Chapter 519

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The next day, Cheryl had spent some time popping in to various other family members like her aunts and uncles who she hadn't seen on Christmas Day to say hello and have a little catch up, taking Tre with her of course as the couple shared their happy baby and wedding news that most of her family had already heard about as it had been passed from one person to the next ever since Cheryl had told her closest family members on Christmas Day, everybody being so delighted for her however that they were glad that she'd come to visit them in person so that they could congratulate her and Tre properly. Driving from house to house constantly visiting people all day however had eventually led to Cheryl becoming very drowsy by the time the couple had finally jumped into the car and decided to make their way back to Garry's late that afternoon, Tre having kindly offered to drive as he could always tell just by looking into Cheryl Bambi eyes how tired she was and so let her just relax in the passenger seat whilst he used the GPS to guide him back, starting to recognise the Newcastle roads now anyway after being here for a few days already.

"Haha...your dad's just been having a go of my 3D simulator downstairs and nearly walked into the wall!...hahaha...he looked like he was going to throw up when he took it back off!...he had to lie down across the sofa...haha" Tre had wandered into the bedroom chuckling away to himself whilst holding a cup of coffee in his hands as he shut the door behind him and then went to join Cheryl who was tucked up in bed, having decided that she'd have a little nap for an hour or so after Joan had randomly texted her earlier asking her to go over to her house this evening with Gillian too as it had been ages since the three women had spent some time together without the chaos of children around them.

"Oh God...haha...never give me dad gadgets, honestly...haha...I bought him one of those Nintendo Wiis last Christmas and he managed to smash literally everything that had been on the fireplace with the tennis bat thing he was using...he gets too carried away man...haha" Cheryl smirked and shook her head in despair as Tre burst out laughing even more, plumping up some pillows behind him to rest against before stretching his arm to the side so that Cheryl could cuddle into him and rest her head on his chest whilst he sipped on his cup of coffee.

"Haha...I've been known to get carried away on those Nintendo things as well to be fair...haha...Kaison's got one that we always play on whenever I go to see him...and I don't care how young he is, I'd never let him win just for the sake of it...hahaha...I get very competitive when it comes to computer games" Tre chuckled as he thought about all of the times he and Kaison would be playing a dance battle game or something and Tre would take it far too seriously and literally put every ounce of energy he had into it, always leaving poor Kaison with no chance of ever winning really since Tre was a professional dancer and choreographer.

" big meanie!...he's only a little boy bless him! just wait until he's a bit older, he'll be busting your ass like nobody's business to get his own back...haha" Cheryl giggled as she closed her eyes and hugged Tre tightly, taking in the warmth from his body which was so comforting for her whilst he soothingly rubbed his thumb against the top of her arm.

"'re probably right babes...I'm sure my legs won't be moving as fast when Kai's like 18 years old or whatever...he'll be putting me to shame no problem...haha...Mmm...mwah!...I've really enjoyed today!...your smile every time somebody congratulated us was just heavenly...haha...I'm going to miss having new people to's the best feeling ever isn't it?" Tre smiled after softly kissing Cheryl's forehead, having witnessed her absolutely glowing with happiness all day from celebrating their good news with her family, as there was no better sight in the world for him than to see those trademark dimples framing Cheryl's beaming smile.

"It's the best feeling in the world seeing people genuinely happy for shows who really matters in your life doesn't it?...I think it's emotionally exhausted me though...haha...I feel so tired, honestly...haha...if we weren't going back to London in the morning I'd ask me mam to give tonight a miss and meet up tomorrow instead...I just want chill for the rest of the day here with you" she sweetly replied before softly nuzzling her cheek against the warm hoody Tre was wearing that his mom had sent over for Christmas, feeling so cosy with him that it was making her just want to stay here for the rest of the day and watch a movie or something later rather than go back out.

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