Chapter 88

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Tyrell ended up staying at Cheryl's house with Tre most of the day once they'd set up Gary's Xbox and become completely consumed in the world of Halo, it only being when the front door suddenly opened and then shut again and the voices of Cheryl, Lily and Gary being heard from the hallway broke through into their consciousness did they finally put their controllers down. "Damn...we've being playing that for like 3 hours bro!...haha" Tyrell chuckled after looking at his watch whilst Tre pulled a face, not having realised how much time had been passing whatsoever.

"Hey you two, had a nice day?" Cheryl smiled cheerfully as she suddenly wandered into the lounge, making Tre's eyes nearly pop out of their sockets as she wore a tight fitting, little black dress, her makeup having been done to give her a smoky eye effect, and her newly dyed hair was an extremely dark brown colour now and had been made wavy so that it hung loosely over her shoulders, looking absolutely amazing. Tyrell wolf whistled straight away, making Cheryl mouth the words 'shut up', whilst Tre remained sat on the sofa, simply staring at her with a gormless expression on his face.

"Haha...put your eyes back in bro!" Tyrell punched him in the arm, bringing him back to his senses as Cheryl shook her head in despair whilst pouting as she could feel herself on the verge of blushing.

" look amazing babe!...look at your hair!!'re so beautiful!" Tre stammered as Tyrell and Lily burst out laughing at him for literally turning into a soppy puppy dog in front of them all. 

"Alright Tre, just remember there's other people around yeah!...haha" Cheryl giggled as she walked over to him and sat on his lap whilst he continued looking completely awestruck by her beauty.

"Haha...I'm sorry, you just look stunning...your hair looks awesome!" he grinned as she bowed her head down and quickly kissed him on the lips, making him chuckle softly. "I feel like we need to go out or something! seems a shame you sat in the house looking this good...should we all go out for something to eat?" Tre suggested all of a sudden, still not being able to take his eyes off his stunning girlfriend whilst lightly stroking his hand over her bare thigh just below her fitted black dress.

"Haha...Tre, you're such a Wally!" Cheryl giggled, thinking he was majorly overreacting as he began twirling the ends of her hair with his fingers.

"I'm serious!...Guys, should we go out for a meal?!" he called to the rest of them who were all chatting away together to try and distract themselves from the lovey dovey pair they were in the presence of.

"Hey, I'm up for that!" Gary immediately chipped in, never one to turn down good food.

"Yeah, sounds good to me too! I'm starving!" Lily grinned as Tyrell agreed as well, not having really had anything since his pizza during the afternoon.

"See, I'm not a Wally!...Everyone wants to go, so ha!" Tre stuck his tongue out at Cheryl, making her laugh adorably as she gazed back at him with her captivating, smoky eyes.

"Okay, fair enough then Mr smug...haha...go and get changed, I'll ring a restaurant and book us all a table" she grinned before kissing him again and then let him stand up, feeling his hand graze her bum as he passed with a cheeky smile on his face which just made her shake her head.

"Where are you booking Chez?" Lily asked curiously as they sat in Cheryl's bedroom a short while later where Lily was putting some makeup on after borrowing a dress from Cheryl's wardrobe, feeling the need to make an effort since Cheryl was looking all glamorous still from the shoot.

"I really fancy Nobu...we haven't been there for ages" she replied as Lily danced excitedly in her seat. " I'll take that as a definite yes from you!...haha...Everyone likes Nobu don't they? I'll just book it" Cheryl chuckled as she began dialling the number to reserve a table for them all, before noticing Lily awing over the cards she'd received from Tre which she kept on her dressing table.

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