Chapter 202

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The next morning, Cheryl woke up naturally after having a nice, long night's sleep, already feeling so much more refreshed before she'd even opened her eyes. After sleeping in Tre's giant hoody all night, she was extremely warm and it seemed to be a hot day outside too which wasn't helping, and so she quietly climbed out of bed, smiling as she looked at Tre who was still fast asleep with his arms stretched up and his hands behind his head as if he was just chilling. Cheryl crept over to his wardrobe and grabbed a t-shirt to put on instead, having to wait for Lily to come around later with her own clothes, but felt much cooler once she'd pulled the big, snug hoody off and replaced it with the short sleeved, light top. She winced slightly as she opened the bedroom door which creaked loudly, leading to her looking around to see if it had disturbed Tre, however luckily he still seemed lost to the world and so she carried on tiptoeing her way out and made her way to the bathroom.

Despite everything that had happened over the last couple of days, Cheryl really did love spending time here and felt so comfortable and content in Tre's apartment already. As she wandered back out of the bathroom shortly afterwards, she grabbed Tre's empty lager can that was still on the coffee table and took it over to the kitchen to put in the bin before pouring herself a glass of fresh orange juice and then wandered back over to his recliner chair which she curled herself up on and began texting Kimberley, knowing that with the time difference this would be a good time to chat, as for her it would be the afternoon.

<Hi hot ass :P what you been up to? Miss you :( xxx> Cheryl sent whilst sipping her juice as she looked around, waiting for her to reply.

<Bella!!! Missing you lots and lots like jelly tots you dimple faced beauty!!! Lol I'm good, me n Justin are actually going away for a week to the South of France tomorrow :D we just randomly decided yesterday and booked it up lmao I'm going to be starting Strictly soon, so we thought it would be nice to have a week together before I'm busy all the time again, I'm excited!!!! Xxxx>

<Oh!!! I'm jealous lol that sounds wicked babe! Ok then, but to make me feel a bit better about you going on holiday when I'm not, you need to ask Justin to take a photo of your bum in a bikini and send it to me, deal? :P xxx>

<lmjao get lost you perve! Xxxx>

<Why have you put a j in lmao you lemon? Xxx>

<Cos it's laughing my juicy ass off ;p You're in LA anyway, how can you be jealous of me going on holiday?! Xxxx>

<lol I love it! I'll use that from now on! :D wey it's rained here loads recently actually, it looks nice today though, but I'll be in rehearsals anyway so I suppose it doesn't make any difference lol No tan topping up for me! Xxxx>

<The rain always follows you doesn't it?! I'm always on edge whenever we go away together cos I always think it's gonna rain cos you're bloody there! Lol Nic told me that you and Tre had a bit of a falling out the other day, what happened? You two aren't allowed to fight, I don't like it! xxx>

<Oh we're ok...I'm at his now actually, he's still asleep lol I'm sat in his lazy boy chair, I think he thinks he's Joey Tribbiani from Friends lmao xxx>

<lol I can imagine him with a proper boy's bachelor pad and everything :P but why did you fall out? It would be like 2 Golden Retrievers having a fight, you're both too nice to fight about things! Xxxx>

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