Chapter 244

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Cheryl had been in a deep and peaceful sleep after her pretty tiring day, randomly dreaming about Independence Day back in New Jersey which had probably been sparked off by playing on the bouncy castle all afternoon, reminding her of the one that had been in Tre's aunt's garden. She could feel herself gradually starting to drift out of it however and hear a strange noise that seemed to be in the distance, before suddenly becoming awake enough to realise that it was the sound of Aaron crying over the baby monitor on her bedside table, making her open her eyes and give them a rub as she got her bearings. Cheryl reached across and turned the monitor off so that it wouldn't wake Tre up after noticing that it was only quarter to four in the morning, just being able to make out in the dark room his sleeping form next to her and could hear his quiet, steady breathing too that told her that he hadn't been disturbed by the baby's crying. Cheryl smiled to herself as she leaned across and softly kissed Tre's cheek before climbing out of bed, pulling her fluffy slipper boots on and then quietly made her way out of the room onto the landing, closing the door gently behind her.

Once Cheryl was out of the bedroom, she could hear Aaron crying more loudly as he was in the bedroom just two doors down from hers, the sound driving her to walk a bit faster as she hated hearing him upset. As soon as she strolled into the little guest bedroom, she switched the lamp on and hurried over to the beautiful white Moses basket by the wall and looked down at the crying little baby who had tiny tears around his eyes and was wriggling his arms and legs around, the sight of his adorable little face melting Cheryl's heart as she gazed down at him and rubbed his tiny hand. "Hey hey hey gorgeous...what are all these tears for eh?" she spoke in a calming voice as she reached into the basket and slowly picked him up, cuddling him into her chest as she stroked his back soothingly and kissed the side of his face as she tried to stop him from crying. "You're getting your little pink cheeks all wet ya silly Billy!" she smiled as she continued cuddling him, hearing him starting to settle back down again. "Fancy a drink handsome?...was that a yes?" Cheryl smirked as she began making her way back towards the door with him safely in her arms, Aaron now just making little whining noises instead of crying. "Yeah?'s a date, come on...don't go telling Tre though, he'll get jealous...especially as you're so good looking!" she joked around as the two of them went downstairs together happily.

Buster and Coco were looking extremely confused as their sleepy heads popped up out of their dog basket in the kitchen where they'd been curled up together, wondering why Cheryl was wandering around in the middle of the night with a strange bundle in her arms that was making peculiar noises. Gillian had left some bottles of milk in the fridge which Cheryl went straight over to and grabbed one to warm up for him, giggling at the noises that Aaron was making as he'd put his fist into his mouth and seemed to be sucking on it. "What ya doing ya little plonker?!...haha...don't eat your own hand, ya can't be that hungry!" Cheryl chuckled as she bowed her head down and kissed his forehead, thinking he looked so cute with the little tears now drying up around his eyes and with his warm, pink cheeks glowing back at her. "Yow yow yow yow..." she began copying him, finding him so funny as his twinkling eyes gazed into hers and his tiny nose scrunched up as he still had his hand stuffed in his mouth. "Do you need changed yet or not whilst we're waiting for this?" she asked out loud as she lifted him up into the air in front of her and smelled his nappy, pulling a face as he quite obviously did. "Oh well this is gonna be fun, tinker!...come on, let's freshen you up and then you can have some nice warm milk, and then we'll have a little cuddle yeah?...that sound good?...and then you should really try and go back to sleep, cos it's not time to get up yet sunshine" she talked away softly to him as she carried Aaron into the lounge where Gillian had left his big changing bag, the two little dogs following her and still looking slightly puzzled.

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