Chapter 69

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Cheryl absolutely loved being back up in the North East where she'd grown up and where all of her roots were; the sights, sounds and smells were so familiar to her that she instantly felt at home and was immediately put into such a great, exhilaratingly happy mood, so much so that even Lily's sly little jokes about the other night weren't even fazing her. Although she was literally bursting at the seams to get all of the radio interviews out of the way so that she could just go to her sister's house, Cheryl was thoroughly enjoying herself being surrounded by her own Geordie accent as the radio presenters interviewed her, all telling her how proud of her they were and saying how amazing the new single and album were too. Cheryl practically spent the whole morning laughing her head off during the interviews as Lily chuckled along as well, reading Cheryl's Twitter feed which consisted of the soldiers gushing over how happy their idol seemed and how funny she was being on the radio; it having been a long time really since she'd done any new interviews after all, meaning that everybody had genuinely missed her. 

"There's so much love for you right now on Twitter Cheryl!" one of the radio presenters told her during the last interview of the day.

"Aww...bless them! I love them all too!...I've really missed all you soldiers out there...big virtual hugs to you all!" she giggled as the presenter also chuckled along with her, Cheryl's happiness always being infectious to all those around her due to how brightly her dimples would beam and how sparkly her brown eyes would become.

"So...with all this soldier love bouncing around this there possibly any more love going on in your life right now?...Any special guy out there at the moment for you?" he joked, delving for information as Cheryl smirked back at him, shaking her head vigorously whilst pouting her lips.

" tell me!'s normally you lot who find out about my life before me anyway isn't it?!...haha...Why does it have to be a special guy out there anyway?!" Cheryl cheekily winked at the webcam that was in front of her, making the presenter laugh as she was always fun to have in and would give as good as she got.

"Haha...Okay, what about a special girl then?!...haha...I think you've probably just made a million guys out there listening pass out Cheryl!...haha" the presenter sniggered whilst pretending to wipe his brow as Cheryl continued giggling cutely, all the while Lily and Gary sat by the side, shaking their heads at her losing the plot.

"Haha...nah, today's all about soldier love...I hope they're all enjoying the album!...I know they've patiently waited long enough!" she eventually managed to say whilst swiftly dodging the question in the process as the presenter raised one eyebrow at her before moving on with the interview, knowing when he wasn't going to get anymore information out of her on the subject of her love life.

Once she'd finally finished the last interview, Cheryl bounced excitedly out to the car with a beaming smile on her face, desperate now to be dropped off at Gillian's after feeling like she'd literally been waiting all day. "COME ON, COME ON, COME ON!!!" she bossily shouted back at Lily who'd been signing some documents back in the radio station with Gary before following her out into the small carpark outside, the thing Cheryl loved most about visiting radio stations outside of London being that they'd be no paparazzi waiting for her every time she finished an interview. 

"Alright, we're coming!...Calm down you nutter!...haha" Lily laughed as Cheryl sat in the car waiting, waving her hand excitedly for them to hurry up so that they could get going.

"You know what's funny as well?!...I bet ya that you and Gill will be fighting by the end of the night!" Gary smirked as they climbed into the car and set off, knowing how much his two sisters loved each other, but also knew how feisty they both were and how they would more often than not deliberately wind each other up.

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