Chapter 301

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"RIGHT CHEZ, BETH SAYS I CAN HEAD OFF NOW, SO I'M GOING BABE!" Tre called as he ran over to Cheryl who was sat chilling out on the mountain of safety mats having a drink with Brya, after Beth had finally stopped them for a quick break, all of them having danced constantly for hours.

"No you're not! Rawrrr!" she playfully grabbed him into a head lock as soon as he'd reached her and began knuckling his head whilst he laughed hysterically, trying to push himself away from her by putting his hands either side of her thighs on the mat, but she was freakishly strong and stopped him from barely moving at all.

"Hahahaha...ARGHHH! Chez ya nutter, get off me!...hahahaha...BRYA, HELP!" Tre cried out whilst Cheryl continued giggling uncontrollably at herself as his head collapsed down onto her lap due to him laughing so much too.

"Hahaha...Okay, okay, ya big softy...up you get before you start crying like a little baby" Cheryl mocked him in a silly voice as Tre stood back up, trying to stop chuckling still and had to wipe his eyes as he had sparkling tears in them. "Doesn't Tre have such a pretty face Brya?...look at how perfect it you pretty boy...mwah!" she smirked as she held Tre's face in her hands whilst he screwed it up, feeling embarrassed as the two girls stared at him with cheesy grins spread from ear to ear; she did give him a big kiss on the lips however which made him smile again before she pushed his face playfully away from her.

"Aww...are you blushing Walter?...haha...I bet he hates you sometimes Chez...haha" Brya chuckled as she watched Tre looking down whilst smiling as he stood in between Cheryl's legs, whilst she just began playing with his hands and giggled at how awkward he looked with the two girls taking the Mick out of him.

" don't hate me, do you babe?...haha...he loves being fussed over when we're by ourselves, he can't get enough of it...he's like a puppy dog...haha" Cheryl smiled cheekily whilst giving Brya a wink, both of them enjoying winding him up as he continued not making eye contact with them, hating being the focus of attention. "Haha...aww okay, I'll stop now Trezzle...but you do have a face that should be mounted on a wall...just saying" she giggled which made him finally look back up with a mischievous expression on his face.

"You can mount me on the wall any time, babydoll" he turned the tables on her and seductively bit his bottom lip as he watched Cheryl's eyes widen and made Brya collapse into fits of laughter. "Hahaha...who's blushing now, rosy cheeks?!" he sniggered as Cheryl began going red from him saying that when they were in company with someone else, but she couldn't help but smirk still and shake her head in despair at him, before squealing as he suddenly leaned against her and pushed her to lie back on the mats whilst he began showering her face in kisses.

Cheryl began giggling adorably as she held onto Tre's strong, muscular arms that were holding him up either side of her whilst he kissed all around her face, finally settling on her soft, pink lips which led to her instantly kissing him back, feeling his tongue softly caress her own. "Whoa you it for later you randy beasts...hahaha" Brya laughed at the kissing couple next to her, playfully slapping Tre's back as he ignored her and continued making out with his girlfriend who wasn't taking any notice either due to it feeling so good; he really was the best kisser ever Cheryl thought to herself.

"YOU NEED TO THROW COLD WATER OVER THEM WHEN THEY START DOING THAT BRYA...VOCAL COMMUNICATION STOPS WORKING ONCE THEY GET TO THAT STAGE!" Lily jokingly shouted over the studio as she spotted the young dancer laughing at Cheryl and Tre who had slipped into their own loved up world.

"Haha...YO GUYS! STOP!!!...haha...jheeze, I feel like I could get pregnant just from watching you! I'm off!...hahaha" Brya chuckled as she pushed Tre's shoulder, only to be totally ignored again by him even though Cheryl had begun giggling against his lips after hearing her funny comment, whilst Brya jumped down and ran off to laugh with Lily who was in hysterics in the other corner at the fact that the couple had actually scared the young dancer away.

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