thinking ahead to the future rather than being scared that something else might go wrong and that she wouldn't make it.

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