Chapter 50

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Cheryl literally bounced out of the car as soon as her driver dropped her, Tre and Gary off at the rehearsal studio in London, there always being a buzz of excitement floating around whenever Cheryl was starting something new, meaning that everybody was looking forward to all of the new choreography they were starting today to go with her new music as she launched the next era of her hugely successful career. Despite having a day of dancing ahead of her, Cheryl was still looking her usual fashionable and cool self as she wore some loose, black harem style jogging pants that were sort of her trademark style these days, along with a bright orange vest top too that contrasted amazingly with her bronze coloured skin and her long, brown wavy hair which was draped over one shoulder, giving her that feminine touch. Tre couldn't help but smile widely at how excited she was to get into rehearsals as he pulled his army patterned snapback onto his head and followed her in with Gary, who muttered "...and you really want to be with that?!" to which Tre jokingly punched him in the arm whilst laughing.

Cheryl could hear Beth's voice down the corridor practically straight away and screamed at the top of her voice "Ty!!!" when he suddenly appeared out of one of the studios a short distance away, looking ready for a hard day of training too as he wore some baggy, black shorts and a white vest top which showed off all of the tattoos covering his muscular arms which Cheryl was always obsessed with, being a tattoo fan herself.

"Hey Chez!!!...How are you babe?!" Tyrell shouted back cheerfully whilst beaming from ear to ear as she ran down the corridor towards him and gave him a big hug.

"I'm great thanks!...haha...I'm so happy you were able to come's gonna be wicked!...Did Tre tell ya that we're doing Wembley as well?!" she grinned as he chuckled at her enthusiasm, this being exactly why he loved working with Cheryl so much.

"Oh my God, yeah!...That is seriously gonna be sick ain't it? little superstar!...haha" he joked and playfully poked her in the stomach as she pouted back at him and shook her head, never being one to accept how famous and successful she actually was. "Where is Tre anyway the bastard?!...I was banging on his door for ages this morning!...I had to give up in the end!" Tyrell asked, making Cheryl bite her bottom lip as she hadn't even thought about the other dancers wondering where Tre would be when he'd been supposed to be at the hotel with them all that morning.

"Aww...haha...he came over to mine sorry...I thought he'd have texted you at least!...haha" she laughed as Tre suddenly came strolling around the corner, having been filling up his water bottle with ice from the dispenser in the reception area.

"What you cackling at?!" Tre shouted to her with a big grin on his face as he walked over to them with Gary.

"You being an inconsiderate bell end by not telling poor Tyrell that you weren't at the hotel this morning!" Cheryl stuck her tongue out at him as he opened his mouth wide, pretending to be shocked.

"Haha...sorry bro, I was kidnapped in the middle of the night by this possessive Geordie girl!" he smirked as Cheryl frowned sarcastically, before kicking him in the leg.

"Haha...get off you little nerd!" Tre laughed whilst quickly grabbing her foot so that she was forced to hop up and down on the spot, giggling away hysterically as she did so.

"Yeah right! I bet she didn't need to persuade you that much!" Tyrell grinned at the couple play fighting, getting a wink from Tre that proved his point exactly.

20 minutes later, the four of them had finally joined Beth and the rest of the dancers in the huge studio that they were using to learn all of the incredible routines that Beth had created for them. Cheryl had felt a bit intimidated when she'd first walked in to be met by a huge group of around 15 dancers, male and female, who had immediately started staring at her as soon as she'd arrived. They'd all smiled and waved at her before introducing themselves and seemed like a really friendly bunch, but Cheryl still hated the feeling of being the centre of attention; ironic seeing as she was a popstar. After all of the introductions etc which Beth orchestrated, they all found spaces in the studio to stretch out and warm up, knowing from experience how hard Beth would work them and how full on Cheryl's routines always were, meaning that they needed to be fully prepared in order to not injure themselves or anything on the very first day.

"Babe, you're so shy sometimes!" Tre smiled whilst speaking to Cheryl quietly as they stretched in the corner together with Tyrell nearby, having noticed how timid she'd seemed when she'd been saying hello to everybody before, being nothing like most artists he'd worked with in the past who were always very confident and liked to show off.

"I know, I can't help it...I didn't realise there was gonna be so many of seems a lot for little old me!...haha" Cheryl giggled softly as Tre pulled a cute face, loving how adorable and humble she was being.

"Little old you!...haha...You're a pretty big deal you know Chez! dancers know now that they're gonna get a great routine if they work with're in high demand babe" he grinned before pulling his arm around his back to stretch his muscles out whilst Cheryl pouted and shook her head at him, leading to him nodding vigorously at her in return, making her giggle. "Come here you big baby!" he held his arms out to give her a cuddle. "Are you alright with these guys knowing about us?" Tre smiled as she had her arms wrapped around him tightly whilst he buried his head into her neck, them not having discussed really how public they wanted to go with all of this yet.

"Yeah, it's too much effort trying to hide it when we're gonna be in the same room for hours on end!...haha" she giggled, thinking it was probably obvious to the other dancers anyway by now as the two of them stood cuddling each other like this. "Hopefully none of them will tell the press though..." she sighed out, wishing there was a way of them never having to go public as that tended to be when things would always start to go wrong for her, however this was just her life and so she had to get on with it whether she liked it or not, leading to her standing back in front of him as Tre stroked her arm affectionately and smiled at her.

"Right, come on shorty!...Let's smash this!" he spoke enthusiastically whilst holding his hand out which she fist pumped before he did the same to her open hand too.

"Have you two got your own little hand thing going on?!" Gary called from the bench he was sat on by the wall, there being a disgusted expression on his face too after he'd just spotted what they'd just done.

"Yeah, cos we're cool like that, loser!" Cheryl yelled back playfully, making Tre and Tyrell burst out laughing whilst Gary held his finger up in the shape of an 'L', shaking his head in disapproval.

6 hours later, Beth finally turned the music off and clapped her hands together excitedly. "What a great first rehearsal guys! Seriously...that was amazing! We're picking it up fast!...I'm gonna let you go now to get some rest, but tomorrow morning at 9 again if you please ladies and gentlemen...oh and you Chez!" she joked, making Cheryl pull a sarcastic face back whilst sticking her middle finger up as the rest of the dancers all laughed at her. Throughout the day, Cheryl had gotten the chance to chat with quite a few of the dancers and had felt much more comfortable as they were all really friendly and treat her like normal, which she always appreciated.

"Tre!..." Cheryl whined whilst wandering over to him as he stood in the corner with his rucksack, chatting to Tyrell whilst they drank some water and re-hydrated themselves after working so hard all morning and afternoon.

"Yes Cheryl" he simply replied, smirking at the tone of her voice.

"What ya doing now?...Are ya gannin back to your hotel, or...what?" she asked curiously whilst bending down to pick her bag up too.

"Erm...well I was gonna go back to the hotel cos I haven't got any clothes for rehearsals tomorrow" he told her which brought out a disappointed look to appear on Cheryl's face straight away which both Tyrell and Tre noticed, making them both smile. "...but why don't you come back with us as well babe?...We could all go out for something to eat...maybe go to the cinema?...Ask Gary too" he went on to suggest with a smirk on his face after he'd always been going to ask her anyway, causing a much happier look to take over her stunning face instead.

"Yeyyy!...that sounds nice!...haha...Okay, I'll go and ask him now!" Cheryl answered cheerfully and clapped her hands together excitedly, leaving Tre and Tyrell just chuckling at her as they watched her run over to Gary who was talking to Beth, and only a few seconds later she turned back around to Tre and gave him the thumbs up, making him laugh.

"Arghh...she's so damn sweet!" he groaned to Tyrell who just chuckled, patting Tre on the back as it was clear how besotted he was with her, before they both strolled over to the door and waited for Cheryl and Gary so that they could set off for the hotel.

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