Chapter 575

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"WOOO THAT WAS A DAMN GOOD RUN!...haha" the loud and enthusiastic voice of Tre burst through the house the next morning, followed by the gasping rasps of Gary who clearly hadn't enjoyed it nearly as much as Tre had done as the worn out Geordie stumbled into the lounge where Cheryl was sat enjoying a cup of tea, watching her brother literally sink to his knees before lying spread eagle on the floor, looking like he was about to keel over.

"Tre, I think you've killed need to take into account that Gary's legs are much shorter than yours and he lives on pizza and sausage rolls" Cheryl smirked when her much fitter husband strolled into the room soon after, there being beads of sweat covering his face and his red, baggy vest top was soaked to his skin, however he had the most beaming grin on his face as Tre always received a huge burst of endorphins whenever he had a proper workout, this being the main reason why he loved going for a run every morning as it just set him up nicely for the day and put him in a great mood.

"Haha...he did good!...he kept up at least...haha...normally he just ends up telling me to carry on whilst he turns around and comes're definitely getting fitter'll be ripped by the next time Sophie sees you...she'll never want to travel away from you ever again you little studmuffin...haha" Tre animatedly replied and playfully kicked Gary's foot as he just groaned on the floor, making Cheryl chuckle as she always found the states her brother would often find himself in rather amusing.

"Haha...hey you! Studmuffin's my be fair Gary, your calves really are looking pretty muscular these days, it's definitely working for you going out for these runs with him, so at least it's not for nothing" she smirked at Tre who stuck his tongue out back at her before she surprisingly paid her brother a nice compliment which wasn't exactly something she did on a regular basis, however Gary's only able response was to give her a thumbs up sign for the appreciation.

"Haha...I've been making him sprint up that hill, that's what's worked on his calves...bro, you'll get your breath back in like ten minutes and then you'll be absolutely buzzing about it, honest...haha...listen Chez, I'm gonna go and shower cos I stink...haha...and then should we open some of the presents from yesterday?...I'm in a gift opening mood...haha" Tre crouched down and patted Gary on the back which made him whine yet again whilst keeping his eyes firmly closed, amusing Tre greatly as he stood back up again and told Cheryl his plan as she sat still in her PJs after she'd had an extremely uncomfortable night and had barely got even a wink of sleep, meaning that today would definitely be a slow and relaxed day after all of the excitement of yesterday.

"Yeah that sounds nice...I started reading all of the little messages everybody wrote for us before, but then I started crying my eyes out so I thought I'd better stop...haha...Coco and Buster were looking very concerned bless them...haha" Cheryl smiled back at him and gave Coco a stroke as the little dog was resting on top of Cheryl's bump which was her new favourite place to lie as it was always nice and warm and the vibrations from the baby moving around seemed to be quite soothing for the Chihuahua.

"Haha...Coco's always looking concerned these days, she's more nervous than me!...haha...right, well I won't be long...keep an eye on Gary and just make sure he doesn't stop breathing or anything...haha...where's your mam by the way?...I haven't see her today" Tre joked as he looked down at Gary who now had Buster standing on his back wondering what on Earth he was doing lying on the floor.

"Kimberley came to pick her up to go into London for a bit...I think they were going to go and get that elephant fingerprint picture framed for me and to pick the baby shower photographs up from the studio, and then they'll probably have some lunch together as well knowing them two...haha...are you missing her like?" Cheryl explained and then smirked at him, Joan having come to stay for a while as Cheryl wanted her mother around for when the baby was born as she was really starting to feel like it could be at any minute really due to feeling so uncomfortable and sensing that the baby was getting into position properly which was why she was so restless all of the time.

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