Chapter 479

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When Cheryl's alarm had started beeping repeatedly at 6am the next morning, it was like each beep was an actual stab in her stomach as she instantly became aware of how sore her tummy was today, making her groan loudly as she sat up and felt around in the dark to turn her lamp on and switch the irritating din of the alarm off, wishing she just had the day to spend lazing about in bed rather than having literally a whole day of dancing nonstop, which she had no idea right now how she was ever going to get through due to her energy seeming to have hit rock bottom this morning, despite having had quite a long, uninterrupted sleep. "For fucks sake man..." she whined as she swung her legs to the edge of the bed out from under her thick white duvet, feeling like she had a stitch or something rather than actual stomach cramps, and could honestly say she'd never felt anything like this before apart from after a long run or something when a stitch would naturally occur, however right now there was no excuse for it as she'd spent a good nine or so hours not moving in the slightest as she'd been lying down obviously in a nice comfy bed.

<Good morning princess! Rise and shine...hope you slept well Chezzie bear :D I know you've got a super busy day, so don't worry about not having much time to chat, but just wanted to say good luck for learning your new routine and I hope you enjoy it :D I love you so much my gorgeous girl, not long now! Arghhh! Xxxxx>

Cheryl read her sweet good morning message which Tre had left for her as he did every morning without fail, it managing to actually tease a small smile from her as she texted him back to say she was up and how much she loved him too, missing out however that she was currently in absolute agony of course as she didn't want to spoil his own busy day by making him worry about her when there was nothing he could really do to help her from all the way over in New Orleans, before eventually she slowly stood up and winced at the jabbing sensation in the side of her stomach and how she'd suddenly felt very sick as soon as she was up on her feet, making her stand there for a few seconds just to let it calm back down again before she carefully made her way over to the bathroom to have a shower and get ready for the day; desperately hoping that Beth was going to be in a good mood and let her off for maybe not being able to put her all into it, as right now, just walking around made her feel like she was going to throw up, never mind doing anything strenuous.

After getting dressed in some black sweatpants and a neon purple, loose fitting vest top with a bright orange sports bra underneath which could be seen through the low down arm holes, Cheryl had managed to drink a coffee and grabbed a banana to take out with her as she couldn't stomach anything just yet but knew she'd have to eat at some point before dancing or she'd be passing out all over the place. It felt a bit surreal climbing into her big Range Rover this early in the morning without Gary there with her, as normally the only occasion they'd be up at this ungodly hour would be to go to work together, however she was still more than happy for him to have remained in Hawaii, as watching him with Sophie over the past week had really lifted Cheryl's spirits and made her genuinely hope that everything worked out great for them.

"Yeyyy! You're back!...Look Blue, it's your Aunty Chezza!...haha...mwah...did you have a nice time?!" Lily had cheerfully burst out when Cheryl had kindly picked her up at her apartment, letting Lily climb into the passenger seat with the Chihuahua puppy cradled in her arms like a little baby whilst she leaned across and pecked Cheryl on the cheek.

" was amazing! I didn't want to come home!, he's like twice the size he was last week already isn't he?! Stop growing so fast Blue, ya little tinker!...haha" Cheryl giggled as she bowed her head down towards the puppy who began licking her face all over, his little tail wagging away as he did so as he definitely seemed to remember her and knew he always got a lot of fuss from her.

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