Chapter 474

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"Haha...Lily's all in love, bless her...haha" Cheryl began giggling away to herself as she lay on a sun lounger next to her mother out on a stunningly gorgeous, white sandy beach in Hawaii, the crystal blue sky making the turquoise waters of the ocean sparkle in front of them as the scorching sun shone down to warm their skin whilst the two women enjoyed their afternoon of sunbathing.

"Aww is she back now like?" Joan looked up from the book she was reading, pulling her sunglasses up to sit on the top of her head so that she could see her daughter properly who was currently smiling at her phone as she texted Lily back, Cheryl's adorable dimples glowing on her increasingly tanned skin which had turned a beautiful golden colour as it was building on top of the tan she'd already still had from the Maldives.

"She's just sat in the airport apparently getting ready to get on the plane, so she's just said goodbye to him I think...he must have shown her a good time though, she's gone all soppy!, read this...don't be a cow and scroll up to our past messages though" Cheryl cheerfully explained before giving her mischievous mother a stern warning with her eyes as she passed over her phone, knowing how nosy Joan could be and didn't really want her reading some of the messages she and Lily had sent to each other, as they could sometimes be quite naughty at times and not really the kind of stuff she'd want her own mother to know about; although after the handcuffs business, it couldn't really get any worse.

"Eeee, ya have no trust in me sometimes Cheryl...tut tut...haha" Joan had jokingly replied and tutted at her as she took the phone, pretending to be shocked that her daughter could even suggest that she'd do such a thing like that, leading to her then spotting Cheryl roll her eyes as she reached towards the little wooden table they had in between them for her icy cold lemon drink she'd been sipping on to keep herself cool in the scorching temperature they were basking in.

<Crap crap crap! I've completely fallen in love with him Chez! He's been absolutely amazing!!! I'm not even joking here, I'm literally on the verge of crying whilst I'm sat here in the airport, I feel like a right dick! I never bloody cry about boys! :o I can't wait to tell you all about it, I've had the best time ever with him :D Hurry up and come home please! Luv ya xxx>

"Awww...haha...she sounds besotted!...haha...the poor girl spends too much time with you by the sounds of it...this is how you go on about Tre all of the time!" Joan crinkled her nose up after reading Lily's cute message, it being lovely to hear how happy she was and to hear that she'd clearly had a very good time going over to visit Fefe, as Cheryl had just been saying to her mother the other day about how she was wondering how they were getting on after spending their first chunk of time apart and then seeing each other again, hoping with everything she had that Lily and Fefe hadn't lost that exciting spark between them that they'd shared before having to go their separate ways, as Cheryl really did think they were absolutely great together.

"Haha...I can just imagine her desperately trying not to actually cry out in public, she hates it...haha...I'm so happy for her though, I honestly think Fefe's so great for her...he's like a different person when he's with Lily, he goes really sweet bless him!...and like when he had to suddenly meet her parents on the tour, like he took it so seriously and was dead worried about it and everything, like wanting it to all go perfectly and for them to approve of him and stuff, he was adorable...haha...I wonder what's suddenly made her go all lovey dovey like this though! Normally she just takes the piss out of him...haha" Cheryl smiled away as she took her phone back before her mother had a chance to go snooping around at some of the dodgy things she had floating around on it, Cheryl feeling like she really wanted to have a good gossip with Lily now and hear all about it as it definitely seemed like Lily's attitude had changed or something, and that now what had previously been quite a casual, laid back relationship with Fefe, had suddenly become a lot more serious.

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