Chapter 12

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"Oh come on Lily, PLEASE!!!...I don't want to go by myself!" Cheryl pleaded, looking like she was on the brink of a tantrum as she stood in the doorway to Lily's bedroom, having spent the whole morning rehearsing and had just returned to the villa to find Lily still in bed after it had been Gary's turn to accompany her to the studio today.

"Sorry Chez, but I really feel awful!...My head feels like it's gonna split open and it's making me feel so sick babe...Gary will go with you though!" Lily moaned and stuck out her bottom lip to try and get some sympathy.

"Ohhh!!!...are you seriously gonna make me go to this party, which is likely to be full of mainly guys who I've never met before, all by myself?!" she complained whilst pretending to bang her head off the door frame out of frustration, which just made Lily smirk at what a kid Cheryl could be at times.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to!'s only a house party Chez!" she laughed at how stressed out Cheryl was getting over something so small.

"I know!... but I want to go! Just not by myself!'s nice for them to invite us, it would be rude not to!" she replied with her lips pouted moodily, not really liking the idea of going without Lily as she had a feeling that she'd probably be one of the only women there, and so knew she'd be incredibly shy if she didn't have Lily with her to stick with throughout the night.

"Well Tre and obviously Tyrell will be there, so you can just hang out with them can't you?...and you'll have Gary as well, so it'll be fine!" Lily groaned whilst snuggling into her pillow to show Cheryl that she definitely wasn't changing her mind.

"You suck Lils!" Cheryl groaned, throwing a cushion at her in defeat when she realised she wasn't getting anywhere with her. "Tre and Tyrell will be talking to their mates, and it's just sad to hang out with your brother at a flaming party!" she turned and complained moodily, shutting Lily's door behind her before she wandered out onto the porch and reclined onto one of the sun loungers as the evening began setting in.

<Hey Ty, sorry but I don't think I'm gonna make it tonight, Lily isn't very well and I don't really want to go without her cos I'm not gonna know anyone :( Thank you so much for inviting us though, defo next time, I promise! xx >

Cheryl lay back and closed her eyes, feeling a bit disappointed as she thought about what she was going to do for the rest of the evening now instead of going out as planned, having actually been looking forward to it in a strange sort of way even though it wasn't really her sort of thing anyway. <Aww what?! No way! Hope Lily is OK though, but it's up to you, if you change your mind just pop by babe :D > Cheryl read the message, sighing as she had actually been looking forward to it after having spent every night since they arrived just at the villa, having thought a relaxed party on the beach would be a nice change of scenery for them all.

About twenty minutes later, Cheryl's phone buzzed again on the kitchen worktop, triggering her to make her way back to it from the fridge where she'd been looking to see what she could make for dinner.

<Hey Missy! What's this Tyrell tells me of you not coming tonight?! Please come, it would be cool to hang out outside of work for once, and you seemed really excited about it this morning :( Come on, I know you want to really! (Puppy dog eyes) lol >

Cheryl laughed at Tre's message and quickly texted back; <Aww I'm sorry, it's just Lily isn't gonna come cos she isn't well n I'm not gonna know anyone else am I? :'( And puppy dog eyes don't really work when I can't see them, numpty :p>

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