Chapter 514

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Everything was extremely peaceful in Garry Tweedy's house early the next morning, the sound of the monotonous ticking clock downstairs on the mantelpiece being the only real noise to be faintly heard, along with the soft, gentle hums of people breathing whilst they blissfully slept. Buster and Coco had stayed downstairs to curl up on the armchair together all night which was nice and cosy for them, the dogs having been so tired last night just like everybody else, that it hadn't even entered their mischievous little minds to disturb all of the presents that were neatly piled up under the Christmas tree which was sitting in the corner of the lounge waiting to be the focal point for the festive day that was fast approaching, as upstairs Tre's body began awakening slowly in the cosy bed where he lay spooning Cheryl who seemed to still be fast asleep in his warm, protective arms. What had triggered Tre to drift out of his blissful dreams he'd been enjoying all night, was the delightful sounds of some children playing outside who had obviously dragged their parents out of bed at the crack of dawn to see if Santa had been, the magic still well and truly being in the air for them as they were now giggling away out on the street with brand new, shiny bikes that their dad was teaching them to ride, this being a scene that would most likely be happening in most streets in the country, as Christmas morning got well under way.

Tre groaned softly as he suddenly became conscious of his surroundings and felt Cheryl's body resting in the curve he'd made with his own whilst he'd had his arms wrapped around her all night and his head resting against hers, giving him the instant pleasure of being took over by the fragrant scent of her glossy brown hair as he nuzzled his nose into it and kissed the side of her temple whilst she continued sleeping. The sound of the children laughing and excitably screaming outside again brought a smile to Tre's face when he heard them, prompting him to lightly stroke his hand across Cheryl's tummy where he could feel her bump growing bigger and bigger each and every day, the thought of soon being able to have Christmases where the magic of Santa and reindeers and the North Pole etc. would be at large again for their own child, making him experience butterflies in his stomach as he just couldn't wait for it all, already being determined to give his child the best Christmases imaginable every year. It was strange for Tre to not be with his own family for once, as this was the first year he'd ever not spent Christmas with them, however as he lay with his stunning fiancée and with his hand gently resting on the bump of his unborn baby, there was definitely nowhere else in the world that Tre would rather be right now than here in Newcastle where he had everything he needed currently in his arms.

"Mmm...mwah mwah mwah...wakey wakey's Christmas!...haha...Cheryl...Santa Claus has been!!...haha" Tre grinned after a short while when he couldn't stand not having anybody to talk to for any longer, ending up with him repeatedly kissing Cheryl's cheek to try and wake her up, until eventually her nose crinkled up and she gave out a soft, adorable moan which made Tre chuckle happily as he watched her slowly turn to roll onto her back whilst her eyes flickered open finally. "Haha...Merry Christmas princess...I love you" he sweetly told her as he leaned over her slightly and stroked her brown, tousled hair back from her face, it still being the most incredible feeling for him to wake up with her, and especially on a special day like this.

"Mmm...I love you too Tre...Merry Christmas babe!, it's Christmas!...I never would have thought this time last year that I'd have somebody like you in my life's been the fastest, strangest, most amazing year of my whole life...haha" Cheryl breathed out and spoke in a very cute, sleepy voice as she woke up more and gazed into Tre's brown eyes, a sudden rush of realisation and excitement racing through her as her mind took in the fact that it was actually Christmas Day and that for once she wasn't waking up alone, making her giggle happily and reach up to affectionately stroke the side of Tre's handsome face whilst he smiled down at her.

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