Chapter 389

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"Oh crumbs...Chez and Tre are stuck in traffic...this is where me and you Gaz get bollocked off management for not making her come with us last night" Lily had suddenly whined after receiving a text from Cheryl, pulling an unamused face at Gary as they sat with the others in the tour bus chilling out outside Sheffield arena.

"In that case we need to pack a bag and run for the hills grab some clothes and I'll grab some you outside in 2 minutes!" Gary joked, making her chuckle softly at him whilst she messaged Cheryl back to tell her to keep her informed of how far away they were.

"I think it's mad how it's you two who get the blame for everything that Cheryl does...haha...I mean she's a grown woman, she can do what she wants, and you two can't stop her can you?'re her assistant, not her babysitter" Marshall joined in as he sat across the sofa giving Brya a foot massage whilst she lay with a bright green face mask on, something that Gary kept finding very funny each time he looked over at her, having already made many Shrek and Grinch jokes that had kept him pretty entertained for the past half an hour at least.

"Haha...well yeah, you'd think...but they like to stress about something don't they and they don't dare have a go at her, so we're the nearest's one of those weird situations where like they're obviously Cheryl's management and so have a boss type role I suppose, but they need her, so in a way she's kind of the big boss still cos they'd be pretty screwed without would cost them more to have a go at her and piss her off than just having a go at me or Gary..." Lily explained whilst slapping Fefe's leg as she leaned against him, due to the fact that he was deliberately flicking her ear constantly to try and wind her up whilst he sat reading a book.

"I think it's more the fact that they don't want to hear Cheryl's annoying voice when she goes on one of her little rants for hours and hours to be and Lily just quietly nod and take it for an easy life...and then go and have our own little rant to each other about it all instead...haha" Gary smirked, thinking he'd probably do the same if he was in management's position when it came to Cheryl, as she was never the type of person to just let someone have a go at her without having a go back, and her ability of talking extremely loudly and extremely fast meant that quite often she'd win any dispute from just grinding the opposing side down.

"Hahaha...I think it's crazy how your sister is like the sweetest person you could ever meet, but she literally has the strongest feisty side ever doesn't she?...she's like Jekyll and Hyde...haha" Fefe chipped in, making them all laugh as Gary vigorously nodded his head and gave him a high five, loving this way of describing his crazy sister.

"Hahaha...she's not like Jekyll and Hyde! big meanie...she's always lovely...she just gets pushed too far sometimes...haha...I'm gonna tell her you said that!" Lily giggled and gave Fefe another playful slap for being cheeky about her best friend, making him stick his tongue out in return which she just scrunched her nose up at, finding him quite cute when he was in one of his mischievous moods; having already been woken up that morning by him dripping water onto her face, which had then resulted in a full scale water fight waking everybody else up too until Lily stubbed her toe on the stairs and fell about whining in agony for a good while, having to admit defeat and then made Fefe feel sorry for her.

"Ooooo...I'm so scared of a 5 foot 3 inch girl!...what's she gonna do?...I could probably stand on her if I lifted my knee all the way up...haha" Fefe sarcastically responded before rolling his eyebrows from side to side, playing the joker as always in order to hear Lily laugh or see her smile.

"Haha...don't underestimate the Chezmeister...she's like freakishly strong and literally cannot be destroyed....haha...she can have Tre screaming like a baby when he winds her up too much as well, and he's a much bigger guy than you Felix...haha...anyway! How the hell do you know her exact height ya weirdo?" Lily asked with an accusing expression, finding it funny that he'd been so meticulous about it, making him snigger back at her with his eyes twinkling in the bus's spotlights.

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