Chapter 497

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When Gary wandered sluggishly into the lounge after his long journey from Hawaii, he literally looked like he'd been dragged through a hedge backwards as his dark brown hair stuck up in tufts facing all different directions, his clothes were all creased, and he had such big bags under his eyes that it actually made Cheryl physically burst out laughing at the state of him before she'd even said hello. Her brother however just ignored her really as he was more surprised about the fact that Tre was randomly sitting at the other end of the sofa from Cheryl when he was meant to be over in LA and wasn't due to arrive for another week, making Gary just pull a confused face at him whilst Tre sniggered back. "I wasn't expecting you to be here mate!...haha...good to see ya!" Gary grinned as he gave Tre a fist pump before collapsing down onto the other sofa to stretch his legs out, feeling like he'd been travelling for days and days and felt all stiff from sitting on the plane for so long too.

"Haha...yeah, change of plan you could was Hawaii then bro? We were starting to think you were never going to come back!" Tre chuckled in response and briefly glanced at Cheryl who was smirking back at him, just as Joan wandered in with some coffees that made Gary sit up straight away, in desperate need of a caffeine fix as he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Haha...I wouldn't have come back if I'd had the choice!...haha...I think I'd quite happily be able to live in Hawaii...going surfing every morning, practically living on the beach, scuba diving, jungle was brilliant!" Gary animatedly replied, there being a little twinkle returning to his eyes as he thought about what an amazing couple of weeks he'd just had, making Cheryl's dimples glow out as it was clear he seemed pretty happy about it all and so it had obviously gone well.

"And how's the gorgeous Sophie? she still the woman of your dreams?...haha" Cheryl grinned across at her brother with a cheeky expression on her face as she sat up and moved to lean against Tre who had wrapped his arm around her waist, smiling across at Gary too when the couple noticed his cheeks turn a little bit pink. "Aww, look at his face!...I'll take that as a big, fat yes then!...haha" she began giggling and crinkled her nose up at how bashful Gary had suddenly become as soon as she'd mentioned Sophie, making Joan just snigger and shake her head as she settled down with her coffee, always finding it amusing being audience to her children's conversations with each other.

"She's was definitely worth staying an extra week just to get to know her a bit more, put it that way...haha...I'm not talking about it in front of all you nosy lot though...haha...I'll tell you about it later" Gary smirked as he could tell they wanted to make him embarrassed, knowing how much he hated talking about relationship stuff and especially in front of a group of people who were all just staring at him right now.

"Haha...okay, fair enough...but are you going to see her again?...Can we officially say Sophie's your girlfriend?" Cheryl chuckled, understanding completely why he didn't want to talk about it just now, as she always felt very shy talking about this sort of stuff to people at the beginning of new relationships too, hoping he'd feel more comfortable about it if it was just him and Cheryl like it had been in Hawaii when she'd managed to make him admit that he genuinely liked Sophie and wanted something to happen with her.

"Haha...aye, you can officially say Soph's my girlfriend...I'm no longer the sad singleton in amongst all you mushy couples...haha" Gary had finally revealed which made Cheryl excitedly clap her hands and Tre playfully whoop whilst punching the air, making Gary just snigger and shake his head in despair whilst Joan affectionately ruffled his hair up. "Alright, shut up now please...haha...and I'm going to go over to Canada to visit her for a couple of weeks after Christmas if that's alright?...You normally have those first couple of weeks in January free anyway don't ya?" he told Cheryl, hoping it would be alright for him to go away again around that time, as she was never too busy just after Christmas and so he'd thought it would be the best time to arrange meeting up with Sophie again for a decent amount of time rather than just a few days.

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