Chapter 458

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It had been a long and strenuous day of meetings, dress fittings and brainstorming as Girls Aloud and the huge team of people they had managing them stayed in the hotel's conference room all day; it probably taking much longer than it should do due to the fact that the girls kept getting distracted either by Lily's adorable new puppy which livened up in the afternoon and kept running as fast as it could around the huge room whilst yapping excitedly, or they'd all suddenly start gossiping once one of them remembered something the others didn't know about due to most of them not having seen each other for such a long time, much to their management's despair. Cheryl had just ignored the subtle jibes that had been made concerning the fact that some things had been forced to move around and be rescheduled, such as the big press conference that was meant to be today but was now going to happen on Friday instead due to the fact that Cheryl had decided to go on holiday last week when they were actually supposed to have had this meeting, thinking she'd just let it go as she didn't want to spoil the happy, excitable atmosphere in the room as the girls looked through the schedule they had so far, which included some pretty exciting things it had to be said; shooting their new music video, working with Pandora to design their own charm bracelets, countless photo shoots and interviews, performing in front of the Queen for the Royal Variety performance, as well as performing at the Jingle Bell Ball at Wembley which Cheryl was told she'd be performing at as a solo act as well, making her very excited as she was determined to get as many of her tour dancers involved with that as possible so that they could have a little reunion. There was also a huge buzz around the fact that there was a 99% chance that the girls would be able to do an arena tour after Christmas if their reunion was well received, the big hype around them all getting together again by the fans and the media making it almost a certain that things would go well for them; plus, even though they hadn't formally discussed how long this reunion was going to last for, Cheryl and Kimberley had already conferred together how a big arena tour would probably be a nice way to celebrate the end of the incredible girl band they'd been lucky to be a part of for all these years, as they knew it couldn't last forever and they wanted to go out on a high rather than be forced to because of people losing interest, something all the girls agreed with deep down. Cheryl had also had a little giggling fit at the face that Sarah had pulled when it was announced to them that they'd be spending all day tomorrow in a dancing studio learning the choreography for their upcoming performances and video shoot, something that Cheryl was over the moon about as she'd quite happily spend every day learning new dances, however it was common knowledge in the group that dancing was literally Sarah's nightmare as she hated it with a passion and always struggled with remembering the steps, even if it was just a simple routine.

Throughout the day, Nicola and Kimberley had many little whispering sessions about the mystery ring that had appeared on Cheryl's wedding finger, thinking that even though it wasn't a diamond, it was actually much more Tre's style to go for something more classy and traditional if he had indeed proposed to Cheryl, making them not doubt their suspicions in the slightest. They were desperate to just ask her about it, but deliberately held themselves back as they wanted her to tell them herself and knew they'd obviously be a good reason for her not just announcing it to everybody when she'd first arrived that morning, knowing that if Cheryl and Tre were in fact engaged, it would have been a massive deal for her and not something she'd have taken on lightly, leaving them with no option but to frustratingly bite their tongues all day as they secretly watched Cheryl rubbing her thumb across the pearl every now and then or randomly smiling down at it when she thought nobody was looking, all give away signs that it wasn't just a pretty ring.

Kimberley had been allowed to leave around 5 'o' clock as she needed to go for a dance rehearsal for Strictly which she was now doing extremely well in and looked set to be in the final, having already told Cheryl that she was definitely up for sleeping over at hers tonight and gave Cheryl a little wink just before she left which made the dark haired beauty just giggle and shake her head, already having a feeling that Kim and Nicola knew or had some idea about what was going on due to the many funny looks they'd been giving her all day. When the meeting had finally finished for the rest of them around half 6, Nicola's answer to Cheryl asking if she was still coming over had been, 'yes I bloody am Missy', before she'd then jumped in her car to go home and grab a change of clothes, leaving Cheryl just smirking to herself as this was practically proof that she could never hide anything from two of her closest friends, making her just giggle with Lily as they climbed into the back of Steve's SUV to drop Lily off at her apartment quickly to get some clothes too, both of them looking forward to a good girly sleepover which would definitely give Cheryl a break at least from missing Tre so terribly.

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